What a great reference! I've been looking for actual statistical research on type characteristics for years now.

Many thanks, @esq.
@Chae, the LIE description seems spot-on.

Esq, a link on one of your referenced pages led me to this page: http://sociotoday.narod.ru/sex.html, where something that I have long suspected was stated. The research shows that ESI's seem to be the most loyal type in marriage, which explains why there are none available when I got divorced. They are all sticking with the program which, when you consider that about 10% of the population is ESI and about 2% of the population is LIE, can be a pretty grim program.

I was in my hairdresser's salon shortly after I was divorced, and a woman came in who seemed to fit the ESI profile. We got to talking, I told her I was divorced, she told me she was in a bad marriage. (It's a hair salon, right? Women talk.) I said, What? She said, her husband looks at her like she's an idiot every time she opens her mouth to say something. I said that sounds bad. She agreed, but she said it was her second marriage and she was staying in it for the sake of her kids. (I got the impression that she felt that she had tried really hard both times to marry the right guy, and both times her plans went very wrong, and that's just the way it would be the next time, so why hope for anything different?)
That is Fi loyalty, but low Ni.

EII has the second highest loyalty to marriage.

I guess this is a required characteristic if your dual is a Te-dom, low-feeling asshole.