Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
grudges can therefore be an accurate assessment of risk management when dealing with a person. but from the point of view of someone who cannot make such a calculation it looks completely irrational, hence the pejorative tone in the mouth of another

dominant Fi has a time component built into it so its very good at making these assessments as they gain age and experience

of course, Dostoevsky is the master, which in light of this you can see how his empathy transcends any single individual which is why he's the empath and feels the whole world not according to a manifest blur, like Fe which presents itself with "one face" but as an extremely detailed tracking of every individual all at once, according to precise ethical condition and place in time. think of Fe like looking at a single video feed zoomed out on the globe,that is hamlet, but now think of every single person having a gps on them and tracking every single point in abstract 4 dimensional detail, that is Dostoevsky (or at least all the people hes encountered, same with hamlet the blur is the community)
Good explanation, I especially like your use of time as an explanatory variable.

Re: grudges - that is exactly how I think of the ones I hold. They are essentially a large red stamp on someone's case file saying 'Do Not Bother'. I do not necessarily feel negatively towards the person anymore, or remember in all its gory details why the stamp was applied, but I trust myself to have had a good reason to stop wanting to associate with them ie: a reason which I believe will not change, or not fast enough, to make a difference in the long run.

Your contrast of tracking styles in 4D Fe vs 4D Fi is also pretty enlightening, and I think accurate. I would call the Fe 'blur' more of a (dynamic, 4D element of time) model of emotional currents. Hence the farther back you stand (or the bigger the group you're looking at), the less distinct the individual currents become. Only dominant notes stand out in the cacophony/ symphony, and the level of skill required to isolate a single instrument increases eg: isolating the sound of the trombone section in a classical orchestra.

Thank you for clarifying the Fi version of that.