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Thread: Aristocracy & Censorship

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    Spermatozoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    Another strawman.

    My understanding of affirmative action is that it's to help the work force better represent the society it's placed in. So that an area that is say, 40% nonwhite/female would have a workforce that roughly matches that. If a workforce in that area only employed 5% nonwhite/female, then that'd be a sign that some discrimination might be occurring.
    This thread is about a wider issue (censorship and discrimination in the name of removing harm/fighting injustice) of which AA is one example. AA itself is not the thread topic, so don't go off on tangents.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    USA affirmative action says nothing about being forced to hire untalented otherwise unemployable people. It presumes that nonwhite/females have capabilities needed by the workforce, and thus are just as employable as white men. It says nothing about every person being equal in capabilities/education for every single job that could possibly exist. Arguments saying that's what it means are fallacious.
    That is irrelevant.

    Regardless of what AA was intended to do, it has led to minority applicants being held to a lower standard than white applicants. This has consequences both for the economy (as businesses now have a less intelligent workforce) and for minority communities (who are now accused, not unjustly, of jumping the queue).

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    It also helped distribute education to groups that were otherwise being blocked from education, education that would aide in their employ-ability, and thus help the workforce demographics better match the social demographics of that area. (personally I'd prefer to have well-educated neighbors, but I recognize that not everyone does.)
    People like you look for any excuse to bully the unrighteous into conformity. Non-white Americans are not being blocked from accessing education by the state. Therefore state intervention (like AA) is not an appropriate way to resolve any disparaties that may exist.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 12-12-2017 at 06:23 AM.

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