Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post

I think that's Ashley on the right.

Ashley has always had more effeminate, symmetrical facial features (more conventionally attractive, if you will). she carries more natural weight in her face, softer melding of the facial features, fuller cheeks, and less of an obvious pout, more of a smirk. Mary-Kate's face is slightly more gaunt, longer, and her pout is one of her trademarks. it pulls her face downward, kinda like it's melting, which I believe is due to less natural weight in her face. I think that Ashley's sun-kissed skin makes a bigger difference than anything else (even if I agree it's a flattering dress) and Mary-Kate's makeup is just poorly done.

Edit: the funniest part is that if you reverse google image search that picture of Ashley, it still comes up as Mary-Kate. I had to find a video from the event to confirm that it was actually Ashley because I know that I find one more attractive than the other. holy crap these twins are the ultimate optical illusion