View Poll Results: Reveries Socionics Type for 2018

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  • ESI

    8 28.57%
  • EII

    14 50.00%
  • IEI

    0 0%
  • SEI

    2 7.14%
  • Other

    0 0%
  • Unidentifiable Alien

    6 21.43%
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Thread: Reverie's Socionics Type 2017

  1. #201
    Bertrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I know I don't relate to a lot on ESI descriptions. Actually, if I was to say which one I relate to the most, it would be IEI. But I don't believe I am. If I am ESI, maybe it is because of Ni HA. I'm not very conscientious in a way j types are made out to be, but what's funny is, my mom often says, 'I know I don't have to worry about you because you've always been mature and responsible.' I think I might give the impression of having my shit together. And maybe in some ways I do. But I think I give the illusion of that more than what is reality, because I don't feel like I have my shit together.

    But I think Gamma is the coolest quadra.
    well my parents lie to me all the time because they think its what I need/want to hear, so its not that I don't appreciate the effort, but I take it for what it is

    Quote Originally Posted by maniac View Post
    So basically, impressions? I'm usually quick to 'judge' people and get an image of them so I should have high Ne then..? And to judge whether I like them or not. But my opinion has changed sometimes after talking to them further, but usually not.

    This still seems alot different from knowing oneself though. With oneself there can be and usually are ego blocks that blocks you from seeing yourself truly, and sometimes people have an aversion to looking inward because it's too scary or uncomfortable.
    there's of course a Ti distinction between yourself an others, but there's also a singular picture of the world with yourself at the center (presumably) of it, so in some sense your relative position to others is going to be informed by how you place and understand yourself. What's being discussed is I think the underlying images from which we pull and not some positively-determined thinking structure. the thinking structure is just a map or scheme we overlay on the picture of the world, if the understanding of "the world" (this includes everything including oneself) is distorted or low res, it can mess with what the system turns out. I believe this is what Sol is saying essentially, that a dim outer situation creates all sorts of funky disagreements and confusion when it comes to typing self and others. some people take feedback on the outer picture better than others. for some it provokes aggression because they resist it because it is feared. for some its feared because of hierarchical social perception consequences and others simply because they don't particularly want to see themselves objectively

  2. #202
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    @reverie, I get where you are coming from ... typing and suggestions are coming from random people who mix personal projections and sentiments with assessments of yourself, so it might only be partially justified. There's no real way to distinguish between the person 'in the basement' as the saying goes to the person who's in their basement, but not resentful.

    A solution i'd seen before, I'm not really one for forums, but I participated in a forum before in an unrelated field - not psychology/typology. The forum moved from being free to a small monthly membership subscription, something like $15 a month - overnight the need for moderation disappeared. People who weren't serious or respectful seemed to be put off and looked elsewhere, strange for such a small sum, but that's what happened.

    But, this forum is what it is, take the good with the bad, all the stuff going on will disappear and the next thing will come in. As for a socionics forum which charges a subscription, it's not something I have the desire to devote as a passion to create, but I know these things work across the board.

  3. #203
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    I'm all for keeping the riff raff out with a cover, but something tells me it would just kill this board, since most new people won't be sufficiently hooked to pay up front so it would slowly die for lack of new blood

    I also think people might be more dicks, since they figured they paid to be here so they can say what they want, etc

    I love my mom, but I think she might be oblivious to some things. I don't think it's that she's lying, I had a drug addiction when I was younger and she didn't even notice. Stuff like that. When she last said that to me I was feeling suicidal.
    what are the chances they knew something was up (maybe not the complete details) and just chose to pretend not to notice? either way, that kind of obliviousness makes it hard to trust their perceptions because they're so out of it, which kind of sucks. I think i'd rather believe they figured something was up but made the judgement call not to bring it up for whatever reason. I mean I'd like to think if my kid, whom I raised and had decades of experience with, was on something I'd notice. but then again people can hide things well

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I'm all for keeping the riff raff out with a cover, but something tells me it would just kill this board, since most people new people won't be sufficiently hooked to pay up front so it would slowly die for lack of new blood
    Some people contribute more, and better, simply because they're paying for it. It puts an intrinsic value on what they're involved in, so you tend to find smaller numbers but with greater focus.

    However, it's not something I can be bothered with, this forums OK enough for me, I expect what it is, a decent enough forum but not boring.

  5. #205
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    yeah but sometimes people can really blow up small stuff but freeze on the big things, like I don't necessarily see this as inconsistent with being a worry wort over small things. but then again, you know her best

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by maniac View Post
    I'm usually quick to 'judge' people and get an image of them so I should have high Ne then..?
    As F type you are focused good on what people are. If you are N than your irrational "images" have good correctness and hence you trust them seriously.

    > And to judge whether I like them or not.

    It's F. But information from other functions may influence on the result too.

    > But my opinion has changed sometimes after talking to them further, but usually not.

    to have strong function does not mean to be perfect there

    > This still seems alot different from knowing oneself though.

    nah.. women...
    you'll count your fingers by the same function like you'd count them on a hand of other human
    all the difference is the quantity of information you are using. it's just easier to see your fingers as they are closer
    your personality is same OBJECT for your consciousness like personalities of others. it's just "closer"

    being F type it's harder for you to think objectively, to abstract from other feelings you have to yourself than to others. but for your N there is no difference. on a deep level of your unconscious, - there is no you as a subject at all - but just a spot among chaotic and moving mess around you, equal to anything - to people, cats, trees, stones - anything. we all are the one united mess, the ocean of matter moving by the wind of destiny, - we only think waves, foam, funnels, etc as "special" objects - and you are just one of those "waves"

    > With oneself there can be and usually are ego blocks that blocks you from seeing yourself truly

    and to see others "truly" you have similar blocks

    > and sometimes people have an aversion to looking inward because it's too scary or uncomfortable

    similarly like to see the truth about anything in this world

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yeah yeah, poor you; but what about me?
    Make ur own typing thread with poll

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Actually, if I was to say which one I relate to the most, it would be IEI. But I don't believe I am.
    Why not?

  9. #209
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    its interesting to me that you care what people think your type is (seemingly apart from objective input but more as a matter of social feedback), to me that suggests subjectivism, so maybe that is evidence for beta quadra (or alpha)

    the objective truth very rarely, if ever, is everyone going to completely agree on especially in regard to anyone's given type, so a person vehemently disagreeing on occasion is to be expected (even the "top" socionists disagree over basic stuff, like was Maxim LSI, was Dostoevsky EII, etc). the main concern would be collect the objective information, to only rely on people who are knowledgeable in some technical sense (high quality sources) to make sure your own understanding is informed, and then draw your own conclusion. This idea that a poll can settle it seems highly subjectivist, if serious. A part of me thinks its a more or less a tongue in cheek farce designed to gather information but not really determine type. In which case I think that is fair--kind of like a covert cry for help for the actually knowledgeable people to present their case and provide useful information (in a "merry" guise). I think this is in some sense indicative of your general approach which is to kind of blend different quadral approaches and to subsume one into the other but not always be entirely clear how one is truly operating. I doubt its fully conscious and intentional--it seems to me a way of getting by which has been ingrained in order "to please everyone" to give everyone a little of something so that "no one can be mad" (this seems to be a concern of yours). I think this is a form of strong ethical maneuvering, but its ill suited to get a straight response because you're sort of unintentionally playing everyone. Someone says X, you retort Y, ad infinitum. You go about making yourself safe in this way by always having an option. I identify this with Ne/Se and introverted ethics, which are the "serious" quadra. If I had to guess i'd say you're ESI/EII who has sort of worked this mode of being out as a way to play both sides and generally always have an excuse so as to stay safe, etc. I could be projecting a lot however, this is how I would interpret my own actions if they were coming out this way. Its slightly neurotic because it never allows you to just be yourself, rather it is a very other centered use of Fi that causes you to lose yourself in playing the game based on fleshing out a rational Fi structure that is entirely centered around "unauthenticity" to some extent, as if you don't have a right to exist. This is how IEI comes across as well, except they own it to some extent, I sense there is tension in you that does not embrace this dynamic whole heartedly the way IEI does. Its also possible that tension is the result of being a "base" IEI and feeling the need to "find your true self" based on external pressure, as if you were a beta in a predominantly g/d environment. Except I think IEI would not give off hints that the whole thing is a farce, I think they'd be more comfortable giving whoever what they need without actually aspiring for more. Its why IEI is the mirage of the whole socion. I don't get a strong mirage feeling from you, its more like you're trying to be and its driving you a little nuts.
    you have a sincere quality about yourself, despite yourself, unlike someone like wacey who is a slimeball no matter how genuinely ingratiating they may be. you're like the opposite of that, a bit combative, but genuinely good
    Last edited by Aylen; 12-05-2017 at 07:34 PM. Reason: personal attack

  10. #210
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    sorry I just added a bunch once I started reflecting on it

  11. #211
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm derailing or maybe it's derailed already but I really do think in all seriousness that since socionics is just a shared unempirical construct majority opinion really does speak in large measure to the 'truth' of it, because what else would, if there's no objective standard to measure against? Its created, maintained, and measured against whatever people happen to think about it. If you choose to be iconoclastic and measure things against your own experiences and definitions you can maintain some integrity but is that solipsistic? It's not a hill I would really want to die on, anyway.

    This is an opinion that meets with derision but I think people react reflexively to it because it means socionics isn't "real" and they're wasting their time. But this is what I think about that. Im open to being told why I should change my thinking about this because it's not something I think because it pleases me.

    I'm not suggesting that the majority is right if they say "reverie thinks in such and such a way" - that would be gross. And I wouldnt necessarily take the majoritys opinion on my own type, depending on how well I think they understand *me*

    I can see this position as subjectivism or I could see it as a rejection of Ti constructs - whichever the majority would attribute it to, I guess =D

  12. #212
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    To be honest I think on some level most people here know this to be the case and that's why some of the more heated conceptual battles have taken place - staking territory. Otherwise the truth could speak for itself.

  13. #213
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    I think the way out of that is to think of it as primarily therapeutic; personal moral development does not at all rely on a consensus of one's type, it only relies on a personal understanding that allows for growth. in that sense, subjectivism is great. this attempt to objectively nail down type was doomed the second one admits its a free floating mental construct, so lets use it for what its worth, rather than try to make a square peg for want of a square hole when there is none, not yet anyway. to allow social manifestation to become that "objective-subjective" standard, is just to abdicate typing from the "scientist" to the "social maven"--which is precisely what this place falls into sometimes, which is interesting, but not unexpected [1]. in a way its just Ti dual seeking from excess Fe in action

    again, the answer is to focus on its value for what it can accomplish on the psychological rather than social plane

    but really that is not entirely accurate either [2], rather it is: "the social plane" has to be viewed as more than the forums so to speak, rather it would be something like finding a way to integrate people into society based on their strengths. begging the question as to their type would ultimately be counter productive to this goal, you'd have people "doing x" because it makes them "type x", rather than the other way around, being "typed x" because they can "do x" well (4d function "runs ahead" in time, can benefit society before problems develop, this would be the basis for "being paid"--real value, etc). the idea is you want to get the right people in the right positions based off their true strengths, rather than them trying to define for themselves their true strengths based off what position they can find their way into--this gets completely subverted by wishful thinking and HA and so on. In this sense it is the opposite of being objective with oneself. its a confrontation with these aspects that is a confrontation with the shadow and its precisely in this the therapy is found. all this shit about what people think is collateral and a major distraction, unless where people are coming from is first rooted in a base understanding of these dynamics, and most people betray their ignorance of them very quickly and instead choose to play the surface game, but its totally empty. although it seems like "progress" in some sense to socially "settle" the issue, the cure is worse than the disease, it actually just means socionics is meaningless because it gives up on its underlying reason for being in order to parasitically enjoy some short term LARPing off the dying prestige of a system that had potential but ultimately wasted it on fantasies

    [1] Fe types predominate here, despite their "spreading" enabled by their subjectivist notion of type which has expanded outward and created a bizarro socion where we have "Fe types of every type." Adam Strange is one of the most egregious examples of this kind of nonsense

    [2] it is better to think of it as properly arranged in time as understanding it psychologically prior to socially, rather than vice versa. this allows someone to "get real" about themselves and then benefit society, rather than try and convince themselves via society they are x type (i.e.: were it to flow social->psychological--this is backwards).
    Last edited by Bertrand; 12-05-2017 at 02:23 AM.

  14. #214
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    Want to try something weird? I'm going to paste some crazy statements selected from tranlated Russian text in a completely non-objective non-scientific way (Basically I'm choosing phrases I like the sound of or ones I find interesting in some way) from two different groups. And then you can pick a group that best fits you. It's not super-serious or anything, just for fun and curiosity.

    Group A

    My favorite roles are observer for fleeting moments, a wanderer by the river of events.

    Sometimes I had a strange sensation of not recognizing my personality, as if I were a stranger, and in any case not the same person that I was ten seconds or ten hours ago.

    I sometimes have a sudden feeling of alienation, of the immobile deadness of the surrounding situation.

    People often seem to me moving mannequins, and everything around me seems unreal.

    Sometimes I seem to dissolve in the universe, forgetting about my body, forgetting about pain and pleasure.

    Often even bright day involuntarily I start something terrible to fantasize.

    Without moving, I look at the bustle of the world and philosophize through sleep.

    In my head, random and foggy fantasies and images are constantly swarming, which guide the flow of conscious thoughts.

    Group B

    The key concepts for me: spirituality, guilt, vulnerability, compassion, attentiveness, decency, morality, reliability, modesty, responsibility, consistency.

    I often feel anxiety, and against her background - hopelessness and loss.

    In comparison with others, I have a special talent for patience and responsiveness, education and dedication.

    At the same time, among my shortcomings is excessive distrust of new people and new methods, indecisiveness, and a tendency to doubt their abilities and capabilities.

    Inside me, as often as I hear a judgmental voice - and he always shames for the same thing.

    Often I remember and think about my deep gratitude to the people who supported me throughout my life.

    The set of concepts characterizing me is quite accurate and complete: feelings, harmony, peace, humanity, commandments, conscientiousness, shame, politeness, compulsion, human soul, forgiveness, poetry, destiny.

    Before I say anything, I always figure out if it will lead to a conflict and a deterioration in my relationship with a person.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Of course!

    Moving mannequins. It makes people seem kind of dead inside. Lol.

    But I can relate to B more than A.
    Lol =)

    B is Fi. A was Ni. I think my favorite phrase was "My favorite roles are observer for fleeting moments, a wanderer by the river of events" just because I really like the sound of it and the imagery.

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    Ready for Part 2?

    Group A

    Key to my nature of the concept: reliability, conservatism, memory of evil and good, the inevitability of punishment, the ideal purity, order in the house, prudence, alertness, beautiful expensive things, self-esteem.

    It is better to accidentally crush something innovative than to allow confusion.

    I am a strong-willed and powerful person, who achieves his not hurriedly, but with patience, consistency and accuracy.

    My frequent position is: "no, no, and again no."

    For a model, I accept the ideals of the past, and not the utopian ideals of the future.

    I have excellent coordination of movements and an accurate eye.

    Most often I adhere to the principle: "who is not with us, he is against us."

    In the attentive glance of my eyes, I feel a slight shade of suspicion and condemnation.

    Group B

    From too strong stimuli, sudden and abrupt changes, my attention begins to slow down, to dissipate.

    I often dream of living in a world in which friendship and brotherhood rules.

    In the choice of clothing, I easily go on a compromise, if my relatives do not like something.

    I do not know how to "press" on others, I do not know how and I do not like to control the surrounding space.

    The work of the philosopher would suit me more than the work of the investigator.

    Often I do not know where to put my hands, and in general I am somewhat awkward in posture and movements.

    I'm diligent in not quarreling with anyone.

    I show tolerance for the shortcomings and weaknesses of others - because everyone has weaknesses and shortcomings.

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I relate more to B than A. Although investigator sounds interesting, and I do like beautiful and expensive things.
    A was Se-creative and B was Ne-creative (those phrases weren't as interesting as the Ni ones though lol) So. . .

    Congratulations! From my super-duper accurate and 100% infallible test you are extra conclusively typed as. . . EII!

    Kidding, but I do think that EII makes more sense than ESI. And I do think it's likely that you're an NF with both strong Fi and Ni, so second choice is IEI. =)

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Congratulations! From my super-duper accurate and 100% infallible test you are extra conclusively typed as. . . EII!
    Now take into account that she knows the theory too and has a hard predisposition to type herself as N type.

  19. #219

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    @reverie, I just wanted to say that which you already know about being no longer a youth, holding responsibilities of parenting and the bond of marriage all make it more difficult to immerse yourself in Socionics and thus be sure of your type.
    So a slower route towards typing and skills may be what’s ahead.
    I think your presence on the forum brings a pleasantness somehow and I notice some members reaching out to you which is nice.

  20. #220

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    Something about you feels really sweet, feminine and innocent. I like it. <3 I myself am more darker/bitchier I think.

    I want to say EII now... we may be from opposing quadras but that doesn't mean we cant get along. <3

  21. #221

  22. #222
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    Which list is closest to you. This is from Talanov.

    The smell of lily of the valley a pleasant scent of roses.
    Weak salivation.
    No appetite for food.
    Low sensitivity of the tactile analyzer.
    Is inherent in passive and lazy contemplation, ignoring the material world and its worries.
    The food preferences it is not peculiar to the love of bread, it consumes little of it.
    The intensity and the priority of the work of the imagination and fantasy.
    As a replica to the statement often tells his interlocutor anecdote.
    The distance between the center of the pupil (widely-set eyes).
    It is not a donor negative, evil, painful emotions - so often experience frustration (frustration), and anger, and sometimes even subconsciously seek to experience angry feelings (score of 10 questions).
    He is not inclined to focus on familiar, familiar, proven, past, traditional;*it is not inherent conservatism and lack of propensity to change.
    He was not peculiar to focus on new and unusual sensations of your body and experiment with them.
    He is childish whining expression.
    He is not peculiar quarrelsomeness character.
    Ignoring his appearance, cleaning the apartment, sleep neglect, comfort bed (but not lunch).
    For it is not characterized by the development side, the peripheral vision.
    Ability to be surprised and see the everyday ordinary.
    He does not like the service sector occupations.
    Deprived hasty categorical in the estimates, never in a hurry to judge and to make comments.
    He does not like to read about the great disaster and catastrophe.
    Breadth of interests.
    For it is not characteristic of the sensor in the form of petty irritations of errors in a foreign language.
    He is not peculiar, alien to conservative attitudes and habits.*
    He has no taste for a thorough skin care of your body.
    Low overall irritability (of 81 situations in which a person may experience at least on some occasions, irritation).
    Handwriting clumsy (usually isolated violation motor center of the letter at the base of the second frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere - the so-called left-hand rear region F2 ilizona Exner, or violation graphical touch the center on the left or right angular gyrus postparietal area So-called peripheral or apraksicheskaya Agraphia. ).
    Dullness of taste sensations.
    High current irritability.
    He opposes high opaque fence around the site (correlated with the reading of newspapers).
    He is not an esthete.
    fantasy wealth.
    Weakness visual sensitivity, memory and attention - only sees a major change of the environment, including due to the indifference to life and to care for themselves.
    Often disoriented in time - what month, date, day of the week.
    Concentrated distraction distracted forgetfulness (own fantasies are experienced as important a priority, overvalued).
    Believes that the uniformity of people better their diversity.
    The habit of smoking.
    Problems with motor skills - motor clumsiness, discoordination movements.
    Like the profession of a dentist.
    He is not peculiar position of the "gray cardinal".
    Glamorous values ​​seem afraid "bluestocking".
    Exposure cholecystitis (prescribed cholagogue).
    It has no inclination to a narrowing of the field of socially permissible, to the escalation of legislative bans and tightening of punitive norms, it advocates the expansion of the field of what is permitted, to mitigate the criminal laws, and non-application of the death penalty.
    Motor stimulation in a state of unrest.
    Capacity and the need for the discovery and isolation of new invention.
    The wealth of associations.
    Independent and original in fashion, it does not tend to follow the same fashion as that of the majority.
    With respect to the direction of the focus of attention to different parts of his body, he has poorly developed ability to determine the coordinates of objects in space, the direction of the focus of attention to these points, the current adjustment of the coordinates in the egocentric fixed coordinate system.
    He does not tend to consciously avoid any complicated, unpleasant and disturbing thoughts, as well as people with problems.
    Sometimes it is going through because of its "hollowness shall".
    Respect for the human person, it is not inherent distrust for single, originals and individualists, or lack of understanding of how individualism of the original world of personal values, standing above the society, or the inclination to the vision in front of the flock, not personalities or viewing people solely through the prism of their socio-pragmatic functional roles.
    His vision is distracted and inattentive, about it can not be said that it is - a detailed, attentive, sensitive, careful, with an excellent distinctive to visual detail and change them, even in the small.*
    He does not tend to assume that neighbors are always dramatically closer foreign and distant (including it is prone to the same willingness to help and to strangers, not only to his family).
    For lifting his mood drawn to food.
    A narrow beam of visual attention.
    I would like to take part in the experiments with hypnosis.
    Speech - feels bad feedback signals from their artikulyatsionngo apparatus, because of this, often makes mistakes in speech, without noticing it;*difficult to pronounce words.
    Material losses and deprivation of something, and the result of dissonance with the expectation of them to survive easily.
    With respect to the requirements for the statements of others and about the world around ambiguity and pluralism for it is always better to uniqueness.
    As a child, he never liked, and did not try to play the drums.
    His weak orgasms.
    Prefer to communicate with people, the mood of which is better, or at least no worse than he (is correlated with low levels of physical aggression).
    He does not like beaches with bright sunshine.
    He is very familiar with, and is guided in the distances between the objects, it is interesting and close to his abilities.
    Nonconformity as a bold, greedy and does not bridle authorities Research instinct, original views, boldness of imagination and experimentation in the field of ideas, hypotheses.
    Predisposed to skating fingers (mechanically) cereal balls.
    The habit of rubbing his hands.
    He loves to roam the woods, away from civilization as possible.
    The instability of posture, difficulty maintaining balance.
    Predisposition to frequent cramps in the leg.
    Motor automatism, superfluous, unnecessary movement.
    Greed for food.
    Weak immunity - a tendency to "cling" adenovirus respiratory infections.
    He was not inherent commitment to the maintenance of order and organization.
    High vascular reactivity in response to excitement (pale or red).
    In politics, the "left" it nicer "right" (in the European sense of the term - an advanced calculation on 32 matters).
    Speculative fantasy and any theoretical punditry for his important and interesting practices and the real world.
    Considers that as an incentive to encourage better punishment.
    He believes that humans and apes share a common ancestor (negatively correlated with the belief in telepathy and UFOs, as well as religious).
    Bad, blurry and diffuse sense of the body and the coordinates of its organs (score 8 issues).
    Ready to be a sponsor and patron.
    Carping often manifests in chernointuitivno-beloeticheskih issues than chernoeticheskih.
    For it is not typical brittleness vessels on the body surface (easily formed bruises).*
    Impulsive muscle "twitching" to hail.
    He enjoys the process any personal creative work.
    Poor spatial coordination of movements (narrow list of attributes 5).
    High water consumption per diem.
    He has no violations of semantic understanding to hear (ie there is no transcortical sensory aphasia, which is in contrast to receptive aphasia, defeat is not the T1 zone, and more zadnelezhaschih temporal zones T2 and T3 are responsible for data transport between the center of the auditory images in T1 and conceptual center. closely linked with the violation of spatial and logical relations).*Local calculation 4 issues.
    He has poor coordination of movements in the motor industry.
    Unpleasant odors in his imagination more accessible enjoyable.
    Uncertainty, undemanding and incompetence in matters of choice of clothing, furniture, jewelry, the organization of the surrounding space.
    Compulsively repeating simple movements - defect premotor frontal cortex.
    During the thoughts of his tongue in her mouth moving.
    The work window cleaner at a height to suit him more than a job Goods, Logistics.
    Hearing - poor intelligibility tone sounds.
    Problems with motor skills - mainly clumsiness, awkwardness or their restraint, impaired their smooth melodies.
    Its current state is having problems.
    For it is not characteristic flatness performance when the mood irregularities.
    Chewing something helps him think.
    Propensity and ability to generalize, to the speculative abstractions, the ability to track and integrate common phenomenon even subtle nuances of their characters.
    The reader of newspapers.
    For him, it is essential to be loved - so easily bought at any good feelings, and often shoved him insincere.
    Handwriting - arkadichnost the letters t, u, u, n.
    Pregnancy his mother when she was pregnant with him, took on a positive emotional background.
    Do not know how to enjoy the process of falling asleep.
    Low activity of the cholinergic system of the brain (low intensity transport of acetylcholine in neuronal synapses of the central nervous system - the complex evaluation of several tens of characteristic symptoms).
    He does not tend to be emphasized in the cheerful company and emphasize the seriousness - at work.
    He was not peculiar to the desire for comfort, practicality, skill and rigor in his questions.
    Increased distractibility of the surrounding stimuli, difficulty retention goals.
    I would prefer to sit, doing meditation - it has reduced the need for an active life, constantly creating or recognizing something.
    The lack of vigorous entrepreneurship against the background of a lack of faith in their abilities.
    He believes that scientific discoveries sooner or later turn into evil.
    Very weak emotional memory on the details of their dating and meeting people.
    He is an opponent of the view that the best state-monopoly capitalism, than any kind of socialism.
    Movement difficult initiated (defect premotor frontal cortex).*
    Fantasy for him often convincing visualization (imagination is more important than reality).
    Personal openness, the need for the dissemination of knowledge and information.
    Rest for it - it's likely to do nothing than switching to other useful activities.
    He loves to wiggle in the back legs of the chair.
    Tendency to a mental game with hypotheses - is associated with curiosity.
    Ignoring the material world and its worries - indifference to the outside of things.
    Underdeveloped visual function entity and its individual low bandwidth channel as the information becomes available.
    Poor coordination of fine movements of the hands and tongue.
    Weight above normal.
    Poor short-term memory, dips it in the recent events.
    He does not consider himself to the intellectual elite of society.
    Lack fear closed spaces (claustrophobia).
    For it is not characteristic cautiously ponder surrounding intrigue, not to slip and make a mistake.
    He does not tend to adhere to the ideology of consumerism.
    For it is not characteristic of the type of error repositioned adjacent letters when typing on the keyboard.
    Believes that greed worse than stupidity.
    Saccharine cloying in communication.
    Predisposition to hypnagogic hallucinations ( "cartoons" with closed eyes before going to sleep).
    Believes that the important creative initiative discipline unreasoning diligence and maintaining existing conservative order.
    Tendency to a mental game with paradoxes.
    He is not prone to explosivity - accumulating explosiveness.
    For it is not characterized by a strong self-love.
    Weak Orientation of view on color;*low sensitivity color vision.
    It is characterized by the primacy of the whole front of the particulars and trifles.
    Daydreaming, looking in the imagination, the difficulty in incorporating the real situation.
    All similar objects visually appear to one person, not paying attention to the appearance of people not paying attention to the individual differences and the visual color of objects, remembers the bad faces.
    Proud, does not tolerate humiliated, debased position of the applicant.
    Propensity for coronary disorders and hypertension (high blood pressure sharp)
    Sometimes he is looking for and can not figure out just what the object is and what is used.
    It surprised the people who eat the last piece of candy.
    Increased likelihood of episodes with the illusion of anticipating the next moment, a moment.
    Obsessive auditory experience - sounds often seem especially loud and contrast-succulent.
    Low and insufficient strength of biological motivations and vital instincts, lack of integrity and awareness of desire, a real sensory and career-material needs of weak values ​​of imagination and curiosity for it are more vital sensory pleasures (calculation of 10 questions).
    He notes in his history of gout symptoms.
    He considers that, in all the history always repeats itself.
    His most vivid emotional memories associated with negativity.
    Predisposition to myoclonus (muscle twitching).
    Never specifically exacerbates the situation in relations with people.*


    The high sensitivity of the tactile analyzer.
    Small distance between the centers of the pupils (eyes close together).
    Developed lateral, peripheral vision.
    He is not peculiar childish whining expression.
    He likes to read about the great disaster and catastrophe.
    Practicality is high (can firmly and insistently defend and protect their rights and interests).
    Carping he often manifests in chernoeticheskih issues than chernointuitivno-beloeticheskih.
    Believes that stupidity worse than greed.
    His visual attention broad and not narrow beam.
    Vigorous enterprise on a background of faith in their abilities.
    Mild vascular reactivity in response to the excitement (not pale or red).
    He is not peculiar predisposition to cholecystitis (never prescribed cholagogue).
    Lack of motility problems as motor incoordination and awkwardness movements.
    Excellent coordination of movements in the motor industry.
    Smell the roses a pleasant scent lily of the valley.
    Movement easily and without effort initiated (good job premotor frontal cortex).
    I love spicy food.
    During the thoughts of his tongue in her mouth fixed, not moving.
    He is not prone to depression performance of censures and penalties.
    The tendency to a narrowing of the field of socially permissible, to the escalation of legislative bans and tightening of punitive norms, including in favor of tougher criminal laws and the death penalty.
    He was not peculiar to the intensity and priority of the work of the imagination and fantasy.
    Distrustful, hypochondriac, suspicious attitude towards people.
    Donor negative, evil, painful emotions (score of 10 questions).
    Approves high fences around the opaque areas (correlated with nechteniem newspapers).
    posture stability, no-hassle in maintaining balance.
    He is highly interested in the material world and its concerns, as well as in the external side of things - they ignore it unnatural and alien.
    Lack of motor automatisms and extra, unnecessary movements.
    His thinking and his values ​​are independent and ignore public over regulation.
    He spends very little time in front of TV.
    No problems with motor skills as clumsiness, their stiffness and angularity, the violation of their smooth melodies.
    Quarrelsomeness character.
    He physiologically peculiar often "breaks through" a cold sweat.
    At any time, always clear and without mistakes oriented in time - what month, date, day of the week.
    He feels entitled to be the master of life and destiny of others, in favor of the death penalty, he likes to be a judge, prosecutor or investigator.
    He stressed the oars in the company and highlighted serious - at work.
    Low current irritability (self-evaluation of one direct question).
    He was not peculiar to the thought of death and fear of death.*
    He was not peculiar sequence of movements disorders, disorders of the rhythmic "music" (which would indicate a defect in the premotor frontal cortex).
    Its current state without any problems.
    According to him, the delicacy itself provokes that it pressured.
    He does not have the ability to be surprised and see the unusual in the everyday.
    Increased susceptibility to ensure that "in espionage" eyes move from side to side, without turning his head.
    It has no predisposition to frequent cramps in the leg.
    A good short-term memory, no dips in it on recent events.
    It has no physiological propensity for coronary disorders and hypertension (sudden increase in blood pressure).
    Arrogance, disrespect for other people's personality, contemptuous look, "top-down" on the people around them, the need to establish their superiority over others - including the expense of harm to them and their moral "lowering" ( "I feel good when the other bad").*Narrow the list of 9 symptoms.
    Touch pettiness - Irritation of mistakes in a foreign language.
    It - it is a good feeling return signals from its artikulyatsionngo device, so it does not tend to make mistakes in the speech without noticing it;*as there is no difficulty to pronounce the words.
    Considers that as an incentive to encourage better punishment.
    High salivation.
    It adheres to the ideology of consumerism.
    It has no predisposition to neurotic pain in the neck.
    He was not peculiar obsessions.
    Job Goods, Logistics would suit him more than the work of a window washer on top.
    He does not agree with the fact that scientific discoveries sooner or later turn into evil.
    Focusing on new and unusual sensations of his body, experimenting with them.
    He did not peculiar cloying saccharine in communication.
    Sometimes hasty and categorical in the estimates in a hurry to judge and to make comments.
    In his childhood love for playing the drums.
    Impatient and easily irritated by the slow-witted audience irritated during his explanation, if they do not perceive at once correctly.
    He's friendly, unstressed relationship with a complex home appliances.
    To set the mood to eat it does not pull.
    Strong immunity against the adenovirus respiratory infections.
    In politics, the "right" to it nicer "left" (in the European sense of these terms).
    He does not say, but yes with a descending tone broadcasts, says.
    Visibility convincing fantasy (imagination is more important than reality)
    Consider themselves the intellectual elite of society.
    He loves skeptical criticize.
    He loves horror movies.
    Distrust of the lone, originals and individualists, misunderstanding of individualism as an original world of personal values, standing above the society, the tendency to the vision in front of the flock, rather than individuals, viewing people solely through the prism of their social and functional roles.
    The strength of orgasms.
    His voice affirmative tone is present more often than interrogative.
    She likes simple and rough but ample food.
    It easily holds the attention in his original purpose, it is not peculiar to distraction of the surrounding stimuli.
    Good coordination of fine movements of the hands and tongue.
    He has no compulsively repeating simple movements that would indicate a defect premotor frontal cortex.
    For it is not characteristic of impulsive muscle "twitching" to hail.
    string line in his handwriting rising.
    It does not have a predisposition to migraine.
    He was not peculiar to daydreaming, looking in the imagination, the difficulty in incorporating the real situation.
    Good vision at dusk.
    there is no such with him, that as a cue to the statement, he told his companion anecdote.
    Like the position of "gray cardinal".
    He is not peculiar habit of rubbing his hands.
    Pleasant smells in his imagination accessible unpleasant.
    He does not like the profession of a dentist.
    He is not peculiar to the intensity of mental activity in the form of inner speech.
    It has no predisposition to myoclonus (muscle twitching).
    The attraction to this in the sense of real world, high strength and biological motivations vital instincts, integrity and awareness of desire;*real touch and career-material needs strong, involve a real treat and every great values ​​of imagination and curiosity.
    He is not prone to panic attacks.
    Good spatial coordination of movements (narrow list of attributes 5).
    There is no predisposition to episodes of tremor occurring inside the abdominal cavity.
    Determining the coordinates of objects in space, the direction of the focus of attention to these points, the current adjustment of the coordinates in the egocentric fixed coordinate system (direction of the focus of attention to different parts of his body)
    Sophistication card egocentric space coordinates (average visual and auditory modality, the coordination of movements and directional internal sensations of focus)
    For it is not characterized by episodes with the illusion of anticipating the next moment.
    Sit, doing meditation, could not - the need for an active life, constantly creating or recognizing something.
    Pregnancy his mother when she was pregnant with him, took on a negative emotional background.
    Its history has never been the symptoms of gout.
    Consciously avoids any complicated, unpleasant and disturbing thoughts, as well as people with problems.
    Confidence and self-esteem in communication, he almost never thought of suspicion and what others think about it something bad or supposedly condemn it.
    It can not and may not be ethical harmonizer in the team.
    Frequent type of error repositioned adjacent letters when typing on the keyboard (on the one hand, is correlated with impulsivity, on the other - with a predominance of simultaneous processes of information processing).
    It has no predisposition to openness symptom thoughts (ostensibly transparent and easy hands-free hearing their thoughts to others).
    His vision obedient, careful, careful and detailed (no visual mistakes and illusions, eye, speed detection of objects and sensitivity to their shape and mutual spatial arrangement).
    He does not read the newspapers.
    He denies glamorous values, not afraid to show "bluestocking".
    Rest for it - it is not idleness, and only switch to other useful activities.
    For it is not characteristic of a developed smooth intelligent speech.
    It has no predisposition to auditory illusions and hallucinations.
    Strong jealousy, the instinct of the owner.
    Currently more important to him and it is always interesting and the future and the past.
    Development of functions of the coordinates of objects in space, the attention focus direction in these points, the current adjustment of the coordinates in egocentrically fixed coordinate system (visual modality).
    He was not peculiar difficulty falling asleep and insomnia.
    The sense of smell sensitive.
    He has neither surprise nor a critical attitude to the people who eat the last piece of candy.
    Equality, fraternity, mutual aid, kindness, justice, creativity and education, personal work and creativity, yes, greed and self-seeking is not - it is not peculiar commitment to these ideals, he denies them.
    He is not peculiar concentrated distraction distracted forgetfulness (which arises due to the fact that their own fantasies are experienced as important a priority, overvalued).
    Commitment to the maintenance of order, organization.
    For it is not peculiar to the people to be stressed friendly, but make trouble at home.
    It is characterized by the difficulty of self-analysis and self-reflection.
    I inclined to give children the freedom and as little as possible ban.
    The practice and the real world for him is more important and more interesting speculative fantasies and any theoretical punditry.
    A good long-term memory.
    High overall irritability (8 situations in which a person experiences at least on some occasions, irritation).
    Aggression, violence, threats and bullying as an important life values ​​- expansion of the list of 39 questions.
    Lack of victimization (foreignness his character of sacrifice, self-deprecation, a sweet familiarity experiences his nothingness, worthlessness, or its intended for slaughter).
    Handwriting not clumsy, legible and harmonic (usually sloppy associated with impaired motor insulated center of the letter at the base of the second frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere - the so-called left-hand rear region F2 ilizona Exner or violation graphical touch the center on the left or right angular gyrus postparietal area. the so-called peripheral or apraksicheskaya agraphia).*
    It has no predisposition to incorrect recognition of visual illusions or distortions strange surroundings.
    The lack of pretensions and potentials for artistic creativity.
    He was not greedy for food, eating is always measured and calm.
    It has no predisposition to olfactory hallucinations.
    He is not peculiar obsession of visual mental images - they are either easily expelled effort of thought, or they do not.
    Always mindful of its even unseen enemies.
    Predisposition to impulsive aggression.
    For it is not peculiar to motor stimulation in a state of excitement.
    The total development of visual function of the subject and its importance as an individual channel information becomes available
    Believes that the best state-monopoly capitalism, than any kind of socialism (correlated with the love of a military parade, the worship of Stalin, infrequent urination, asymmetry of the face and a belief in the overwhelming priority rights over the anthill ants).
    Definitely better ambiguity (in the words and statements, but only their own use).
    Love for a military parade.
    Lust for power, the need for power, domination and total submission to others - a list of 27 questions.
    Poverty associations.
    In order not to miss and do not hibernate, it requires vigorous life around.
    He has no desire and spirit to be a sponsor and patron.
    Poverty of imagination.
    Quickly and ahead of understand what was wanted of him.
    He was not peculiar obsessions simple auditory experiences when sounds seem particularly loud, long and contrast-succulent.

    Input from types:

    Food - love the bread, high consumption.
    Smell the roses a pleasant scent lily of the valley.
    High salivation.
    Narrowness and fixity of interest.
    He was not peculiar passivity and lazy contemplation, is not peculiar to ignore the material world and its worries.
    News and logical-analytical information is difficult to digest it by ear, he does not know how to use it and to speculate appropriate arguments in the debate.
    He does not like to read playfully ironic fantasy and parody.
    Sensitivity to even weak emotional nuances in people's behavior.
    It follows the same fashion as that of the majority.
    Owls and larks - Lark.
    He has no power and the need for the discovery and isolation of a new invention.
    Common fears (close correlation with disturbing emotional impressionable).
    Handwriting - girlyandichnost the letters t, u, u, n.
    Orientation to the familiar, familiar, proven, past, traditional; conservatism, lack of inclination to change.
    Believes that the diversity of their people better uniformity.
    He never noticed that chewing something helped him think.
    He does not have the habit of smoking.
    The rigidity of the system of moral values, discipline and fault-finding in defending the norms of social behavior.
    Material losses and deprivation of something, and the result of dissonance with the expectation they experienced very hard.
    He did not want to participate in the experiments with hypnosis.
    there is no such with him, that as a cue to the statement, he told his companion anecdote.
    He does not feel a "hollowness shall" so that never out of it and not to worry.
    Supporter wide public education (correlated with dislike for arms and high pain sensitivity).
    He is attentive to his appearance and to the cleaning of the apartment, he does not tend to neglect sleep or ease of his bed.
    He has no interest in politics, to the structure of the state and its electoral system.
    Social interaction - Ability to recognize friends and enemies, to see the hierarchical structure of the team, to manipulate the distance - closer to the right people; high observation in relation to the people around them, and to their social connections.
    Leading the emotional fear of possible unpleasant consequences.
    High overall irritability (8 situations in which a person experiences at least on some occasions, irritation).
    He does not tend to assume that people close to him deliberately create disturbances.
    Emotional memory for details of their dating and meeting people (correlated with heavy experience losses, losses and discrepancies with the expected result).
    A defect in the perception of spatial and logical relations (ie in comparison objects by their mutual relations - an asymmetric relationship, part-whole, who is higher who is lower, and so on).
    Connect a coward and a lack of curiosity - as a result, negatively-cautious attitude to the progress of genetics and biological sciences and their practical implementation (cloning, genetically modified products, a biological experiment, etc.) that are also closely correlated with the lack of interest in diving.
    Poor sense of humor.
    Handwriting not clumsy, legible and harmonic (usually sloppy associated with impaired motor insulated center of the letter at the base of the second frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere - the so-called left-hand rear region F2 ilizona Exner or violation graphical touch the center on the left or right angular gyrus postparietal area. the so-called peripheral or apraksicheskaya agraphia).
    He is not peculiar to such a joke that others sometimes seem rude and inappropriate.
    Speech - violation semantic understanding heard (Transcortical sensory aphasia, unlike aphasia Wernicke defeat not T1 zone, and more zadnelezhaschih temporal zones T2 and T3 are responsible for the transportation of information between the central auditory images T1 and conceptual center closely engaged with the violation spatially. covering the logic of relations). Local calculation 4 issues.
    For it is not typical to other people's emotions to them for a short time rapidly picks up and empathize, then quickly dezaktualiziruyas and erasing the memory.
    He do not like to tell jokes.
    Planning your week, using organizers and notepads, diaries.
    He tends to a thorough skin care of your body.
    Conformity - as a constant looking back at the authorities and the lack of bold and greedy Research instinct as lack of originality and lack of independence of views, the paucity of imagination and a reluctance to experiment in the field of ideas, hypotheses.
    Psychasthenic anxious and excitable ethics.
    He has no inclination and ability to bluff.
    Fire is fascinating - like to look at the wavering flames.
    A good memory for the tone and color of people's voices.
    With him there is no such at all, that he was looking for and can not figure out just what the object is and what is used.
    Right leading eye.
    Rumor - attention to the peculiarities of the speech of another person (pause, speed up, coughing, characteristic phrases, etc.).
    Social interaction - attention and interest to the relationship between the people around them.
    Touch pettiness - Irritation of mistakes in a foreign language.
    The high sensitivity of the tactile analyzer.
    He is not peculiar concentrated distraction distracted forgetfulness (which arises due to the fact that their own fantasies are experienced as important a priority, overvalued).
    Full of emotional memories.
    The cool air of the limb quickly made cold as ice (positively correlated with the cold fear).
    He does not like the invisible front fighter profession.
    Long operational emotional memory to tactile touch and smell.
    He does not believe that humans and apes share a common ancestor (and this position is correlated with the belief in telepathy and UFOs, as well as religious).
    He is not an individualist in the sense that it seeks to unite and emotional Sinton with other people who are not inclined to adhere to the position of an individual - including needs people nesamodostatochen considered public opinion and the views of others, different conformity.
    He does not tend to sway to the rear legs of the chair.
    I like to feel his full and sometimes euphoric fusion with the environment.
    He believes that the people are too many animals and small human.
    Easily (more easily) get rid of bad habits.
    He was not characteristic of the desire in children's fights just beat your opponent on the genitals.
    It does not have the predisposition to follow the same features in the phenomena of different circles, there is no traction to the study.
    He likes to read about the great disaster and catastrophe.
    The specifics of his clearer, more important and more interesting generalizing abstractions.
    Long emotional memory.
    Conformist views (but not fashion).
    High suggestibility (calculated on the expanded list of 10 questions).
    Avoid breaking the established order, prefer quiet, conservative classes.
    Indifference to school mathematics.
    Fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia).
    Susceptibility to cardiac arrhythmias.
    The need for psychotherapy.
    As a child, he never dealt with in order to observe the ants, wasps, bumblebees, etc. and little by little to torment them, causing somewhere to creep or "attempting to" water and fire.
    He does not like the incrementally-exciting music with percussion.
    His speech is slow, but it has a lot of intonation.
    Vision - a detailed, attentive, sensitive, careful, with an excellent distinctive to visual detail and change them, even in the small.
    Stupor - short intense consternation fright.
    He is not peculiar to the clarity of the logical operating facts.
    For him, it does not matter, like it or not - can not be bought at any good hitting feeling, seduce his good attitude, whether sincere or not, it will be difficult.
    By fragments of human behavior is easy to draw conclusions about the general purpose and whole intrigue of the plot.
    To set the mood to eat it does not pull.
    He does not have the ability to be surprised and see the unusual in the everyday.
    He is opposed to physically punish children.
    Speech pauses, "tongue sticks" ekan and mekane during speech, difficulty translating their thoughts into detailed statements. Communication from the front of Broca's aphasia.
    High absolute hearing sensitivity (even in low decibels).
    It has no ability to rapidly uhvatyvaniyu main inner essence.
    Predisposed to explosivity - accumulating explosiveness.
    In early childhood, attending a nursery or kindergarten, respectively, communicated more often with their peers, children, not adults.
    Sensitivity to weak stimuli.
    background mood - pessimistic, overestimate and underestimate the danger opportunities.
    Approves high fences around the opaque areas (correlated with nechteniem newspapers).
    He does not tend to justify the slave and feudal system and assume that there was nothing wrong with them.
    After the meal draws to sleep.
    Often invites friends to his home than go to the customer.
    He does not like to sing.
    He was not greedy for food, eating is always measured and calm.
    Acts against the free right to abortion.
    Spiritual individualism - how many people, so many different independent worlds, respect for these alien worlds, following the doctrine of human rights.
    It has no predisposition to convulsive twitching tongue in your mouth.
    Knows how to enjoy the process of falling asleep.
    Believes that man by his actions required to meet the expectations of people.
    Low water consumption, per diem.
    Little and rarely sits behind a computer.
    Pleasant smells in his imagination accessible unpleasant.
    Developed lateral, peripheral vision.
    Predisposition to body temperature lowered.
    Is able, if need to quickly move away from scandals, folding conflicts.
    He is not peculiar habit of rubbing his hands.
    He had no speech therapy and pronunciation defects.
    In the fantasies he avantyuristichen less than actual behavior.
    It has no predisposition to frequent cramps in the leg.
    Spots Mach band around objects (thin rim of alternating light and dark bands around the diffraction of visible objects)
    Prefers decision (by dividing the humanitarian aid), based on an equal division, even at the expense of time and money, so that no one was hurt.
    It has no predisposition to periodic "Tsykanov" teeth.


    His thinking and his values ​​are not independent and easily subject to public regulation from above.
    Developed sense of guilt.
    Trusting attitude towards people.
    Lyrically poetic and sentimental focus on your own inner spiritual and ethical world (soft, suggestible, low value on their knowledge and skills).
    He was not peculiar arrogance, disrespect for another's personality, contemptuous look, "top-down" on the people around them, the need to establish their superiority over others - including the expense of harm to them and their moral "lowering" (according to the principle "I feel good, if others bad "). - calculation of the narrow list of 9 questions.
    Good ethical harmonizer in the team.
    For it is not characteristic of the opinion that the alleged delicacy itself provokes that it pressured.
    Tendency to panic attacks.
    Altruism as a selfish opposite.
    He does not like spicy food.
    Low sensitivity of the tactile analyzer.
    Intrigue it quite peculiar.
    Sensitivity, resentment and fear of losing face in front of people, generally a tendency to social fears.
    Predisposed to depression performance of censures and penalties.
    Believes that greed worse than stupidity.
    He has no predisposition to ensure that "in espionage" eyes move from side to side, without turning his head.
    Practicality is low (not able to firmly and insistently defend and protect their rights and interests).
    During the thoughts of his tongue in her mouth moving.
    High empathy.
    Dependence on the opinions of others - vulnerability, resentment, dependence.
    He was not sure of his resourcefulness during the troubles, and is unlikely to happen in such situations resourceful ..
    Anxiety - Anxiety fantasy.
    Insecurity and low self-esteem in communication, constantly experiencing and suspect that others are thinking about it something bad or condemn.
    Indecision, doubt and hesitation prevail over his self-confidence and determination in choosing solutions.
    Humble slave.
    He does not like to hunt.
    Predisposition to neurotic pain in the neck.
    For it is not characterized by the development side, the peripheral vision.
    It spends a lot of time watching television.
    Thoughts of death, fear of death.
    He does not tend to skeptical criticism.
    Low activity of the serotonergic system of the brain (the estimated low intensity serotonin transport in the central nervous system neuronal synapses - evaluation of the complex of several tens of characteristic symptoms).
    Anxious, anxiety easily excited and fades slowly.
    Thoughts on spirituality and morality, God and fate.
    He said not a characteristic and denies to himself that, faced with causing hurt and injustice against himself, allegedly stopped and if stiffens, loses its diplomatic skills, stop to consider the consequences, and instead allegedly trying to "push" the situation on the spot .
    Propensity for coronary disorders and hypertension (high blood pressure sharp)
    In public, he stressed friendly, but the scandals at home.
    For it is not characteristic of meat diet and the corresponding intensive work intestine.
    A narrow beam of visual attention.
    It is strong gregarious, herd instinct and little individualism.
    He was not inherent traits such as brave offhand thievery with greed and self-interest at the expense of others, and the fear of any possible losses and damages; still not inherent greed with greed and a belief that "everyone steals" a robbery, theft, extortion and fraud are considered by him as morally quite permissible methods of enrichment. Thus, it is completely alien to the psychology of a thief - a greedy, self-centered, unscrupulous, ambitious, clever, nose to the wind, with excellent coordination of movements.
    For it is not typical to fear (stranger) is a pleasure, and was seen as a universal tool for managing the society.
    He had no inclination to thieves morality (he is guided by the laws and principles, rather than the current personal use and cynical common sense; it is considered the opinions and interests of the people; he is inclined to live by the laws instead of "concepts") - an expanded list of 32 issues.
    Obsessive thoughts.
    Indecision, doubt and a tendency to fluctuations.
    He does not like horror movies.
    He does not like to read about the great disaster and catastrophe.
    The lack of vigorous entrepreneurship against the background of a lack of faith in their abilities.
    Aggression, violence, threats and bullying is not his life values ​​(calculated on the expanded list of 39 questions).
    He does not like to keep people in the dark.
    He was not peculiar arrogance, disrespect for another's personality, contemptuous look, "top-down" on the people around them, the need to establish their superiority over others - including the expense of harm to them and their moral "lowering" (according to the principle "I feel good, if others bad "). - calculation of the 41 question.
    Predisposition to frequent cramps in the leg.
    Susceptibility to migraine.
    Patient - it does not tend to get irritated even by slow-witted audience, even if his explanations do not immediately perceive correctly.
    Faith in the inscrutability of people (all people are different, people incomprehensible and variable).
    line line in the handwriting downward.
    It has no predisposition to impulsive aggression.
    I would prefer to travel in time, rather than traveling to other habitable planets.
    Often it breaks through a cold sweat.
    Occupation handler, breeder him more to taste than the sport judge profession (strongly correlated with a poor, weak memory).
    Predisposition to symptom openness of thought (that is, a sense of transparency and alleged direct hands-hearing their thoughts to others).
    He does not own the logic of exclusion.
    He has poor coordination of movements in the motor industry.
    Be sure gestures when he speaks.
    Carping often manifests in chernointuitivno-beloeticheskih issues than chernoeticheskih.
    Intestinal peristalsis weakened, prone to constipation.
    Background mood - with a tendency to doubts and fears, not confident, prone to doubts in his competence.
    It does not tend to like simple and crude, but ample food.
    Developed smooth intelligent speech.
    As a child, he never liked, and did not try to play the drums.
    He lacks tactical flexibility - can quickly and flexibly readjust depending on the situation, can not in any case make a lot of changes, not envisaged by the plan, quickly change the point of view when new facts, quick to learn and relearn, to move quickly between states of relaxation and mobilization; impatient to put any idea at once on a practical footing; it is not peculiar and often throw the first works, starting new ones.
    Alien Fear does not give him any pleasure, and it is not considered as a valid means to control the society.
    Is irritated when his speech or interrupt work.
    When troubles and threats he retreats quickly, his intention is not to get stronger against threats, and weaken.
    Difficulty falling asleep, insomnia.
    Poor sense of rhythm, given rhythm plays fingers with difficulty and with errors.
    It has no predisposition to abuse.
    Predisposition to frequent thoughts, memories and fantasies about the past.
    Responsive delicacy.
    His stress levels low, he is anxious and prone to fear, to stress he is experiencing a lot of emotions, threats to its stop and hinder rather than promote.
    Violation of the sequence of movements, a violation of their rhythmic "music" (defect premotor frontal cortex)
    Difficulty in remembering and choosing the right words.
    Honesty in the sense of respect for other people's property.
    Problems with motor skills - mainly clumsiness, awkwardness or their restraint, impaired their smooth melodies.
    The tendency to sweating.
    Exposure cholecystitis (prescribed cholagogue).
    Predisposition to episodes of tremor occurring inside the abdominal cavity.
    He had no inclination to leave the conversation indifferent impolite or rude, just tearing it.
    He has developed self-awareness and self-reflection.
    He admits foreign intervention and advice on the organization of its work, which it usually is, planning and optimization of defects, he is inclined to listen to these questions to another's opinion.
    He does not tend to adhere to the ideology of consumerism.
    Memory - translating into long-term verbal memory is difficult.
    Poor short-term memory, dips it in the recent events.
    He often spares himself, he often lacks the confidence and belief in his own righteousness and infallibility.
    It is not a donor negative, evil, painful emotions - so often experience frustration (frustration), and anger, and sometimes even subconsciously seek to experience angry feelings (score of 18 questions).
    He is not peculiar vision obedient, careful, careful and detailed (including its vision, frequent visual identification errors and illusions of identification, reduced eye, speed detection of objects and sensitivity to their shape and mutual spatial arrangement).
    Poor, low vision at dusk.
    He has a fear of heights.
    In sex there are forbidden things for him.
    Phonetic difficulties in speech, characteristic of dysfunction of the anterior speech zones, including Broca's area (phonetic difficulty speaking the, substitution of sounds, difficulty in finding synonyms, poverty verbs, difficulty and not free speech, telegraph her style, hard language to do the exercises in the mouth).
    Predisposition to recurrent nightmares on the same topic.
    He notes in his history of gout symptoms.
    Considers that as an incentive to encourage better punishment.
    He drew more attention to the mutual relations of people, than on their attitude.
    For lifting his mood drawn to food.
    The work window cleaner at a height to suit him more than a job Goods, Logistics.
    Handwriting - no text crawls slowly to the right, but either crawls left, to the left edge of the sheet, or remains at the same distance from the left edge of the sheet.
    In general, poor memory, difficulties in the search memory.
    Repeats mistakes without learning from them.
    Increasing the absolute auditory sensitivity (non-distinctive) - painful sensitivity to noise.
    The lack of short-term vindictiveness (uncharacteristically immediate rebuff any imminent tenfold in power penalty of guilt or inconvenience).
    He had no inclination to use a very long, complex sentences with lots of commas and speed involved (negatively skorreolirovano with intelligent values) in his writing.
    He believes in the usefulness for themselves various psychological techniques to help themselves manage.
    He does not believe that a person has enemies should be always and necessarily.
    Slowly and with a lag understand what they want from it.
    Social decency and discipline, a willingness to sacrifice personal interests for the common.
    Memory - operative verbal memory is poor, poor.
    He does not tend to be treated immediately with large doses of potent drugs or pills.
    Gourmet-glutton (food can cheer up).
    It has no tendency to exploit others.
    Not to forget to buy or take on the road, is a list of useful things.
    For it is not typical to emotions easily and without delays were discharged to the outside.
    He did not like to sit on the jury and expose some participants of the assessment (this is not for him).
    Catching strangers yawn (yawn contagious after the other).
    Habit while talking something turn in the fingers.
    High sensitivity to pain.
    Symptom "threading the skin with needles."


    EII: List 1 and 4
    ESI: List 2 and 3
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    idiosyncratic type
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Few things I'd like to add to this thread.

    I like pretty things but I feel like they are mostly for the sake of wanting to surround myself with beautiful things, like fantasy, perfection, fairy lights, magical...or express myself. As far as Si, I feel like I see how 'colors go together'. However I don't feel that in tune to my responses to stimuli like food or whatever. I could be setting in an uncomfortable chair for hours and not notice it's uncomfortable. Like interally. I get distracted by my thoughts. I feel like I see things more externally. Like harmony. But I don't care that much for decorating, or have cared much about it, but I like putting together outfits, but its a part of self expression. I'm also the first to spot deer. It's like I catch the motion out of the corner of my eye. I feel like im shit at cleaning and internal Si stuff. I feel like it's either low dimension or unvalued

    Idk, you guys *sigh*

    I'm feeling down in the dumps today. Like whatever I say, some people are just going to think I'm in denial or something. Makes me not very enthusiastic about talking about my type or how I relate to things. Like really discouraged. But since unsuccessful Alphamale posted that long list, I felt like I should respond. I really appreciate everyone trying to help me, though.

    Everytime I think of what my type could be, I feel like I find something to contradict it.

    Also, I don't know why the spoilers split like that. It does it all the time. It'a annoying, so
    Cures for depression:

    1. Working.
    2. Doing stuff for others - this is why many people get involved in charity work, they're getting a boost out of helping someone, rather than just the person the charity is benefiting. A lot of times depression comes from an over-focus on self. I'm not saying you are selfish or anything, just that it can be easy in life to get caught into the trap of self-analyzing which results in an indirect way into over-concern with self. Anyway this sort of stuff, it's true, but therapists won't come out and tell you, so it's my suggestion.

    1. Work.
    2. Do something for others - whether that's charity work: food banks, soup kitchens. I know an ILE woman who got a security pass to visit people in hospital and would visit people who had no one come to see them. It takes the focus from ones self, and therefore ones depression.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I don't really like helping people. I feel bad admitting that, but I honestly never have. I'm a very, 'do your own thing, take care of yourself.' type person. I honestly don't like when people try to help me either, not like that. I'd rather starve on the streets than ask for help. Someone once paid for a meal in a restaurant for me and my SO and we were insulted by it. I'd feel uncomfortable doing that to someone also. Maybe that makes me selfish, idk.

    As for working, yeah, sometimes I avoid things I should be doing. And then it doesn't get done and I feel bad about it. When I accomplish something it makes me feel loads better.

    But honestly I'm just overwhelmed. It's Christmas break. Things are trashed and I want to go hide in a dark room. A lot of noise, and family drama from the extended family. And then I see something online and it upsets me and it just progresses and I got more and more angry and down. I honestly feel like my biggest problem is feeling overwhelmed and the internet. I can get in a down mood just by reading youtube comments.

    Anyway, I'm not really 'depressed', more like down. I get like this sometimes. And then I won't be. I'm ok with my negativity. Seems weird to me when people want to be positive all the time.
    Makes sense.

    The use of anti-depressants is increasing, a somewhat older report but the trend continues:

    'According to a report released yesterday by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008.'

    Everyone's getting more depressed. What could be causing this? The increased focus on self. Even psychology is all about self - apportioning the blame onto others: parents, spouses etc, and that we ourselves are good.

    It's pretty obvious to me as a Christian what's happening: As society becomes more secular, people are increasingly adverse to the idea of helping others, and they become adverse to accepting help from others. And it's what most people don't want to hear except they need to as it's their best medicine - they need to find God.

    ie the parallel of society becoming more secular and life dissatisfaction increasing for the individual is not a chance correlation.

    Edit: BTW, I see the depression, or the being down as you put it, ties in with your type discussion. Some people are focusing on it in terms of are you N or S, because for instance ESI are negativists. To get to the bottom of it all, I remember you spoke before about a Baptist church you attended as a kid; I think you should go back and try it. See it as a way of therapy, and find God again. It will probably make the S and N thing clearer for you too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Interesting. I think it's a complicated issue. I blame my problems on myself. But I wouldn't doubt if an increase in social media usage (FB) wasn't a problem with an increase in depression. 'Finding God' doesn't sound that easy for me anymore.
    Yes, I attended a private baptist school for a few years, 2nd-4th grade, because my public school wanted to hold me back. I was having attention problems in school and had a hard time absorbing what was being said. I would daze off during class and tune out everything going on. I liked the baptist school better than the public school, and people there were generally pretty nice. My mom thought they would be able to spend more one on one time with me, and they did. It helped a lot. While there I became devout. I wanted to get baptized, but never did.

    I was always interested in ghost stories and the paranormal growing up. I would ask everyone their creepy personal stories. I just ate them up. I loved cryptozoology and UFO stories. I feel like the religiosity I felt geared my paranormal interest further, when I left the school, in fifth grade, towards an extreme interest in the paranormal and religion in particular. I was a strange child. While other kids were playing basketball and hide and seek, I was searching for the spirit of a girl that died at school in the 50's that my grandmother had told me about. And I was pretty open about it. Didn't earn me many friends. Actually, everyone thought I was really weird. One girl that had formerly been my best friend before I went to the baptist school wouldn't even talk to me because I was a pariah for it.
    I was shy, weird, didn't have many friends, and the friends I did have my mom wouldn't have approved of, and I used to cry at night because of it. I seemed probably schizotypal. But it caused me extreme anxiety.

    My sister was a cheerleader, and I used to be dragged around to games, with her cheerleader friends. The whole thing was pretty normal to me, and they thought if I became a cheerleader it would 'drag me out of my shell'.

    Being a cheerleader is where I discovered my first good friendships with people who accepted me for who I am, of all places. But my interest in the paranormal at this time still held strong, and I instigated my cheerleading friends into performing seances, playing the ouji board, and experimenting with occult things, breaking into cemeteries to go ghost hunting etc. with me.

    Around this time, I got interested in other religions, because I felt like I should research them all to see which fit the best. I think I remember quite liking Buddhism, but then I figured that there must be some parallels in all religions and I should find that to find the 'truth'. This was when I was 16.

    After that, I think I just considered myself agnostic for a while, but I still had an interest in the odd and unusual. The paranormal. I think it was around 24 when I got into existentialism, and read a bunch of books on it. It's been since then I haven't believed in much. But I still consider myself agnostic. I feel nothing where I once felt something. It's devoid and numb. Even if I wanted to believe, I couldn't. I couldn't make myself believe. I've picked up a bible and went to church several times since then for family but I was extremely annoyed the whole time I was there. I'd have to change my perspective drastically to go down that same avenue I went down before, and I don't see that happening in the near future. I think it's nice when people have faith and see nothing wrong with it, to each their own. I am even slightly jealous of this feeling I have lost over time. But it's not something I can force on myself.

    In regards to 'helping people', I've never been a helping person my whole life. My SO loves helping people. He buys homeless people food all the time, helps people without charging them, and it makes him feel good doing that. My SO is a Christian, a very devout one. He hates when people help him. Finds it insulting and degrading. I find a lot of people are like this. So I don't think it's just 'Dislikes helping and being helped'. I don't get the personal gratification from helping people like he does. I often help people, and will, but it's because I feel like it's the right thing to do. It just doesn't make me 'feel good' like some people. It never has, even when I was going to a Baptist School. I get personal gratification in other ways, like writing things where people can relate, even if it's ugly, so they don't feel so alone, because all people are different. I feel like that's helping people in its own way.

    In regards to 'my depression' people keep bring up, I think I have the right personality qualities that make me more susceptible to develop depression or anxiety, due to my innate personality, upbringing, and genetics. I was a melancholic child, and I never shied away from negative feelings. I would start feeling 'down' a lot in my early teens. People that are positive and bright and cheery, no matter how many anti-depressants I took or brainwashing took place, I could never be one of those. I never have. You put an Edgar Allen Poe poem in front of me or some positive nice poem and I'll choose the Poe every time. I'd grimace at the positive one. Some people don't like the sad and depressing. They run from it, it makes them uncomfortable. I'm not like this. I don't understand why it bothers some people so much. But everyone is different. I think me not shieing away from the depressing, and even being drawn to it, makes it easier for my thoughts to go in that negative direction and linger there more than it might others.

    Anyway, I could write so much more, but this is already too long.
    That's really interesting, thanks for sharing. I used to have some issues with accepting gifts too. I mean it can be a person thing or even a male thing. Not to go to deeply into religiousness conversations for you, but for me, being born again as it's called, is a gift from God, which I didn't deserve, but He gave me it because He loves me, loves us all. So when I was able to accept that gift, I remember not long after there was someone who wanted to do something for me, and I realized a gift is just that - no strings attached. Being able to accept Gods gift, made it easier for me to accept gifts from others.

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    Hmmm. EII might be OK. Based on the Talanov stuff. Also there is lack of thinking that is so called holographic panoramic. Meaning that they pull tiny things into smithereens.

    Could be lack of right kind of stimulation. Mind gets bit drained.

    People have changed considerably (positively) on this forum when their situation is changed for the better. Usually they get wrong typings due to that reason.
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    EII or IEI

    (Probably not helpful, sorry. But I could see either type.)

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