One of women mistakes is to overesteemate the importance of their surface look for men.

If a woman is healthy to born and looks adopted (energized, happy, not irritated), wants to born (hence feels special sympathy to men) and has normal woman's attitude to care about children (as expresses warm feelings and kind behavior to people in general) - she's attractive in men perception.
A part of this is instinctual caring about own body - so it was in healthy and clean enough state to deal with weak children.

While the main reason why women do complicated caring about own look is because they like the process. It's similar to neurotic obsessive behavior and to an entertainment.
Dressing style means almost nothing. Body type... colors - has not more sense than astrology. Just have a minimum perception taste and see what people do near in common, hence to what men are adopted. It's enough.
When women are perceived as feminin by associations with the said above traits, for men is a problem even to say which one is more attractive. What hat, colors or what you may put on there else means not more. Which of normal women smiles you more - often becomes imprinted as your choice. Mb later when you'll communicate to evaluate personality traits you'll think again who can be better. But for many cases even this may not help - as may appear strong attraction before that and then you move by innertia, up to a marriage (while min critical perception may return after 3 years only).

taken from nowhere styles for today magazines, hours for painting flowers on nails, haircuts made by 2 hours...
it's mainly women do for themselves. to kill own time and to show her girls pals. not to become attractive objectively and for men.
something alike women have related to home cleaning and cooking. they do much of redundant. and then rationalize own instincts. and whine how hard and much they need to do of "important"