I have noticed in my SEE acquaintances and friends that they all have this thing they deeply worship and they feel like it is the best (and only) great thing in the world and it is perfect and people should just think a little bit to see how awesome it is and so on ... it could be anything in the ''-ism'' categories or just some foundation of diet and lifestyle stuff or even LGBTQ community or political activity-focused life. I understand and respect it deeply when they actually do good for themselves and the others, but I have seen they tend to fall into a loop of ''not really believing in something but definitely being part of the cult and always advertising it and talking about it for some unexplainable reason'' which they are actually really good at. Am I crazy to think this?

and, are SEEs the type who uses the word ''rational'' or care about it the most? It is a boss word imo and we should replace it with something better in Socionics.