My first reaction is, why do I have this big hole in the middle of my brain?

Then it's kind of interesting that my husband has the same hole. No wonder we get along.

Then I looked to see the visible correlations in the same picture map for the other types. Very interesting visual complimentarity of INFj - ESTj, and also I see this complimentarity, visual opposite-ness in ENFj - ISFj and ESFj - INTj. I did not see it so much in INFp-ESTp, but @ooo's comment on their perfect conplimentariness must have to do with something other than the visual patterns of the brain map.

It's interesting also to see who has the least amount of black and gray spots. If I counted correctly, that would be ESTp. They have the fewest black holes, and fewer gray ones, as well. Apparently, ESTp uses more of their brain than the rest of us. I will have to tell my son that. I am sure he will agree.