that framework is a good start but I think you need to maintain the "accepted/believed" distinction across all functions, which is really nothing less than the difference between the objective/subjective factor. take that together with intuition being abstract perception with sensing being concrete perception and the whole thing spins out better, and the result is N is abstract perception that is either accepted or believed and that is just as weighty a factor as any other kind of perception or attitude. for the Ne valuer it may in fact be the most important factor, but in deference to the principle of relativity that socionics is based on, keeping in mind that is a psychological value that may or may not be shared by others

one needs Se to form the highest granularity "objective" concrete impression, but what those impressions are attached to is related to the granularity of the rational functions and the intuitions underlying them, so the whole thing hangs together in a constellation. K4m has high res concrete impressions but seems confused across other layers, namely F and N. in a similar manner all personal typologies are subject to such errors. this is why consensus is so important in reaching decisions about type, because the truth is distributed across multiple perspectives. no individual has a monopoly on type and no function is inherently superior to any other because it secretly relies on every other function, no matter how much it tries to declare itself superior-- that in of itself is a manifestation of ego