Info from Aylen from his site:

Educational Background
Dario conducted his doctorate work in Systems Science (1995-1998) at the State University of New York ( and gained his bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering (1988-1992) from the University of Southern California (, where he enjoyed USC's Academic Scholarship for Excellence, a full-tuition undergraduate scholarship.

His educational background also includes East Asian languages and cultures and creative writing. Dario began studying Japanese as a high school freshman in 1984. In 1987, he acted as the student representative to greet the then-Crown Prince (now Emperor) of Japan in his trip to Washington D.C. Later, in 1989-1990, Dario attended Waseda University in Tokyo for his college sophomore year where he took courses in both English and Japanese.

As part of his dissertation work, Dario created SOCIALBOT, an animated interactive character that uses everyday English to share socially-relevant information. The informing approach to design was "social situated action" where intelligence involves coordination between agents. Socialbot is detailed here and here

​So he’s basically some rich boy weeb who could afford to go to fancy schools all over the world, yet isn’t smart enough to create sound methodology and not make an ass out of himself. Then he thinks he deserves to ding poor students for his shoddy services like a sycophant.

Btw I created lecture materials for Waseda recently. This year it was ranked as the top performing private university in the country. I don’t even want to think about how painfully expensive it would be to go there and study as an international student just to satisfy your weeb desires. Repulsive af.

Then again, he got a full-tuition undergrad scholarship and met the emperor LOL and I can respect that.