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Thread: Differences between Beta and Delta NFs

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    Morals or morality are not Fi.
    Betas and Alphas has their own morals concerning to their quadra values.
    So saying that Fi is morality by definition is wrong.

    Also, what I'm talking is the manifestation of SJWs ideals in society. That's not Introverted feeling, thats extroverted. A clear interest for pushing and pursing stuff in society as system (or turn things systematical). Deltas irl are more peaceful in general than betas. My

    Plus, don't decontextualize my comment, I'm saying that a lot of ethical types could fall into believing this stuff.
    Trying to fit entirely a social movement into typology is pretty short sighted imo.
    I never said that, but sjw is still fi

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    I never said that, but sjw is still fi
    At least wait for my complete post to quote.

    Also you need more support than your own will to affirm that.

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    Fi is about how people relate to each other. Forming a unified theory of behaviours and views is very Fe and systematically Ti. There's no personal subjectivity of feeling but an enforced method of behaviour (like ESE and dinner parties for example). With that in mind, the epitome of social justice warrior - Fe forced behaviour, Ti system of governance, with the belief of societal reshape ie Ni - the epitome of this type, the social justice warrior, is EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    Morals or morality are not Fi.
    Betas and Alphas has their own morals concerning to their quadra values.
    Saying that Fi is morality by definition is wrong. The way ppl construct their morals is not just due introverted feels. There are a lot of factors why ppl think something is good or wrong.

    Also, what I'm talking is the manifestation of SJWs ideals in society not the origin of their concernings. That kind of manifestations are not Introverted Feeling, thats extroverted. I mean, they have a clear interest for pushing and pursing stuff in society as system (or turn things systematical).

    Plus, don't decontextualize my comment, I'm saying that a lot of ethical types could fall into believing this stuff (is not exclusive nor typical of some deltas if so, as some in this forum want to believe just because of the individual and separated experiences with ppl in here).

    Finally, trying to fit entirely a social movement into typology is pretty short sighted imo.
    This post is genius.

  5. #45
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    It is interesting to read Psychological Types and notice how morality is linked to extraversion (by Jung) at least to some extent. Maybe there is "moral" logic and "amoral" logic and how you define word morality.

    I don't know if it is that useful to see SJW as completely delta NF's. Which types actually go overboard with it?

    Sorry, I don't really follow them. Have fun!

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  6. #46
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    you can think of SJW ideology as being a codification (alpha) and a movement (beta) centered around propagation and enforcement of ideals that originated as local delta NF values, and at some point it made a pass through alpha presumably, and it can exist in some form across all 3 groups. people are just identifying different aspects of the broader phenomenon with the label, i.e. some people identify the "movement" as SJWism (beta), others the underlying values (delta), others as what the values represent (alpha), others still as a more or less pure nuisance (gamma). this war over who bears the "onus" inasmuch as SJWism is a slur is just the flipside to the same phenomenon, because it just becomes a matter of doing the same thing but with a negative spin. the thing is what aspects are considered negative are likewise relative to the ITR between the percieved nature of SJWism and the held-values of the judger. So this whole thing has a very relativistic dynamic. At the end of the day the root values of SJWism as a basic ontology are inherently Ne and Fi in the sense that it revolves around the idea that people have a right to decide for themselves how to be and that ought to be respected for its own sake; when attempts to reify these values in the form of political action it takes on the same ironic turn all "tolerance"-as-doctrine does, which is it raises the question, how do we tolerate intolerance and what is the solution. the delta NF aspect to that is simple, it simply tolerates intolerance too, which is why it never becomes a centralized movement to begin with. beta does not tolerate intolerance, hence their opposite attitude toward the same basic idea.

    in any case a lot of this back and forth is predicated on the idea that someone needs to ethically "account" for SJWism which is its own form of jockeying to indebt others and come out on top, which is more of a sensing + ethical take on the phenomenon. who are we going to saddle with the label, etc. which is kind of juvenile if you don't understand what it all means to begin with

    hot potato with the SJW mark of shame

    NTs seem the least likely to give a fuck about that whole game
    Last edited by Bertrand; 12-12-2017 at 09:12 PM.

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    I can say the modern SJW movement is largely Fi + Ne ego types in Jungian theory. (Perhaps socionics defines the functions so differently Fi suddenly becomes and transmogrifies into Fe or something...) 80% of online slacktivist SJWs are Fi lead, Ne creative, and a good portion of the rest are Ti + Ne creative. The common theme seems to more be Se PoLR than anything else, which is why you have them going on tirades against shit like "Toxic Masculinity" and other such nonsense. Fuck, this blog alone screams Se PoLR:

    Gamma types will never be SJWs. If anything, they are often the most virulent critics of the movement. Betas are interesting since many like Jack Aaron from WSS claims Betas are primarily responsible for their movement. And Beta descriptions indicate that they are most likely to be involved in trying to force societal change. I question that due to my understanding of the functions however.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retsu77 View Post
    I can say the modern SJW movement is largely Fi + Ne ego types in Jungian theory. (Perhaps socionics defines the functions so differently Fi suddenly becomes and transmogrifies into Fe or something...) 80% of online slacktivist SJWs are Fi lead, Ne creative, and a good portion of the rest are Ti + Ne creative. The common theme seems to more be Se PoLR than anything else, which is why you have them going on tirades against shit like "Toxic Masculinity" and other such nonsense. Fuck, this blog alone screams Se PoLR:

    Gamma types will never be SJWs. If anything, they are often the most virulent critics of the movement. Betas are interesting since many like Jack Aaron from WSS claims Betas are primarily responsible for their movement. And Beta descriptions indicate that they are most likely to be involved in trying to force societal change. I question that due to my understanding of the functions however.
    I agree that this article is likely written by someone who is not Se-valuing but I do not see the Fi-Ne. Fi-Ne evaluates human potential and is used to gain insight into a person’s motivations and character. Fi in Socionics is not morality; it is about relationships and regulating distance in interaction. I think this is a misconception from MBTI.

    If you look at what the SJW movement is, as a whole, it seems that it is Fe-Ti valuing and usually involves Betas and Alphas. It is all about creating a global change in society, to improve the future as they see it (Ni-Fe-Se). Also, SJWs tend to categorize everyone. They take categories like a person’s race, economic background, social status, sexual orientation, etc. and use them to label those people as an ‘oppressed group’ that needs equality and somehow isn’t getting it. This is Ti-Fe - categorizing a group and trying to create equality for them. They also create labels for groups - men who are part of the ‘patriarchy’, others who are ‘fascists’ or ‘Nazis’, etc. This is again Ti-Fe creating labels for groups of people in a social system.

    Seeing groups as ‘oppressed’ and ‘privileged’ is another sign of Fe-Ti, which is very aware of social hierarchies and rankings.

    I would say that these SJW protesters and rioters are also highly likely to be Fe valuers, because it is all about getting a large group together that shares your views and spreading your ideology. They are energized by the atmosphere and the group energy.

    Alphas in the SJW movement focus on showing tolerance and acceptance to create equality, and Betas focus on making the social changes to allow that equality to happen. The two work together in the SJW movement using Fe and Ti.

    Also, if you look at other movements connected to SJWs such as ‘body positivity’, you can again see Fe valuing - wanting to promote and create positive emotions and feelings of acceptance for all people.

    There are many Betas and Alphas who are strongly against the SJW movement and even actively opposing it. And of course there are Deltas and Gammas involved too. Anyone can be involved in anything. But I think the spirit of the SJW movement itself, and the majority of its adherents, are likely Beta/Alpha.

  9. #49
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    Moreover, a significant portion of the people fighting that fight are very clear about their need to frame everything they do as following the precedents set by their antecessors while refusing on territorial grounds to allow anyone to engage with those cultural influences directly (acknowledge but don't criticize), which strikes me all as Ni+Fe and Se.

  10. #50
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    I see a strong connection between narcissism/entitlement ("I have the right to become whatever I want") and the dissatisfaction that leads to the SJW victimhood complex ("nasty people are oppressing me and holding me back"). SJWs imagine a number of foes and forces (such as "the patriarchy") to explain away their mediocrity. They project their own shame onto others.

    Fundamentally, SJWs are conformists who desire above all to occupy high status positions in society, but for one reason or other, they have not be able to achieve this. What is worse, they will blame others for their failure, and believe themselves above the rules and laws which the rest of us must obey. Their motto is: "Do as I say, not as I do."

    In my opinion, these personality traits are very typical of Delta Quadra. However, I'll take some heart from the fact that nobody on 16types seems keen to have their Quadra associated with the SJWs

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    Ideas concerning being oppressed can be contextualized as personal experience with spiteful people, shouldering the weight of arbitrary norms, or as the shared struggle of their people, so the idea that "oppression" features in the narrative is somehow indicative of Se-vulnerable is dubious at best.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shackleton View Post
    Ideas concerning being oppressed can be contextualized as personal experience with spiteful people, shouldering the weight of arbitrary norms, or as the shared struggle of their people, so the idea that "oppression" features in the narrative is somehow indicative of Se-vulnerable is dubious at best.
    Se-valuers are less likely than Se-devaluers to feel they lack the agency to change their position.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Se-valuers are less likely than Se-devaluers to feel they lack the agency to change their position.
    The idea of using one's oppression as a motivating force for rallying together under a single banner to fight against the prevailing system is characteristically Fe+Se. It's exactly because they believe they can change their own position through mob violence that they characterize it this way.

  14. #54
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    Americans are funny.

    In my country, and certainly in New Zealand, the prevailing dominant culture is socially liberal.

    We gave woman the right to vote, long before the united States, we allowed blacks to vote, long before the United States. We created safe gun laws, which let's citizens walk the open streets relatively free of fear from gun violence (although - of course there are pockets). We created Universal Health care, the first among all nations. Our woman, although still under represented, make more equal wages to their male counter parts. We have strict anti-hate speech laws, you cannot say, print and do as you wish in my country, compared to the United States. We treat our Native Americans far better in some ways, although this could still improved. We have stricter immigration laws, however less racism. We abolished pro-life long ago. We gave gay men and woman the right to be open while serving in the military in 1992, decades before the United States would even consider this. In 2005 they also obtained the right to marry legally, more than 10 years before the United States. This summer we will be nationally legalizing recreational marijuana. Our society is more educated than yours, about half our adult citizens hold college degrees and slightly majority of those are woman. We are the country slaves ran towards. We are the country Vietnam dodgers ran towards.

    Are there still problems? Yes. Do we also have a dark past? Yes. The point here is that the culture between the United States, and the Common Wealth, although similar, still have important difference to consider. These differences influence the members in their respective societies.

    Their is a similar culture prevails between New Zealand as Canada (which is why kiwis and Canadians get along so well - similar sensibilities), and despite what some have said, calling Canada a little America is wrong, we are vastly different when it comes to prevailing public values. These are important considerations when you talk about quadra values and members in both cultures. In Canada, the most conservative, DELTA, modus operandi is to be socially liberal. We are SJ by default. This applies to New Zealand as well, were cuiv is from. In our countries, the most delta NF you can be in the public sphere is a SJW. Because in Canada, human rights are the most important social aspect of our society. They are indoctrinated into our youth from grade school. They are buttressed by our legal and political systems. They are our bread and butter. Not so in America.

    Recent world events, beginning with the attacks on the World Trade Centre, have lead to America's current culture wars with itself. As the rest of us look on, we watch as America comes to gripes with it's own reflection in stark contrasts now due to modern media. Do they still lead the world? Of course they do, we are watching from the outside, taking cues, but don't confuse your American bubble. Don't assume that we are all standing on the same, or similar platforms.

    In America, to be a SJW is a great act against oppressive socialization of your members. It is an act against the system, prevailing attitudes. You stand up, act out against that, and this is all philosophically a beta/gamma quadrant performance.

    However, in my country and in New Zealand and arguably many other countries, to be a SJW is not a counter-cultural act of aggression. To be SJW is to follow the dominant attitude. In this way, deltas hold the torch. They are the ones who are pushing for human rights and equality in all of its final forms, because they are the ones supporting the status quo which are those human rights for everybody.

    To be a SJW is not an act of rebellion in Canada, it is an act of maintaining the status quo. umm hello? why do you think Jordan Petterson is so reviled and threatening to the Canadian Public? Yet has followers among the socially conservative bunch? He rejects the current paradigm in Canada, this movement towards all things liberal. It would be "un-beta" to be a SJW in Canada. Rebelling against the status quo would mean rebelling against what already exists here. America is kind of catching up to the rest of the world. (European dynamics are a different story).

    Having said all that, conflating SJW movement - trend - with quadra values is dumb and is furthering the RETARDED MIND MADE DIVIDE THAT YOU ARE MAKING UP IN YOUR HEADS. There is no SJW dichotomy.
    Last edited by wacey; 01-15-2018 at 03:10 AM.

  15. #55
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    As far as I go personally?

    I don't give a shit about any of it. I already have all my freedoms and right and responsibilities. My country is basically the most supreme western one you can be born in. I don't need to fight for anything, I don't even follow anything SJW related. I have no problem, no cognitive dissonance about left vs. right, because my sense of identity is not tied into these issues. I don't even mind some socially conservative values, for instance all the gender pronouns. There is man, there is woman, and then there is intersexed. Period.

    As far as racism goes, sometimes its warranted----> most times its a mind made projection.

    In war, there is fighting over resources, there is fighting over values. Sometimes those are justified, depending on on where you stand in the fireing line. All human culture is in a way a kind of madness. We are naked apes playing out genetic programming, playing out cultural programming, living inside mind made bubbles, standing on ultimate awareness.

    All I know is nature is beautiful and get out of the way of people trying to make this a better world if I'm not willing to help.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shackleton View Post
    The idea of using one's oppression as a motivating force for rallying together under a single banner to fight against the prevailing system is characteristically Fe+Se. It's exactly because they believe they can change their own position through mob violence that they characterize it this way.
    I would love to see a poll done on this. People should be first put through a Socionics test, then asked a series of questions to determine their views on social issues.

    @wacey was also right to point out that American cultural angst is not transferable elsewhere. He and I live in very Delta-heavy societies, where there is a perverse obsession with appearing tolerant, polite and "open-minded" (whatever that means). People are overly concerned with material comforts, are anxious, indecisive and struggle to commit to anything or anyone. They will also try to suppress any emotions which make them feel uncomfortable, and this is why they melt when their rosy worldview is inevitably crushed by reality.

    To me, NZ is a beautiful country, but the women are plain, flaky, and puritanical about sex. I am determined to graze on more fertile pastures
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 01-15-2018 at 03:59 AM.

  17. #57
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    lets just say if you actually end up in a real in-person argument with a SJW you're probably arguing with another beta. in this way the quadras and their projections sort of calibrate themselves, because a lot of this "they lack agency" and "they use it as a path to power" are actually contradictory claims, that apply to separate quadras, but each being lumped into "SJWism" in an undifferentiated manner. however if you actually manage to get a person in front of you with which to argue they're probably into the Se version of SJWism, hence in a weird way that'll make your (path to power) criticisms accurate. the people who (comparatively) "feel they lack agency" (Ne) actually pay the most attention to whether they actually do or don't, in general, and thus pick their battles. out of one side of your mouth you may insinuate cowardice, but it functions to make sure the conflicts actually develop between the real power mongers. its sort of how there's always camp followers on either side ready to battle and they always manage to find eachother. i feel like real delta existence is kind of a secret world in a lot of ways, people think they know what its about but they really don't see it, precisely because it doesn't want to be seen. thus these battles inevitably play out between betas in humorous fashion where they divide eachother into camps but its their common ground that ultimately brings them into contact with one another. you see this in alpha and gamma to a lesser degree (each has one foot in, Fe for alpha and Se for gamma), but Fi Ne is generally most sensitive to preempting these sort of conflicts. you can think of if the center of gravity of conflict is centralized around beta (Gulenko calls them a quadra of warriors), then in the same way delta repels that force, delta is not that which fights with beta (this would be a beta way of understanding "the other"--the true other is unknown), because they don't want to fight, battling beta values head on is more gamma... but gamma does not really want to fight either, nor does alpha, rather beta tends to fight with itself most of all. this is why were SJWism to triumph it would just balkanize, just like communism could never stop infighting once it expelled the monarchy etc. its one of the major problems of beta style government, it devolves into a lot of paranoia and ongoing purges and so forth. SJWism in its pure form is the opposite of that--real tolerance--not militant tolerance, which is the sort of "kill them to save them" kind of colonial "christianity" etc. I was raised in a beta environment, when I actually met and was allowed into delta society it was sincerely amazing, it was like learning vampires were real. I try to explain to my beta parents they don't know what's going on in the world and they're operating on a surface level and they absolutely cannot understand me, they got the Ni blinders on (they're so incredibly caught up in their petty pursuits and narratives and their social circle is so anarchistic and only unified inasmuch as they're similarly preoccupied with the same shallow illusions).

    cuvininy definitely has this sort of thing going on where he talks authoritatively about that which he really has no understanding of, but for whatever cult he's trying to raise, all that matters if that they're on the same page, it doesn't matter that they're on page 2 of a thousand page novel, the important thing is a kind of unity in order to leverage numbers. that conservatism is the "new punk" is nothing new, about a year ago I commented on exactly this phenomenon and it is precisely the alt right. Peterson is not a part of them, but they do like to twist his words to suit their ends, its not so much a willful twisting as they just can't comprehend him on a deeper level so they take their interpretation to be the only possible one. these are the same people who have yet to even understand the postmodern critique (that there exist multiple interpretations--this is a valuable lesson for beta types), who leverage the critique of the critique to do what they were going to do anyway, which is be the worst version of themselves. you know Peterson knows this, which is why he often tries to distance himself from these types

    IEI comes in and says lets all be nice but they don't realize its predicated on the same beta worldview (this whole digression on how there is a difference between Canada and NZ and the US, as if that doesn't admit C's initial wrong presuppositions about whats going on--i.e.: the profoundly confused socionic "critique") and it is almost unimaginable to them that not all people need to hear this, and that the source of conflict is not necessarily just people "being mean" (their generalized message of "peace and love" as if that isn't precisely what delta has internalized in the way IEI literally dreams of), rather they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, which is to say if they were to admit they needed to "target" this advice it would make them an enemy of their own state and pull the mask off their inherent disloyalty (the result would be a quick trip to the gulag--expulsion, this is how IEI, as a category, is often forced out of beta, as Gulenko notes). at the same time they will never reach any real heights of profundity for the rest of the world because they are constantly preaching to a teenage mindset, which necessarily limits the broader application and usefulness of what they're saying. of course there will always be a new crop of teenagers who will discover these "insights" like a new generation discovers pink floyd in a basement, so you can't say they don't have a useful role to play, it is just useful-as-to-who?

    you can think of IEI as being a sort of salve they put on the more reckless elements for whom such a message is right time right place, you see how Adam and C react positively to such acts, despite how IEI is nevertheless strangely cliched and vapid in what they say, it happens to be precisely the right message for someone. you see this play out over and over on the forums
    Last edited by Bertrand; 01-15-2018 at 05:32 AM.

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    Edit: OP, I apologize for my off topic post which doesn't help you make a decision. I didn't check the first post when I responded. To answer your question, I'd see if I relate more to victim erotic style or infantile.

    Beta NF: Do you fantasize about being chased and enjoy testing your partners? Do you push their buttons and feel delighted when they push back?
    Delta NF: Do you enjoy being taken care of and think goofiness is flirting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    I see a strong connection between narcissism/entitlement ("I have the right to become whatever I want") and the dissatisfaction that leads to the SJW victimhood complex ("nasty people are oppressing me and holding me back"). SJWs imagine a number of foes and forces (such as "the patriarchy") to explain away their mediocrity. They project their own shame onto others.

    Fundamentally, SJWs are conformists who desire above all to occupy high status positions in society, but for one reason or other, they have not be able to achieve this. What is worse, they will blame others for their failure, and believe themselves above the rules and laws which the rest of us must obey.
    Well put. This is how I see a majority of them too.

    (1) The biggest problem is that weakness is prized. Instead of addressing it and helping them become stronger (to encourage constructive survival), the SJW movement shows them how to become more distressed and chaotic (to encourage future destruction). There are many mediums through which their weaknesses (feelings of inadequacy, etc) are nurtured. Their inner chaos is transformed into a weapon (external chaos unfurled at specific targets for a purpose) for those who work behind the scenes to create specific impact. That's the story of pretty much every movement and war. It's the story of this one too.

    (2) As a result of #1, it is not beneficial to be responsible and self-sustaining. The rewards are in taking from others.

    (3) The pawns are selectively blind. They don't notice how they use their own weaknesses as a weapon to destroy those they perceive as stronger than themselves.

    (4) There are no consequences for them screwing over someone else because a group did it. Groups can't be arrested if they're too large. The law doesn't apply.

    (5) They are unaware that if they destroy everyone who makes money or innovates, then subjugate others and put themselves in charge, they will ensure their own destruction because despite winning, they will still not know how to foster healthy financial thinking.

    I think growth is so important. Change is important if it can help the world or even a community grow, but not change which recklessly damages lives for committing the crime of having an opinion and suffers no consequences. That being said, I think it's a pity I'm disgusted by their systems. I think such movements can be capitalized on cleverly.
    Last edited by Audacious; 01-15-2018 at 05:01 AM.

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    Beta NFs will give examples in very broad or metaphorical terms.
    Delta NFs will give examples by actually giving an example.

    Fi/Te vs Ti/Fe valuing.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    lets just say if you actually end up in a real in-person argument with a SJW you're probably arguing with another beta. in this way the quadras and their projections sort of calibrate themselves, because a lot of this "they lack agency" and "they use it as a path to power" are actually contradictory claims, that apply to separate quadras, but each being lumped into "SJWism" in an undifferentiated manner. however if you actually manage to get a person in front of you with which to argue they're probably into the Se version of SJWism, hence in a weird way that'll make your (path to power) criticisms accurate. the people who (comparatively) "feel they lack agency" (Ne) actually pay the most attention to whether they actually do or don't, in general, and thus pick their battles. out of one side of your mouth you may insinuate cowardice, but it functions to make sure the conflicts actually develop between the real power mongers. its sort of how there's always camp followers on either side ready to battle and they always manage to find eachother. i feel like real delta existence is kind of a secret world in a lot of ways, people think they know what its about but they really don't see it, precisely because it doesn't want to be seen. thus these battles inevitably play out between betas in humorous fashion where they divide eachother into camps but its their common ground that ultimately brings them into contact with one another. you see this in alpha and gamma to a lesser degree (each has one foot in, Fe for alpha and Se for gamma), but Fi Ne is generally most sensitive to preempting these sort of conflicts. you can think of if the center of gravity of conflict is centralized around beta (Gulenko calls them a quadra of warriors), then in the same way delta repels that force, delta is not that which fights with beta (this would be a beta way of understanding "the other"--the true other is unknown), because they don't want to fight, battling beta values head on is more gamma... but gamma does not really want to fight either, nor does alpha, rather beta tends to fight with itself most of all. this is why were SJWism to triumph it would just balkanize, just like communism could never stop infighting once it expelled the monarchy etc. its one of the major problems of beta style government, it devolves into a lot of paranoia and ongoing purges and so forth. SJWism in its pure form is the opposite of that--real tolerance--not militant tolerance, which is the sort of "kill them to save them" kind of colonial "christianity" etc. I was raised in a beta environment, when I actually met and was allowed into delta society it was sincerely amazing, it was like learning vampires were real. I try to explain to my beta parents they don't know what's going on in the world and they're operating on a surface level and they absolutely cannot understand me, they got the Ni blinders on (they're so incredibly caught up in their petty pursuits and narratives and their social circle is so anarchistic and only unified inasmuch as they're similarly preoccupied with the same shallow illusions).

    cuvininy definitely has this sort of thing going on where he talks authoritatively about that which he really has no understanding of, but for whatever cult he's trying to raise, all that matters if that they're on the same page, it doesn't matter that they're on page 2 of a thousand page novel, the important thing is a kind of unity in order to leverage numbers. that conservatism is the "new punk" is nothing new, about a year ago I commented on exactly this phenomenon and it is precisely the alt right. Peterson is not a part of them, but they do like to twist his words to suit their ends, its not so much a willful twisting as they just can't comprehend him on a deeper level so they take their interpretation to be the only possible one. these are the same people who have yet to even understand the postmodern critique (that there exist multiple interpretations--this is a valuable lesson for beta types), who leverage the critique of the critique to do what they were going to do anyway, which is be the worst version of themselves. you know Peterson knows this, which is why he often tries to distance himself from these types

    IEI comes in and says lets all be nice but they don't realize its predicated on the same beta worldview (this whole digression on how there is a difference between Canada and NZ and the US, as if that doesn't admit C's initial wrong presuppositions about whats going on--i.e.: the profoundly confused socionic "critique") and it is almost unimaginable to them that not all people need to hear this, and that the source of conflict is not necessarily just people "being mean" (their generalized message of "peace and love" as if that isn't precisely what delta has internalized in the way IEI literally dreams of), rather they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, which is to say if they were to admit they needed to "target" this advice it would make them an enemy of their own state and pull the mask off their inherent disloyalty (the result would be a quick trip to the gulag--expulsion, this is how IEI, as a category, is often forced out of beta, as Gulenko notes). at the same time they will never reach any real heights of profundity for the rest of the world because they are constantly preaching to a teenage mindset, which necessarily limits the broader application and usefulness of what they're saying. of course there will always be a new crop of teenagers who will discover these "insights" like a new generation discovers pink floyd in a basement, so you can't say they don't have a useful role to play, it is just useful-as-to-who?

    you can think of IEI as being a sort of salve they put on the more reckless elements for whom such a message is right time right place, you see how Adam and C react positively to such acts, despite how IEI is nevertheless strangely cliched and vapid in what they say, it happens to be precisely the right message for someone. you see this play out over and over on the forums

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    Meh. That's about as articulate as I get on the topic. I don't even see its use to begin with. Optics are: ideals about sexuality combined with cultural awareness of the current place in society, poured into socionics, baked into erotic attitudes, divided into Se/Si informational understanding. Woman want rights and less rough sexual advances and the current idealization about victim aggressor, childlike paternal is what it at stake regarding this topic. That's about it. I don't know much else going on, I keep myself purposely isolated as of late.

    You live inside your head so much. You need to lighten up. Bit of growing up, bit more awareness of how you make people feel. Your career will suffer for this quality if you don't address it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Audacious View Post

    Beta NF: Do you fantasize about being chased and enjoy testing your partners? Do you push their buttons and feel delighted when they push back?
    Delta NF: Do you enjoy being taken care of and think goofiness is flirting?

    Partly, yes.

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    @Bertrand I will share some of the cringeworthy, self-righteous BS that the media down here pushes upon people. It may change your opinion of how horrible Trump and America are by comparison.

    "It's Time To Eradicate Sex Segregation In Sports"
    "Is It Okay To Be White?"
    "Not Caring What Causes Offence To Others Is A Form Of Racism Too"
    "Don't Marry A Man Who Insists You Change Your Name"

    My responses to all this:

    I do not give a damn if sexes, races, classes, any two groups you care to name are not holding hands in some peaceful kumbaya. Competition and rivalries are more interesting than peace anyway, and inequality is a natural part of life. People are different; some are stronger, some more intelligent, more attractive, or more creative than others. This variation is what enables us to adapt and evolve over time. Identify what you can't change and what you can, embrace the cards you've been dealt and you will become a lot less resentful. I believe that almost everyone is good at something; our purpose is to discover that talent and develop it. Only a loser dreams of a world where all men are equally mediocre.


    When you peer beneath the surface and examine these peoples' motivations, I hope that you will perceive what I do: a dangerous combination of moral certainty, personal resentment, and the sense that good intentions can always justify the means. SJWism is more of a feeling and a ideal than a coherent, prescribed ideology. These people act like a secular priesthood and will try to make the world a "better" place, one tweet at a time. They use their positions as victims of society to police culture, and shame dissenting voices into accepting the status quo (which is that "everyone is different, but nobody is better than anybody else" - a contradiction). Those who foresee the consequences of this childish fantasy, and try to fight back against it, will become heretics - and woe betide anyone who is identified by the priests as a sinner. They will incite the mob against you. You can become a villain just by expressing an emotion which disturbs and unsettles someone else, and no mercy will be shown to you for committing such an egregious offence. You will be cast out and hacked to pieces by the righteous forces of "progress". I warn you now, SJWs will stop at nothing to purge anyone or anything that shatters their idealistic, sheltered view of reality. Their decisions are dangerously subjective, self centered and illogical.

    I remain unmoved in my view that the SJW movement is driven by Delta impulses and is FiNe heavy in particular.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 01-15-2018 at 10:27 AM.

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    Default old man yells at cloud

    lol @ PUA obsolescence/raving

    dudebro getting ousted from team roster by girl w superior technical ability, obvs worse threat than specter of nuclear war

    fedoras, brofists, etc.
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    `Only a loser dreams of a world where all men are equally mediocre.`

    How about dreaming about a world where every human being is equally awesome? @Cuivienen

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    Quote Originally Posted by Penny Dreadful View Post
    `Only a loser dreams of a world where all men are equally mediocre.`

    How about dreaming about a world where every human being is equally awesome? @Cuivienen

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    lol @ PUA obsolescence/raving

    dudebro getting ousted from team roster by girl w superior technical ability, obvs worse threat than specter of nuclear war
    Sorry to bust your fantasy, but in the real world, female athletes are now complaining about transgender athletes. Because these athletes are biologically male, they have an inherent advantage. On average, men are stronger and larger than women, so if sports are desegregated it is women who will be disenfranchised, and not men.

    Furthermore, most men don't want women to become our rivals professionally, as we don't take any pleasure in competing with them. We don't feel the need to prove "we can do everything a woman can", let alone aspire to be less masculine. Pitting the sexes against each other fosters a climate of distrust and animosity, and that has made it much harder for us to be intimate and love each other.

    The above neatly summarizes how feminism makes it harder for women to achieve their goals in life.

    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    fedoras, brofists, etc.
    You have the mindset of a toddler who's jealous that the boy next door gets to play with a bigger toy. If you come to accept yourself, you will no longer covet other people's possessions. Beware of greed. Material comforts are an illusion that don't make anyone truly happy.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 01-15-2018 at 08:48 PM.

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    Default oh no, real meritocracy is scary!

    Big money sports were made/cultivated by guys for guys.

    Humans are remarkable on Earth for intelligence first and endurance running second.

    Srongest current human achievement is horizontally-oriented all-participatory media. Guys in the "good-old-boys club" are slipping -- visibly.

    ftr $100 USD in my hands can produce over my own body weight in high-quality (flavor/health) food. Post-scarcity reality is my goal for all, material world sculpted wisely/intelligently can accomplish this. Solar power, LED lighting, and proper/effective thermal insulation are the big obvious three to focus on.

    All else in above post (Cuiv @ 3:11 PM MST today, current revision @ 3:48 PM MST) is wild guesses, truisms, fluff, emo, and infinitesimal small-ball... or worse.
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    who's to say transgender people in sports isn't just a manifestation of Ti "I identify as female = female sports league" + proclivity to compete over space (Se)? at the end of the day cuvinine repeats himself without really understanding the underlying issues. its as if he can unilateraly declare SJWism a delta thing, contra reality, and then send delta out with SJWism, which assumes he's right about equating the two, and further that people would somehow go along with "sending delta out" with the sin of "SJWism." its just kind of stupid, because he's talking about the issues but doing nothing to productively address them. transgenderism in general is a complex issue implicating personality in how it manifests. in short he begs the question as to all the real complexity, and spins out what I would consider a "overly simplistic narrative" motivated in factors that merit self reflection more than action.

    I don't think a single person has even tried to defend SJWism, first of all, because SJWism isn't even one thing, thus you would need to explicate what version of it you're even talking about. but setting that aside, he seems to be fighting a one man war against a shadow because literally no one has taken him up on his invitation to debate the relative mertis of SJWism, whatever that may be; rather he simply has attempted to tie all behavior he is at odds with with "SJWism" which is silly because I'm imagining C 20 years ago, or 200 for that matter, and not really thinking he's better off. if anything he is the primary beneficiary of "SJWism" (tolerance) because it seems to me his high degree of extroversion would have likely caused him to be liquidated or ostracized in far worse a manner than simple "women don't like me as much as I wish they did in NZ", in a more repressive less open society

    anyway it seems obvious to me that SJWism has both good and bad aspects, as do all progressive movements, because they fundamentally straddle the unknown and introduce both chaos and real progress into society. what is called for is a nuanced evaluation so as to sort the good from the bad; these sorts of flat denials are too obtuse. even the most regressive reactionary Fe valuer I would think would be obligated to admit such a movement did not arise out of nothing and theres a point in there somewhere. the trick would be to take the good and leave out the bad, which is precisely what the human endeavor in process of transformation is really all about. you can't escape that because it occurs across multiple planes, even a denial invites enantiodromia so one finds oneself working at cross purposes with oneself if the goal is to meaningfully attenuate "their" influence. you could say from this point of view, the perspective I advocate stands a much better chance of extinguishing "SJWism" if that is in fact the goal, which makes you wonder what motive one could have for playing up the conflict--and now maybe the difference between delta and beta NF becomes more clear

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    Too bad @Bertrand isn't a girl. He and @Cuivienen could make lots of hate babies.

    You're both ridiculous. And probably neither one of you are in the "evil, clueless beta" group or the "sanctimonious delta" group, and not only because both those groups are distortions and don't actually exist the way you think they do. Not that either of you will care or listen, like trying to talk a frenzied KKK member out of a lynching. Not going to work.

    As for me, I think I'll check into socionics detox and see if I can flush some of this crap out of my brain before I become infected too.

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    Conveniently preempt the counter-argument by never making an argument in the first place. It's generally less embarrassing to rationalize your failures in private.

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    One threatens to commit suicide, the other one does it.

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    *steps in* I refuse to eat my vegetables! *steps out*

    Idk how I'm supposed to respond to that exactly, it's not like this is an election. There's nothing at stake to be won or lost by token gestures, put up or shut up.

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    im not even sure which party is which since Fi seems more likely to mean it when they convey suicidal feelings, but Se is more likely to take action in general

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    Lol, I was trying to figure out which would be which and then realized it was a dumb thing to be thinking about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Too bad @Bertrand isn't a girl. He and @Cuivienen could make lots of hate babies.
    If he was a woman, I would have been sued for sexual harassment by now.

    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    You're both ridiculous. And probably neither one of you are in the "evil, clueless beta" group or the "sanctimonious delta" group, and not only because both those groups are distortions and don't actually exist the way you think they do. Not that either of you will care or listen, like trying to talk a frenzied KKK member out of a lynching. Not going to work.
    Well, next time don't try to talk the KKK member out of a lynching. Just give him something else to do that he'd enjoy more. A 12 pack of beer and a complimentary escort service might work.

    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    As for me, I think I'll check into socionics detox and see if I can flush some of this crap out of my brain before I become infected too.
    Oh, stop being such a sourpuss.

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    You can tell what shape the world is in by how well they align. More info than this and the feds will get me

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Too bad @Bertrand isn't a girl. He and @Cuivienen could make lots of hate babies.

    You're both ridiculous. And probably neither one of you are in the "evil, clueless beta" group or the "sanctimonious delta" group, and not only because both those groups are distortions and don't actually exist the way you think they do. Not that either of you will care or listen, like trying to talk a frenzied KKK member out of a lynching. Not going to work.

    As for me, I think I'll check into socionics detox and see if I can flush some of this crap out of my brain before I become infected too.


    Highly recommend it.

    /hugs/ Here is some Chae love for detox

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post


    Highly recommend it.

    /hugs/ Here is some Chae love for detox
    Thanks for blessing my thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Well I'm certainly not going to be getting to know him any better since I was extremely close with him for about five years and he's pretty much dropped off the map in the last few. My only hope is to get to know more people of different types and cement my understanding of socionics in general. Even ten years from now when he's surely forgotten about me I will probably still be trying to nail down his type.
    Umm he seems IEI-Fe if that input helps

    Too N and too Irrational to be EIE

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