Interesting video.

Ti+Se ego type seems clear, though not as clear as Enneagram type 6. That is very, very clear in your attitudes ("I can be paranoid with people" for example) and energy overall. Being rude when not meaning to be seems to be strong Se as well. Enjoy working out - often an Se value (though not always) - "my gains are my biggest accomplishment" lmao. You also clearly value Fe though are not great at consistently expressing it, hence Ti lead. I do not believe you are SLE/ESTP(p) because your Fe is not good enough. SO instinct blindspot - dislike pretending to be nice, have trouble making friends. You seem to genuinely dislike social conventions in the sense that you hate "being fake to please other people" which, again, seems to be rooted in SO instinct blindspot. "I'd rather everyone be rude as fuck" Se ego/SO blindspot, bro. You're definitely not an NT, so Ti+Se with stronger Se subtype seems appropriate.

I don't know where people are getting alpha NT from. You seem ST Beta as hell to me.