Quote Originally Posted by bulletsanddoves View Post
idk, in my experience it takes somebody with like Fe demonstrative but Fi valuing (like SEEs) that helps IEI with a lot of Fi crap. (helping them be more empathetic with Fi valuers , IEI is already very good at Fi- but helping them value/show compassion & empathy for those who value it more directly & strongly.) . My benefactor (ESI) is also good at helping me with it. Deltas don't share any valued function with betas and we often need a third party of an alpha or gamma to bridge the gap.

So maybe your own semi-dual or benefactor can assist you in the same way. Though I've personally never had any problems with you despite you clearly being very delta.
Youve actually been insightful and helpful to me in this thread. So, thank you!

And of course, I have no problem with you or any IEI. I just can't seem to crack our miscommunication problems. I suppose these things are at the heart of socionics and why some relationships are easier or more fluid than others.

Sometimes I wish I had a magical Beta Hat.