Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
LIE is rare and you're not one, get over it. the two are compatible. LIE being common or evenly distributed and you (and Adam) being one has way more problems and is not at all what people see, at least the ones who haven't deluded themselves with a fantasy. chances of LIE being rare + there being a bunch of fakers = 1000x more likely than you being on the inside track and everyone else being wrong

but whatever, if you want to distort the system you will just isolate yourself further... if gamma really becomes the shit pile who do you think benefits? you?

me and lungs take our badass selves elsewhere and gamma becomes the butt of jokes revolving around money and everyone goes on treating you like the same dumbasses you always were... really not sure what the point of it all is

but carry on as an example to others if you must, its just not at all the example you think you're being
Can't stop laughing. That's what happens when there are no Betas to hate.