@Chae you are lucky to be a Soft Autumn if that's your correct season, such a lovely feminine ethereal palette. You share seasons with Namjoon too!
The late afternoon, warm, comfortable light makes every colour glow with heat that is more full-bodied, not bouncy like Spring’s. Soft Autumn is Amaretto sliding down your throat, not whisky, not Sprite, and not green tea. The nectar, not the juice.

The best online resources for color analysis is by far 12blueprints.com. the owner is Christine Scaman, author of "Return to Your Natural Colours", a wonderful I recommend for those interested in knowing more about the essence of your season. There are many articles on the site about each season that explore their energy core in a poetic illustrative way. I would also recommend visiting truth-is-beauty.com, they have the best online test available at the moment and there are also articles on body type, though the author has created her own system that expand's on Kibbe's original 13. For those looking to find complete look pertaining to their season I recommend following Pinterest boards and Polyvore, another option is the website 30somethingurbangirl.com.

For the sake of understanding, I shall share an oldie but goodie, the original VHS video of Color Me Beautiful. This was the first color system available, back then there were just 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The nowadays Sci-art system recognizes the existence of 12, with other independent systems going up to 16.


The biggest issue with this over simplistic view of the types was that it held no space for deviations of the norm, the season was judged based on appareance and not skin reaction to colors. This meant that ladies of color were always Dark seasos, which doesn't hold true to reality. Contrary to what some (not Sci-Art) believe, women of color can be Light seasons too.