- heavily Fe valuing wedding party / reception
- LSE goes even though not close to that family much
- IEE friend knows this and volunteers to go also
- LSE has a good time but dislikes what feels like smalltalk, doesn't feel comfortable in environment
- IEE shows up (late, but not as late as LSE expected)
- Uncertainty about if IEE could make it left a lack of a seat at table
- LSE politely bit firmly inquires about the seat being available and makes it happen
- Both have seats next to each other and manage general smalltalk and some quality talk at table
- IEE suggests going for a walk, says ' could tell LSE wanted to'
- Is correct
- LSE and IEE go on walk outside in pleasant scenery at sunset
- Walk takes 60+ minutes with a lot of conversation
- Including Fi pep talk about how to be open with family and even though they are different you can relate to them on some level and that's ok
- Both Talk about personal boundaries and allusion to other relationships / relationship problems in others' lives
- Pictures at sunset
- LSE notes that IEE is focusing a lot on LSE's situation at the moment and knows IEE will expect reciprocal attention later
- IEE acknowledges that is the case
- IEE makes comment on architecture
- Return to party, eventually
- Both go to the dancefloor and do a lot of dancing
- Easier to socialize away from the dancefloor now also because there is less constraint on location/conversation
- More dancing.
- Consider leaving before the end because things are dying down, let, etc
- End up staying because the music is good and special/important things happen
- Talk for an hour about IEE relationship stuff on the ride home