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Thread: Differences between Beta and Delta NFs

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  1. #11
    Bertrand's Avatar
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    lets just say if you actually end up in a real in-person argument with a SJW you're probably arguing with another beta. in this way the quadras and their projections sort of calibrate themselves, because a lot of this "they lack agency" and "they use it as a path to power" are actually contradictory claims, that apply to separate quadras, but each being lumped into "SJWism" in an undifferentiated manner. however if you actually manage to get a person in front of you with which to argue they're probably into the Se version of SJWism, hence in a weird way that'll make your (path to power) criticisms accurate. the people who (comparatively) "feel they lack agency" (Ne) actually pay the most attention to whether they actually do or don't, in general, and thus pick their battles. out of one side of your mouth you may insinuate cowardice, but it functions to make sure the conflicts actually develop between the real power mongers. its sort of how there's always camp followers on either side ready to battle and they always manage to find eachother. i feel like real delta existence is kind of a secret world in a lot of ways, people think they know what its about but they really don't see it, precisely because it doesn't want to be seen. thus these battles inevitably play out between betas in humorous fashion where they divide eachother into camps but its their common ground that ultimately brings them into contact with one another. you see this in alpha and gamma to a lesser degree (each has one foot in, Fe for alpha and Se for gamma), but Fi Ne is generally most sensitive to preempting these sort of conflicts. you can think of if the center of gravity of conflict is centralized around beta (Gulenko calls them a quadra of warriors), then in the same way delta repels that force, delta is not that which fights with beta (this would be a beta way of understanding "the other"--the true other is unknown), because they don't want to fight, battling beta values head on is more gamma... but gamma does not really want to fight either, nor does alpha, rather beta tends to fight with itself most of all. this is why were SJWism to triumph it would just balkanize, just like communism could never stop infighting once it expelled the monarchy etc. its one of the major problems of beta style government, it devolves into a lot of paranoia and ongoing purges and so forth. SJWism in its pure form is the opposite of that--real tolerance--not militant tolerance, which is the sort of "kill them to save them" kind of colonial "christianity" etc. I was raised in a beta environment, when I actually met and was allowed into delta society it was sincerely amazing, it was like learning vampires were real. I try to explain to my beta parents they don't know what's going on in the world and they're operating on a surface level and they absolutely cannot understand me, they got the Ni blinders on (they're so incredibly caught up in their petty pursuits and narratives and their social circle is so anarchistic and only unified inasmuch as they're similarly preoccupied with the same shallow illusions).

    cuvininy definitely has this sort of thing going on where he talks authoritatively about that which he really has no understanding of, but for whatever cult he's trying to raise, all that matters if that they're on the same page, it doesn't matter that they're on page 2 of a thousand page novel, the important thing is a kind of unity in order to leverage numbers. that conservatism is the "new punk" is nothing new, about a year ago I commented on exactly this phenomenon and it is precisely the alt right. Peterson is not a part of them, but they do like to twist his words to suit their ends, its not so much a willful twisting as they just can't comprehend him on a deeper level so they take their interpretation to be the only possible one. these are the same people who have yet to even understand the postmodern critique (that there exist multiple interpretations--this is a valuable lesson for beta types), who leverage the critique of the critique to do what they were going to do anyway, which is be the worst version of themselves. you know Peterson knows this, which is why he often tries to distance himself from these types

    IEI comes in and says lets all be nice but they don't realize its predicated on the same beta worldview (this whole digression on how there is a difference between Canada and NZ and the US, as if that doesn't admit C's initial wrong presuppositions about whats going on--i.e.: the profoundly confused socionic "critique") and it is almost unimaginable to them that not all people need to hear this, and that the source of conflict is not necessarily just people "being mean" (their generalized message of "peace and love" as if that isn't precisely what delta has internalized in the way IEI literally dreams of), rather they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, which is to say if they were to admit they needed to "target" this advice it would make them an enemy of their own state and pull the mask off their inherent disloyalty (the result would be a quick trip to the gulag--expulsion, this is how IEI, as a category, is often forced out of beta, as Gulenko notes). at the same time they will never reach any real heights of profundity for the rest of the world because they are constantly preaching to a teenage mindset, which necessarily limits the broader application and usefulness of what they're saying. of course there will always be a new crop of teenagers who will discover these "insights" like a new generation discovers pink floyd in a basement, so you can't say they don't have a useful role to play, it is just useful-as-to-who?

    you can think of IEI as being a sort of salve they put on the more reckless elements for whom such a message is right time right place, you see how Adam and C react positively to such acts, despite how IEI is nevertheless strangely cliched and vapid in what they say, it happens to be precisely the right message for someone. you see this play out over and over on the forums
    Last edited by Bertrand; 01-15-2018 at 05:32 AM.

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