Cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and hindsight bias, are a fairly recent phenomenon discovered during decades of research in cognitive psychology. Cognitive biases are kind of like one of those optical illusions, where you THINK that you are completely certain that you're seeing a certain thing, but after a careful analysis, it turns out that you were wrong. It turns out that our own cognition is full of errors and can't be relied upon all the time.

As a system of mostly "introspection", Socionics couldn't have come up with the discovery of cognitive biases, even if Socionics claims to be an all-encompassing, reductionist theory that can virtually explain all social behaviors and motives and human cognition (because the "functions" are reduced into our most basic thoughts), because introspection itself includes cognitive biases. Basically, you could have never discovered cognitive biases on your own, it required a "third-eye" view in order to discover cognitive biases in yourself.

In hindsight, you might say "Well, perhaps cognitive bias is low Ti", but that in itself is hindsight bias. With Socionics, you are only ever discovering things in hindsight, it's the "I-knew-it-all-along" phenomena of hindsight bias. It seems like Socionics can't be used come up with any new discoveries. It certainly couldn't ever have come up with the discovery of cognitive bias.