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Thread: What is Your Greater Purpose?

  1. #1
    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    Question What is Your Greater Purpose?

  2. #2
    lavos's Avatar
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    This test lacks any "science" options.

    To Help the Environment and Inspire others to Follow Suit

    National Geographic,

    You are a lover of nature. From a young age you have always loved being outdoors, and enjoy learning about different animals and environments. You often feel a greater connection to nature and animals than you do to people. That's not to say you aren't social though; and in fact you enjoy thoroughly being around others, especially those who share your appreciation and passion for beautiful, healthy environments. You find purpose and meaning in being a steward of the land, and helping to preserve all that it entails. You also find it deeply rewarding to educate others on how they can better care for their environments. Your greatest gift is just that; to convince others to take action by recycling, using more sustainable sources of energy, to volunteer time to clean up highways, or donate resources to a local animal shelter. Chances are you already do many of these things, but if you don't, then in doing so you will feel a greater sense of power and purpose in your life. It is one thing to admire beautiful land and wildlife, but quite another thing to get out there and keep it that way. You can start small and clean up litter on side walks and trails, ride your bike more, or create a recycling bin at work. Or you can go big and volunteer globally, by helping beached whales, rescuing animals from oil spills, planting trees where deforestation is taking place, or donating time to research environmental issues and identify contributing sources. Your gift of loving nature and wildlife can often feel like a curse to you, because there are so many that believe as humans we are not negatively impacting our environment by much. The thousands of species going extinct in our lifetime, and rising sea levels are just occurrences out of our control; at least this is the belief of many. Use your intense passion for wildlife to inspire others to make change. If it wasn't for stewards like you, where would we be now? We rely on this planet to survive; therefore your gift of preserving nature will ensure than humans will live on as well.

  3. #3
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    arts & creating

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    The sleeping beauty Velvet's Avatar
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    Before the test : be happy

    After the test:
    To Seek Knowledge and Share it with Others

    You are a lover of knowledge. You find the greatest meaning when you are seeking to better understand your world and share your newfound knowledge with others. You have an utmost passion for diverse cultures, and are always seeking to better understand how other people live their day to day lives. You love to dive into a good book, and often are drawn to ones that are historically based, or shed light on factual events. That's not to say you don't appreciate mythology, and stories that revolve around Gods and Goddesses; you love to understand how past civilizations lived and made sense of their world through their unique legends and folklore. Your appreciation for knowledge is unparalleled, but your greater gift is in sharing your knowledge with others. You find yourself most connected when you are able to enlighten someone on a subject they know nothing about. You are not gratified by simply staying at home and reading a book or watching an illuminating documentary; although these things are immensely pleasurable to you, you love to get out and travel, and learn about other cultures first hand. You've got a bucket list full of places that you'd like to visit, and when you travel you feel most vibrant and alive. You likely work in the field of educating others somehow, because you find it deeply rewarding to see others learn. If you are not in a field where you can share your knowledge you probably find yourself stifled and unsatisfied. There is no limit to what you love to learn about: you like learning about everything from fine food/wine, nature, art, philosophy, history, religion, and so much more. Your greatest challenge is to share your passion for so many things with others. Consider hosting a documentary night at your place each month and featuring a different film each time that is engaging and educational. You will find yourself most fulfilled when you are able to have meaningful discussions with others on an intellectual level, and henceforth hear their unique point of views.

  5. #5
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I do not want to be around hundreds or thousands of people but the rest sounds nice.

    To Enlighten Yourself and Others Through Spirituality

    You are an enigmatic being, and have found from a young age a deep rooted connection to something greater. You are a lover of nature and often feel this greater presence when you are alone in a beautiful environment. Your gift is a unique one, because it cannot be quantified or measured. You find that your greatest inspiration comes from connecting to a higher source, and by helping others to feel connected to something that is beyond them. We live in a scientific society, where we value physical data, and that which can be seen and measured. You are able to look past the science, and are not shocked when someone is healed inexplicably. If you have hidden your gift, reevaluate the people you surround yourself with, and find groups and congregations where you can be yourself and share your spiritual nature. Living spiritually is essential to you, but you will feel most gratified when you are around others who share your particular spiritual connection. It is very likely that you already knew your greatest gift before taking this quiz... because it is in your nature to seek your higher purpose and learn how you can fulfill your spiritual dharma, or service to a higher power. In order to reach an increased level of spiritual awareness, you would likely benefit from participating in a retreat, whether locally, or in a remote, beautiful part of the world. Being amongst hundreds, or even thousands of others who share your point of view and connection to a greater power would no doubt provide you with unequaled purpose. What an amazing energy to feel: to be in the presence of others who share your spiritually driven life; whether it is through mass prayer, meditation, yoga, or energy work. When things are tough amongst your family and friends you are often the one they reach out to, because you can access what is greater, and see the gifts in even the gravest of circumstances. Continue to inspire others to greatness, and you will feel rewarded for living a spiritually driven life.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  6. #6
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    Could not complete the quiz cuz it was too cringe.

  7. #7
    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I do not want to be around hundreds or thousands of people but the rest sounds nice.

    To Enlighten Yourself and Others Through Spirituality

    You are an enigmatic being, and have found from a young age a deep rooted connection to something greater. You are a lover of nature and often feel this greater presence when you are alone in a beautiful environment. Your gift is a unique one, because it cannot be quantified or measured. You find that your greatest inspiration comes from connecting to a higher source, and by helping others to feel connected to something that is beyond them. We live in a scientific society, where we value physical data, and that which can be seen and measured. You are able to look past the science, and are not shocked when someone is healed inexplicably. If you have hidden your gift, reevaluate the people you surround yourself with, and find groups and congregations where you can be yourself and share your spiritual nature. Living spiritually is essential to you, but you will feel most gratified when you are around others who share your particular spiritual connection. It is very likely that you already knew your greatest gift before taking this quiz... because it is in your nature to seek your higher purpose and learn how you can fulfill your spiritual dharma, or service to a higher power. In order to reach an increased level of spiritual awareness, you would likely benefit from participating in a retreat, whether locally, or in a remote, beautiful part of the world. Being amongst hundreds, or even thousands of others who share your point of view and connection to a greater power would no doubt provide you with unequaled purpose. What an amazing energy to feel: to be in the presence of others who share your spiritually driven life; whether it is through mass prayer, meditation, yoga, or energy work. When things are tough amongst your family and friends you are often the one they reach out to, because you can access what is greater, and see the gifts in even the gravest of circumstances. Continue to inspire others to greatness, and you will feel rewarded for living a spiritually driven life.

    If this ain't you

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    to go poop

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    Melodies from Mars~
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    to condemn people who do things weird

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    To discover that I'm a crappy piece inside of crappy thing which is inside of another crappy thing and then tell everyone to just give up.

    There are no answers for existence so you just should be who you are. Being clueless about yourself is the best thing that can happen to you.

    Nothing to see here, dudes.

    Share the message above.
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    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    To Inspire Others Through the Arts and by Creating

    You perhaps have often felt like an outcast... withdrawn at times, you find solace in spending time alone. You don't feel alone, however, when you are listening to a great album, watching a film by your favorite director, reading a powerful book, or getting lost in creating something that expresses who you are. You have a fundamental belief that we are all given a gift here in our lives, and you know that yours is through expressing yourself, and sharing it with others. Chances are you have been drawn to the arts and expression from early childhood. You love all genres of art, including painting/drawing, poetry, theater/film, dance, and mixed media. People respond to your talent and to your creations, and often go out of their way to tell you how it has affected and inspired them. This appreciation and recognition of your work fuels you to continue creating. Being recognized for your gift is wonderful, but you also create from a real sense of need; your expression comes from a deep, internal place, and through the creative process you make sense of the world and your place within it. It is how you process your emotions, find your freedom, and ultimately how you define yourself. If you are a creative spirit, and you have let your gift go dormant, chances are you feel depressed and don't feel connected to those around you. Reclaim your gift if you have cast it aside, or try a new medium if the previous one no longer fuels you. If you are currently using your talent, take it to the next level to create social change. Think upon a documentary or film that moved you to take action socially. Or perhaps it was a book, or a series of haunting photographs that moved you to volunteer abroad. In a society where art is often put to the way side you must fight to keep creating and sharing your voice. Art bridges the gap between gender, race, and socio-economic groups: it brings us closer to one another as human beings. We need your creative gifts to bring us together, now.

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    Seek knowledge and share it with others

    Not a bad quiz.

  13. #13
    ouronis's Avatar
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    "Host a documentary at your place each month" yeah right

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    To Make Social Change through Action

    You are a social activist at heart. This does not mean you have to be at the front of a picket line, or put yourself in harm's way to make change, but you find your greatest purpose is in taking initiative to make social change and inspire others to do the same. This desire you possess for making change has perhaps led you into a field of non-profit work, politics, education/outreach, or the like. If you do not work in one of those fields do not fret, you can utilize your gift in a myriad of ways. At your core, you fundamentally believe in equality and justice for all humankind. You are sickened and saddened to see injustice and prejudice in your society. You are not satisfied by simply becoming informed of social issues, you are motivated and dedicated to making positive change within your community. You are gifted at seeing issues before you, and coming up with ideas on how you can help. You feel most aligned and connected to your higher self when you are able to persuade others to act socially and create change through action. You feel deeply connected to powerful and persuasive leaders of the past, who fought for the rights of women, for racial equality, for exploited workers, and so on. Many people believe we have come a long way, and equality is greater than it ever used to be. You are not satisfied with the status quo. Although we have made significant strides in certain areas, you see the need to continually fight for the subjugated. This is perhaps your greatest challenge, but also the keeper of your greatest reward. Host a night each month to feature a documentary about injustice somewhere in the world. Raise awareness among your community, and challenge its members to raise money for organizations that fight for justice and equality. If you can find the resources, volunteer abroad and document the prejudice you see through compelling photographs or video. Without people like you, who have championed for rights beyond their own, where would we be? Would we have freedom of speech or the right to education and work? Utilize your gifts and you will find yourself serving a greater purpose. It will also bring about essential change that needs to happen globally.

  15. #15
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    There is no "me" in this quiz. All the questions came off really fluffy to me. So did the results.

  16. #16
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    To Enlighten Yourself and Others Through Spirituality

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    seek knowledge - share it with others... most of my answers where related to wildlife and nature - the quiz is odd

  18. #18


    Greater purpose?. That is to be happy in the best kind of life I want to live, and put smiles on other peoples faces by any good means. Finding happiness for yourself alone will make the rest the world bored. That is why it is good to extend your good vibes.

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