They probably do dislike you and don't want to be around you, but I think this is a common human thing. I dislike other people and also don't want to be around them. I don't like conservative redneck SMASHes and they don't like me either. I don't like liberal faggy worldly people either though.

I think it has strong ties to blood roots and genetic code. You are naturally wary of anybody who isn't part of your own tribe/family and they have to earn that right. When your genes want to reproduce then you want to be around this person etc. Or you have something to exchange etc. Otherwise what's the point? Cold distance is more efficient.

Charming narcissists don't really have this filter- they'll just be pretend-chummy with everybody to get their own needs met, but they aren't good to be in a relationship with anyway at all since we humans naturally want true love and meaning/intimacy which the narcissist can't provide.

Don't worry about being liked. You will find 'your family' just by being yourself. Just do that and don't put on some fake persona to please another person. <3