Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
Yes, there you gave some more explanations. Learning by experience, you say hands-on experience, is more Sx type, not Tx.

You have Ti in your ego, so you can use it: is mobilizing, so it will comes out here and there, I suppose. You don't seem to have problems in Fe domain, and structure doens't seem the point of your life... if you would be Ti higher, you would care more about hierarchy, structure in the world and order in things, rather than helping otehrs. You didn't mention it, so...

The red part is Si
Those 2 stand out to me more in your explanation, they are quite interesting pieces of info to be true
Yes, I believe I value Si quite a bit, but still, Fe so high is quite peculiar for me, I mean, my mother usualy says that I'm definitely more detached and objective in my judgements, rather than get others completely, or completely emphatize with them, so much that she always asks me for more "Rational" and "Realistic, organizational" advice, don't know is because I could be an hypothethical Sensor or just because I try to keep a level head in most issues in life, but yes, generally the Feeling parts in life are the ones that, for me, are more easy to understand and "shape" them (even if sometimes I could be completely judgmental on some things, making my hypothethical Fe go on a lower level)

About the Se, thanks for the example, is quite clear now: Now, i definitely don't like to force myself on others, I prefer a more subtle form of manipulation if I want to acheive an objective (it happens rarely, I find it as a form of direspect and opportunism on others), but not aggressive and impositive as Se (if I understood the definition well) would be! And no, I generally don't perceive at first glance power in relationships I start to get it when I start to know the people involved better, but it takes quite some time...

Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
(for this reason you say that you are direct: I bet you put more importance to how you say stuffs, trying to be clear at the same time, isn't it?)
Ya got me well

p.s: ahah no, non credevo fosse per rimproverarmi, mi dispiace aver fatto un fail del genere xD comunque grazie ancora, da come ne parli mi sembra che tu abbia generalmente un buon quadro della situazione e di come capire i comportamenti in termini Socionics, ovviamente non c'è mai margine per smetter di migliorare, ma a grandi linee mi sembra che ti destreggi bene!