Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
Lemme backtrack. So I don't understand: what was your problem with "co-signing" in 2016? The extra "red tape" work or that the minimum wage wasn't enough for a proper studio flat?
My problem with cosigning is that it means that the cost of rent here is way too high for a full time worker to be able to get even the cheapest and crappiest one bedroom apartment.
But it's not just the monthly cost of the apartment, my daughter could cover that by careful budgeting as I had. The problem is the demands that a renter must have an income that is 3 times the amount of the rent. Which then means that there must be two people working to get a studio or one bedroom apartment, and at least 3 people working full time to get a two bedroom apartment.

This means, in turn, that there are fewer choices and fewer options for workers and families today than there were when I was in my late teens and early 20s.
It influences whether or not a worker can go to school to improve their job prospects, or even to be looking for another job. More specifically for me, it means my daughter will be stuck in her dead-end job with nearly zero chances of upward mobility which could provide greater economic security, and significantly greater changes of even further downward mobility which would give way to even greater economical insecurity.
It also is a major reason why we have more homeless people than ever before. College students and single workers living in their cars.

And I worry about what will happen to my daughter when there's no one who can cosign for her. She'll become homeless as well. So I have to find ways of teaching her how to do that and be safe and well.
(and this doesn't even cover the climate change effects on economic security)

May I tease you a bit further? The following is the direct continuation of the first quote:

As an "Sx/Sp" and a "progressive".... how "socially blind" and how progressive is to share more memes than you wished for on social media?
I don't understand this question.
There are better ways of spending my time than sitting at a desk on the internet watching cute animal and political videos.
Also, I'm in a perpetual back and forth between Transmitting mode (Sx) (the liking and sharing of posts/memes/etc) vs a more Self-Preserving mode (Sp) (taking care of my nest, and preparing for times of insecurity).
None of this itself has to do with "progressive" label. Only the types of political shares.

I'm only catching up now... so you're an ENFP in the MBTI, that means you're socially blind but you're an extrovert? ENFPs usually don't have Enneagram 6, except 7w6. I guess not having noticed your pregnancy sooner could be put down to inferior Si? How is keeping a child that could have been euthanized even at 5 months old less libertarian than your "libertarian e837 SLE older brother" that you piss off with memes? Yes, it's a complex decision... but is it complex in terms of rationality?
Regarding my typing:
No, I'm NeFi in Socionics.
In MBTI I'm xNfx. (x means that I'm really close to the border of the two choices and it would switch depending on circumstances, lowercase f means I leaned more F than T, and Capital N means there was no doubt/borderingness)

Regarding NeFi and e6:
Enneagram 6 is a head fixation type, dealing with the aversive emotion of fear.
So take a socionics NeFi with their ability to look at things from differing even conflicting perspectives...
...add a very high propensity for Neuroticism, and very low propensity for Conscientiousness...
...add a bunch of life and security threatening trauma into their developing years...
...and BOOM!

I also have a long (enneagram related) history on this forum of fluctuating between my normal anxious and insecure mode: 6w7 sx/sp (or sp/sx)...to doing things that'll help me feel more secure and less anxious 6w7 sp/sx...which has the side-benefit of bringing up my confidence levels which leads me to go out and explore more ...7w6 sx/sp ... which only lasts a few days (if even that) before I'm back to seeing I had probably made yet another poor decision, imagining all the ways that something can go wrong, and returning to anxious mode.

Regarding 5 months before knowing prego:
Not having noticed my pregnancy is simple, but multi-influenced:
a) I have polycystic ovary syndrome aka PCOS. This means that I can go months (my record was 9 months without being pregnant) without having a period..and without having been pregnant. It also means that pregnancy is harder to accomplish because there's too thick of a wall around the uterus (due to lack of monthly shedding), as well as scar tissue, that blocks a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.
b) The time when I was throwing up? My roommate was cooking our food and she kept not cooking things properly. I assumed the throwing up had to do with that. "confirmed" when I took over the cooking for myself again and stopped throwing up.
c) I was on psyche meds that have side effects of weight gain. So even though I was in the best shape of my life, physically active, doing workouts, going to college to get a Recreation/Fitness Degree, etc...I kept gaining weight. I assumed it was the meds until I reached a point where I was panicked that maybe it was a tumor instead. (I wasn't dating or such, so there wasn't any recent sexual activity.)
d) By the time I bought the pregnancy tests, and went to see a Dr to verify, I was already 5 months along.

Regarding the last two Qs:
What does keeping and raising the child I couldn't abort have to do with libertarianism or my brother?

I kept the child because I was responsible for her. I considered seeing if her father wanted her, or his parents, but I didn't think they could do a good job of raising her. And when her special needs would over-power my own, I'd reconsider sending her to them. But ultimately I felt I would be the one best to understand what she was dealing with, and finding ways to help her overcome them. There was also a wanting to stop the cycle of abuse that ran rampant in our family. And the only way I felt I could ensure that was to be the one who raised her instead of them.