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Thread: Deltas, offensive humour, and the likes.

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    Default Deltas, offensive humour, and the likes.

    I think the title is pretty self explanatory. I'm wondering if Deltas (especially EIIs) are as much of an innocent flower as they are generally perceived to be. What is their relatonship with excessive cussing? What about cussing for the sake of cussing itself? And offensive humour? How do they/you feel about it?

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    EII avoid to do anything offensive. base Fi is directed on emotional harmony

  3. #3


    @Penny Dreadful You're all little bitches.
    I find what sol said to be true though. I'll only be offensive when I know I won't offend or hurt, or when I somehow get to the conclusion I need to speak the truth.

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    I don't meet many who do the things you mention, but sure they can exist. I only know one EII who swears, or more appropriately, 'cusses' and I find her a bit of a mystery, and I'm generally hesitant to approach her. Sometimes I wonder if i've typed her correctly, but generally I come back to EII.

    I think @reverie was a good example of the type of Fi base, especially can be see in EII, as one EII I work with described herself to me, she's 'classy', which i'd agree with. No rude behavior etc, but more so peaceful and still emotions, it's relaxing for me.

    An EII male friend, he wasn't really into cussing, but he was fairly tolerant of it in others. I think he's tolerant up to a point, before internally it puts him off.

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    Closeness x intensity of context play will in here. Tailoring this to Delta it comes down to evaluating who they can curse with or not. Estimating the other's stance and your own in combination is not so easy though. You'll have to go through the perceiving element first to size up the person's character to know how far they can go, again this is complex. And then you look at yourself and draw that boundary, which can set the benchmark already. Same goes for offensive humor which decides about: is it harmful, is it not? Can it be used therefore, or not? If the former case happens it's not unusual: Vengeance, after all, is still - the most feared grudge of the socion. It's only a decision of nerve and the amount of inflicted damage that could possibly happen, that is going to be estimated by once more.

    TL;DR: Looking at potential to offend, that's in a nutshell so you got the NFs covered. They'd rather not or use it wisely given that they already have so many thoughts about this since their ego functions cover it perfectly. Once you reflect it twice, cursing is not an unquestioned habit anymore. I myself keep it to different contexts, it really depends though the rule is to ask the conscience first which usually says: meh, not that. Romantic > public context for me, I put the squeeze on a significant other when I see they have nothing against it.

    Now the STs. SLI - 50/50. Cursing is emotion, emphasis, impassioned retorts, no-filter, so not really since they skip . It may be unintentional, on the other hand, they cannot control their tempers if they arise. LSE - oh yes, I can see it. Likely the person with the strongest vocabulary in Delta And EII as their dual with the weakest vocabulary, so you know how it goes (EII, surprisingly, wins at the end).

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    they cant stand it haha. delta are all about being civilised and courteous. they try not to offend anyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    EII avoid to do anything offensive. base Fi is directed on emotional harmony
    Not beeing offensive is also related to being -vulnerable and / or Enneagram type 9.
    People with E core type 9 are most likely the most non-offensive.

    Low means al least not engaging or parcticipating at interpersonal physical fights.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Not beeing offensive is also related to being -vulnerable and / or Enneagram type 9.
    People with E core type 9 are most likely the most non-offensive.
    ^good point with E9, agreed. E1 might also play in, and E5.

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    what is offensive is subjective, EII just have a heigtened awareness of the dynamic and generally feel obligated to not standby in the case of violations but in order to be consistent they try not to use force, so they try to create "policies" to get ahead of it, to cut it off before it happens and this takes the form of sermonizing and lecturing and so forth which creates the perception they are preoccupied with being offended, but its more like they just want things not get to the level where people are resorting to fist fights or whatever (in other words, everyone gets offended) so they take up time prior to that happening to engage in the ethical debate. i.e.: cool blood over in the heat of passion. for another type to engage in this sort of ethical discourse they'd have to be sufficiently agitated first, so it creates the projection EIIs are constantly agitated over the issue, but they're really just more thoughtful and intentional in how they handle it. the actual underlying values: bad language or not, etc all that shit is individual to the person. people just remember those cases and identify EII with it in the same way they identify every type with varying colorful stereotypes

    also profanity is actually associated with intelligence. another way to put it is heightened ethics and intelligence leads to knowing precisely how to leverage language to make your point, and profanity is a strong component of that, because it operates to grab people's attention. strategically grabbing peoples attention in order to direct them to the most important and pressing aspects is a sophisticated form of cognition, it implicates the extroverted judging functions. its probably why Te/Fe are associated with dominant personalities

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    I don't cuss, and to me those who do it excessively are just saying "I lack a sufficient vocabulary to express myself."
    I also don't like vulgar humor.
    But there is a kind of biting wit that I can appreciate. Offensive humor is sometimes funny. It depends how easily a person is offended and whether it was offensive to them in particular.
    It's good when it's a joke that would be quite offensive to some people, but not to anyone present. Or when it's mildly offensive to someone, but between friends and all in good fun.
    But it should be offensive because it's true, or because it could be true. Offensive lies are not funny.
    And it's all in the delivery.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    it's a matter of being aware of the company that you're in. personally, i swear naturally when i talk or type (whether from being raised in a house of all boys, from immersion in drug culture, or whatever else idk but i naturally curse and appreciate the punctuation and style that swears add to a persons way of talking) and generally i only really laugh at well crafted offensive/shocking humor or particularly vulgar and amusing ways of saying things. but i do not enjoy offending people or seeing others offended and am not comfortable with it, so i'm aware of the sensibilities of those i'm talking to and adjust accordingly.
    Last edited by bgbg; 12-16-2017 at 08:25 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bgdjf View Post
    it's a matter of being aware of the company that you're in. personally, i swear by nature (whether from being raised in a house of all boys, from immersion in drug culture, or whatever else idk but i naturally curse and appreciate the punctuation and style that swears add to a persons way of talking) and generally i only really laugh at well crafted offensive/shocking humor or particularly funny ways of saying things. but i do not enjoy offending people or seeing others being offended and am not comfortable with it.
    I think there's a style of cussing which can be applicable to Delta - the delivery has been touched upon, and as you mention about the well crafted type of humor. It's a form of cussing which is funny in how it's used, rather than designed for force or a lack of regard for personal sentiment or a relaxing environment.

    Trying to explain that though in a way which is universally recognized can be difficult and at the risk of being unhelpful to those who read it: Because ultimately most people are going to take away what's said and apply it through the lens of their own quadra values, I think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Not beeing offensive is also related to being
    the talk was about emotions according to "offensive humour"
    Fe types compared to Fi ones are more emotionally offensive, more often use "bad" words and dirty humour as lesser value emotional "peace and harmony". Fe valued compared to Fi valued too.

    > Enneagram type 9

    they may behave with lesser caution among close people, as lesser affraid to get emotional kicks in return. and when they get it - they feel themselves as deeper insulted (as were open) and hence blame others more rudely. after this they prefer to stop the communication and feel themselves as innocent victims, while their own role in conflicts could be significant or even initial. funny people

    > People with E core type 9 are most likely the most non-offensive.

    they don't like dramas, as being emotionally oversensitive they get especially strong hits. so may look such. people close to them may have lesser mellow opinion about them. even base Fi + E-9 are not so polite and soft in close relations like may look, though they are one of the best in this

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    I can be pretty offensive when I want to get a rise out of people for my own reasons but never when I'm joking.

    All of my humour is pretty lighthearted and fun.

    To me... anything to make my humour offensive would be forced cringy and retarded af. Alot of the times that's what people with offensive humour sounds like me: forced cringy and retarded.

    If it ever seems like I'm using offensive humour it's really just me stating things as I feel they are.

    wait, wtf even is offensive humour in the first place?

  15. #15
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    Delta are easily offended.

    Sometimes i just don't wanna talk because it's like i always feel like I'm just hurting my words

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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Delta are easily offended.

    Sometimes i just don't wanna talk because it's like i always feel like I'm just hurting my words
    You don't offend me chickie, well just visually with your gif that is giving me the finger all the time. You actually a great visual offender chickie. lol

    But I actually some SEEs have been offended by my sincerity in the past.

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    Oh, so the rumours about the fairies of the Delta are (mostly) true, after all! Amazing.

    In my case, I think it's the environment where I was raised. Or just the fact that I'm still fairly young and find vulgar humour to be funnier than expected by others, although it's not as bad as I observe it in others around me (for instance, some of my friends would just take a concept and milk the fun out of it by firing vulgarity at a machine-gun pace; I sometimes make mean jokes about others and the teachers that piss me off, for instance, but I never hold it for more than, let's say, a few minutes after the punchline was delivered. My friends seem to take it to the next level and act as if that is the only and most fun thing they have stumbled upon.) I have a pretty good idea about what the boundaries of jokes are, though I cross the line sometimes, even if sometimes It's not my intention to do so.

    So, @Seductress Steve, you have the right to call me a cringe-fuckboy retard <3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Penny Dreadful View Post
    Oh, so the rumours about the fairies of the Delta are (mostly) true, after all! Amazing.

    In my case, I think it's the environment where I was raised. Or just the fact that I'm still fairly young and find vulgar humour to be funnier than expected by others, although it's not as bad as I observe it in others around me (for instance, some of my friends would just take a concept and milk the fun out of it by firing vulgarity at a machine-gun pace; I sometimes make mean jokes about others and the teachers that piss me off, for instance, but I never hold it for more than, let's say, a few minutes after the punchline was delivered. My friends seem to take it to the next level and act as if that is the only and most fun thing they have stumbled upon.) I have a pretty good idea about what the boundaries of jokes are, though I cross the line sometimes, even if sometimes It's not my intention to do so.

    So, @Seductress Steve, you have the right to call me a cringe-fuckboy retard <3

    Nooo I won't do that keep making your crude humour~

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    the talk was about emotions according to "offensive humour"
    If and what is perceived as "offensive humor" depends on how much you value ethics and of course your own values.
    You can only perceive something as offensive or rude if a statement violates your own values or ethics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Fe types compared to Fi ones are more emotionally offensive, more often use "bad" words and dirty humour as lesser value emotional "peace and harmony". Fe valued compared to Fi valued too.
    Ok, I'm probably guilty of being a little bit emotional offensive, but I see it myself more as emotional teasing – which might be a valuing thing.

    I rarely use bad words. I don't know if other people perceive my humor as dirty.
    I use it to provoke thought.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 12-16-2017 at 07:24 PM.

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    @xerx Heavily traumatiised, probably.

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    Don't get me wrong, people with vulgar humour and usually more pleasant than anyone who tries to limit and censor conversation to whatever they feel is right or comfortable, but I think to me alot of vulgar humour comes off as being edgy only if there's no punch to it other than trying to sound cruel wihout any real backbone.

    If you are making a legitimate claim about someone then making it vulgar woud be funny..

    But pointless swearing and empty words just have nothing to them...

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    I tried to watch Sausage Party recently at the insistence of many friends and made it about fifteen minutes before I turned it off. Just pointless, unfunny vulgarity. It was disappointing because I was kind of excited about that movie mostly because of the cast and I usually like cartoons.

    I also have mixed feelings about South Park. I like it sometimes but they go too far for my tastes a lot of times. I prefer Family Guy. It seems like it's all in good fun as opposed to South Park which is too mean spirited and violent/crude. But sometimes I do like violence in comedy if it's used correctly. Anyone watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? That show isn't usually violent, but the episode where Charlie finds out his mom has been fucking "Santa Claus" to pay for his Christmas presents and he attacks the mall Santa biting his neck, I nearly lost it. It was so shocking and over the top that it worked for me. I had a similar reaction when Stewie attacked Brian in that one episode of family guy where he shot him, slammed his head in the toilet seat and set him on fire.

    So yeah I don't usually enjoy very crude humor unless it is executed in a very clever way. And shock humor I sometimes like.

    Cussing doesn't bother me at all though and I cuss quite a bit myself. Very sexual jokes make me kind of uncomfortable. I usually don't like violence. I don't think it's particularly funny to mock racial/sexual minorities or women or anything like that unless it is actually clever. And it bothers me when people make jokes about groups without having an intimate understanding of that group.

    I don't really get offended by humor that I don't appreciate though. I just find it cringey and not amusing.

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    South park used to be really awesome the first few seasons or so- then like it said 'got too stuck up it's own ass with messages.' (while still being quite cruel and angry- only now they were snobs on top of it!) It lost its innocence or something to be more preachy and it was very annoying. Entertainers and actors really need to understand that's all they are... and there's nothing wrong with being just that. The world needs to be entertained, it's a part of life.

    Haha Family Guy- I often think they go too far at times but it's great.

    I don't think it's particularly funny to mock racial/sexual minorities or women or anything like that unless it is actually clever
    Well in making fun of gay men the punchline is too often 'haha he's effeminate and sassy and not a real man snort snort.' *opens up beer can*

    Making fun of gay guys can just be more creative than that like this skit:

    Also this hahaha I love this one:

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    With people im close to irl I like saying what shouldn't be said and making people laugh that way cuz it bugs me to have this elephant in the room or whatever. Maybe an e6 thing. But I don't like when people are punching down all the time about the same shit or recycling tired un-pc jokes just to virtue signal.

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    I'm actually offensive. :/ and sometimes I'm not aware of it.

    My humour is actually dark, sexual and shit.. So usually "normal" people doesn't like my humour.

    I did offensive shit in real life which i thought was funny xD but obviously it wasn't on the majority of people.

    I remembered lol xD

    I just feel bad lol xD i really thought it's funny lol

    I don't wanna list my real life offensive humour lol

    But those humor actually had made me publicly criticised - but being a girl, like looking like an innocent one, i managed to get back on track xD

    Probably if I'm a male, i cannot get on with it.. Being a female actually saves me from my own shit xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by starrangel View Post
    South park used to be really awesome the first few seasons or so- then like it said 'got too stuck up it's own ass with messages.' (while still being quite cruel and angry- only now they were snobs on top of it!) It lost its innocence or something to be more preachy and it was very annoying. Entertainers and actors really need to understand that's all they are... and there's nothing wrong with being just that. The world needs to be entertained, it's a part of life.

    Haha Family Guy- I often think they go too far at times but it's great.

    Well in making fun of gay men the punchline is too often 'haha he's effeminate and sassy and not a real man snort snort.' *opens up beer can*

    Making fun of gay guys can just be more creative than that like this skit:

    Those are funny, especially the first one. I have no problem making fun of gay people, it's more when people use graphic and vulgar humor to make them sound disgusting. Poking fun at any group is always fine with me. It's the way you go at it that matter. I like to mock while leaving the people being mocked with at least a shred of dignity. And it has to be somewhat creative to be funny. And maybe a bit subtle or ironic. For example, nothing that involves women+kitchens+making sandwiches will ever be funny. Maybe the first time it was funny. Now you'd have to add quite a twist for me to not lose all respect for you after hearing it out of your not funny mouth.

    Make jokes about "special" folk. I don't care as long as you're not just going "durr durr durr" or being overly cruel about it.

    Racist jokes can be very funny, but I prefer to hear them about their own group for the most part. I like the irony, plus I think having really inside knowledge on a group makes it so you can make extra poignant jokes, and in that case I will forgive a lot more offensiveness and cruelty if said about your own group. Really this applies to anything, not just racial stuff.

    Without getting too personal, I belong to a group that has its own genre of jokes about it, and for the most part I would not want to hear them. However, I enjoy making these jokes myself from time to time, the darker the better. I also find it funny when others from my group make very dark, self deprecating jokes about us. Truly understanding the subtleties of my experience makes it so you can tell a very sophisticated joke about me/us without spreading any misinformation or old stereotypes. It's easier for them to know where the line is. And how to cross it in the best way possible lol.

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    I find factors in this are gender and enneagram type. The more enneagram 1, the more things that are straight up bad or offensive are 'out'

    With my BFF, who is 6w5 and male, we say horrible things about various people all the time, but it's understood between us that it's ok to do so.
    When it comes to bothering other people, I'm sure they would not like that.

    But I think there are variations in what is said, to whom, and the nature of the impact. I don't think delta NFs generally go for trashing or bashing other people as a sport or entertainment for sure. But they can be savvy enough to appreciate some rough or earthy humor and some are quite capable of playing off of their own aura of innocence very well - but that's more so reserved for when they feel comfortable with you.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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