Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
your entire point relies on there being women in stem in iran? you haven't even begun to grapple with the issue but you think you can get above it by saying its all subjective. its just silly, you're the equivalent of the guy who never gets off the couch claiming victory over those with jobs because you've deemed them all as slaves to the grind or whatever. its fundamentally grounded in a need to invert the hierarchy you're on the bottom of and subconsciously know it. the claim that everything is subjective is only effective in the mind for the person for whom that is all they have to validate their own view. its predicated on resentment, nothing more

as for me, calling my "ideology" a "trap" doesn't make it so, you would have to demonstrate how it is so beyond simply blanketing all beliefs as ideological and therefore traps. if everything is a trap nothing is. that's whats so fundamentally empty about post modernism, it exists specifically to unwind a very specific subset of modernist beliefs, and like a ladder you utilize and then throw away once you've reached the destination, it is no longer useful. it only maintains its use as a tool for a resentful kind of person that uses it to level others not ascend themselves. this is what transforms it from having been anti ideological at its inception into the positive ideology it is today, it owes its persistence in time to the intractability of resentment as a feature of a significant portion of humanity. even if you were right, it only makes it all the more senseless that you would waste time trying to propagate your views because its an inherently self referentially defeating construct. like anndelise it retains its use as a tool to explode other's points of view but to retain the right to maintain one's own. its fundamentally hypocritical inasmuch as it is used as anything other than the means to humble oneself, which ironically has long since gone out of style

the only redeeming feature to your point of view is that is fundamentally self defeating, because although it may confer some semblance of a moral sense of superiority, inasmuch as it is indeed equivalent to doing nothing and claiming victory it fundamentally extinguishes itself on a long enough timeline, as it will naturally be replaced by modes of thinking with actual use. this is appropriate because it was conceived with planned obsolescence in mind anyway, although that's something that many of its half witted followers fail to understand, mainly because they've read none of the original post modernists themselves and understand nothing of its real purpose and philosophical origins

@anndelise honestly I don't understand your perspective or what you're trying to say beyond that "people have differing opinions, therefore all truth value is equivalent"
Have you read "Khaneman's Thinking Fast and Slow"? You had a substitution fallacy by claiming that "if everything is an ideological trap nothing is"?

If your abstractive and analytical capacity can't comprehend that everything is ideology, there's no engagement needed.

Failing to connect the dots and realise ideas are everywhere and they affect the very conception of reality through a bias of expectation - layering the axiomatic perversion (infallibility across space and time is illusive unless one is dishonest).