Quote Originally Posted by InkMyUmbrella View Post
I am not sure if you can relate to this: I really enjoy watching makeup videos on youtube. Initially it was in order to learn how to put it on my face...later it became due to the satisfaction of watching all the creams and nice colors blend on someone's face. I love watching the makeup artist draw crisp lines and then use a brush to blend it in smoothly. I also love seeing the artist put a shocking color on their face either as a highlight (what goes on cheekbones) or as an eye-shadow shade. I can do this for hours, although I feel incredibly unproductive doing this. It's a weird craving I have. I also love watching food videos, like watching cookies bake in the oven sped-up and seeing the chocolate chunks bubble.
For me it's more like I don't imagine it being interesting at all, but when i actually do it I can go on for hours. Sensing stuff was always ordinary/ uninteresting to me. Until I actually started doing it.

So my issue is that I do know that I have Si and Ne somewhere in my stacks, I'm just not sure where. From a real-world standpoint, what does Si look like in the dominant stack, second, third, fourth, etc.
You have to get to know the relationships. That's the only way to be sure of your type imo.

To what extent does an ESE and anyone with Si below use Si less than an SEI? If you get what I'm saying.
They are often perceived as using it more. Because creative Si can be used in the framework of the base it can be expressed better, like in LSE. It gets a more explicit expression. Base Si is often almost invisible, and just has to be inferred. One just sees aloofness.

The base and creative are different. Base is the primary conscious orientation, Creative more assisting, "less conscious", difficult to use independently of base.

So you think you are ESE? You seem to be asking a lot of questions, that could be a hint of Ti suggestive. Just an idea.