who's to say transgender people in sports isn't just a manifestation of Ti "I identify as female = female sports league" + proclivity to compete over space (Se)? at the end of the day cuvinine repeats himself without really understanding the underlying issues. its as if he can unilateraly declare SJWism a delta thing, contra reality, and then send delta out with SJWism, which assumes he's right about equating the two, and further that people would somehow go along with "sending delta out" with the sin of "SJWism." its just kind of stupid, because he's talking about the issues but doing nothing to productively address them. transgenderism in general is a complex issue implicating personality in how it manifests. in short he begs the question as to all the real complexity, and spins out what I would consider a "overly simplistic narrative" motivated in factors that merit self reflection more than action.

I don't think a single person has even tried to defend SJWism, first of all, because SJWism isn't even one thing, thus you would need to explicate what version of it you're even talking about. but setting that aside, he seems to be fighting a one man war against a shadow because literally no one has taken him up on his invitation to debate the relative mertis of SJWism, whatever that may be; rather he simply has attempted to tie all behavior he is at odds with with "SJWism" which is silly because I'm imagining C 20 years ago, or 200 for that matter, and not really thinking he's better off. if anything he is the primary beneficiary of "SJWism" (tolerance) because it seems to me his high degree of extroversion would have likely caused him to be liquidated or ostracized in far worse a manner than simple "women don't like me as much as I wish they did in NZ", in a more repressive less open society

anyway it seems obvious to me that SJWism has both good and bad aspects, as do all progressive movements, because they fundamentally straddle the unknown and introduce both chaos and real progress into society. what is called for is a nuanced evaluation so as to sort the good from the bad; these sorts of flat denials are too obtuse. even the most regressive reactionary Fe valuer I would think would be obligated to admit such a movement did not arise out of nothing and theres a point in there somewhere. the trick would be to take the good and leave out the bad, which is precisely what the human endeavor in process of transformation is really all about. you can't escape that because it occurs across multiple planes, even a denial invites enantiodromia so one finds oneself working at cross purposes with oneself if the goal is to meaningfully attenuate "their" influence. you could say from this point of view, the perspective I advocate stands a much better chance of extinguishing "SJWism" if that is in fact the goal, which makes you wonder what motive one could have for playing up the conflict--and now maybe the difference between delta and beta NF becomes more clear