Quote Originally Posted by Keranos View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
baseless Reinin's heresy tutorial
Dude, this is like the 5th time I've seen you consider a theory as "heresy."

Considering how much serious work you've put into this forum, do you view Socionics as religious doctrine or some shit?
Look, I'll be the first to say that in its current form, Model A is much more useful and reliable than the reinin dichotomies.

I'm happy to debate the specific definitions of dichotomies, although not in this thread, because this tutorial is strictly about teaching the dichotomy structure, not the definitions. If we actually started debating the 30 traits, 140 small groups, 240 dyad pairs with the 16 types, we would get absolutely nowhere because the task is too big, especially if we started trying to put all of it in terms of information metabolism. This is exactly why I think it is so important to understand how these concepts relate, because then we can organize the debate into manageable pieces.

The end goal of this project is a synthesis, critical analysis and a scientific test of all concepts and all schools in socionics. At this point, I think this is far beyond the effort of any single person. This is why I think the math is so important, because you can use computers to analyze gigantic data sets, as long as you know how to program them. This tutorial teaches that basic understanding of how you could go about it.

As for people who are dismissive of the current form of the dichotomies, that's okay, as long as they are fair about it. I am setting the stage of really testing a verifying these concepts. No matter which side of the isle you are on, you should support putting theory to the test. If they have any better way of trying to falsify the dichotomies, they should do it. But what I don't like is whiners. They've made up their mind and they just like being difficult. Especially if someone doesn't know the proper use or spelling of hearsay, probably best to ignore them until they make a point worth talking about. I totally share you sentiment, but I'd rather not have this thread cluttered with a pointless argument.