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Thread: So, you don't think I am an LIE?

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    Spermatozoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    No. That would be incorrect. Read what I wrote again.

    I wasn't talking about what you've DONE or SAID, but rather what you LACK.

    When you make all these statements they come across to me as having no feeling in them. You're not creating any kind of emotion with your words. They're just flat statements about your horniness.

    There's no teasing in it, you're not drawing anyone in or coming across as playful at all to me. Just kind of . . . well, lacking. Cold and flat. Matter-of-fact. You seem to equate being turned on with passion, but passion involves the heart as well imo, and that's what I don't see. No emotion is being evoked at all, imo.
    You have fallen into a trap, which is to assume that something you can't see, touch, taste, hear or smell for yourself, right now, cannot exist.

    For this reason, it is hard to take your latest offering very seriously. I frequently behave in a teasing and provocative manner around the forum (I'm doing it right now, in case you haven't noticed) and I do enjoy it. A lot. But of course my approach will depend on my mood and what kind of reactions I intend to create. Therefore, if I come across as cold or formal, it's usually because I'm either engaged in a discussion which I consider to be serious - like when people are not being mean-spirited - or because I am tired, burnt out etc. You aren't going to be made aware of this, of course, so you have to intuit it. I mean, I can't be expected to lay everything out on a plate for people. If I come across as cool/callous perhaps you should consider the fact that you lack valuable information (tone of voice, facial expressions, you get the idea) which could give cues about my character. You could also consider that you come across as rigid, cold and defensive to me, and that I might just be mirroring those vibes straight back to you.

    It is easy to fall back on stereotypes and assume the worst, and that's what I feel you are doing with me. Everyone needs to take a slow, deep breath, relax and stop being so hostile when it's unwarranted.

    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    The other statements you've made about me are also false, but I don't believe this thread is about my type now is it? Nice attempt to redirect.
    You do have a point, this thread isn't about your type. I will resist temptation
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 10-26-2017 at 06:01 AM.

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