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Thread: So, you don't think I am an LIE?

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    Default So, you don't think I am an LIE?

    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    I dont get it
    I hear this every day, many times a day. The truth is that mentally, I am very fluid and will readily shift from one idea to the next. My reality is never static. This gives me flexibility, it means that I can adapt if things don't go to plan. However, the corollary is that I am easily bored, often don't complete what I start and jump around a lot. Can I guarantee that I'll tell you the same thing tomorrow as I have today? No. But why should that even matter? All that matters, in the end, is what I do. Not what I say.

    The truth is, I could change radically in a moment, but then a whole year will pass where one day seems to blend into the next. That vexes many people in my life. My advice to you, as it has always been to them, is to stop trying to make sense of me, put me into a box and assume what works for you will for me. What I need is a network, for someone to put me in a situation where I can shine. Then I'll do what I do best. But I need to be given these opportunities in the first place. While my plans may change, I never, ever lose sight of my goal.

    It is unwise to impose your own beliefs and methods upon me, as I prefer to create my own and will be indifferent to what has worked in the past. Your approach should not fixed like a religion, and become some moral issue of principle. I will always move very quickly to deal with any new problems that arise. What I ask is for people to trust my ability, and give me the responsibility and tools I need to get started. The few times that this has happened, I ran riot over any competition I had and made a big impression on my audience. I will think outside the box and don't have the ritualistic hangups that many people do. At the end of the day the only agenda I have is success and won't let virtue signalling get in the way. What success means to me isn't a hoard of money and social status, either, because that shit is shallow and can never make you happy (just look at Hollywood), so I don't get distracted from what I want. Success means sex with someone who loves me and mastery of my art. Fame may come as a natural consequence of that, but it would be a bonus and is never the objective.

    My main problem is that the lack of pleasure and joy in my life drains me of energy, and this places a practical limit upon my creativity. I need affection, particularly sexual intimacy, as this provides me with the passion and momentum required to achieve my potential. Thus, isolation is crippling for me, but the extreme, impolitic nature of my personality is just culturally unacceptable here. I make a lot of people, and women especially, feel violated, overwhelmed and anxious. They react impulsively and become defensive, both of which annoy me to no end. I love strength and focus, especially when they are unleashed in bed

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    P.S. I'm happy to talk to anyone over voice but tbh, I can't really be bothered to make a video.

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    I think you could be LIE. You're cool regardless. My musing about your type is actually a sort of socially stupid flattery... I try to make sense of ppl that I find interesting but I don't see you in a box and I have no intention of imposing anything.

    You have a lot of passion & drive and I think ppl with these qualities usually end up with what they want. Just don't waste too much time waiting for things that are out of your control to line up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karatos View Post

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    What does it matter what someone thinks about your type? You will be what you are regardless of whether someone thinks it or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    I think you could be LIE. You're cool regardless.
    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    My musing about your type is actually a sort of socially stupid flattery... I try to make sense of ppl that I find interesting but I don't see you in a box and I have no intention of imposing anything.
    The easiest way to get on with me is to not try and make sense of me. Just enjoy being around me. If you try to make sense of me, you'll just end up confused and frustrated.

    I am more emotionally intelligent than I outwardly appear. In fact, I am painfully aware of why I confuse and disorient other people. The problem is that I have a huge blind spot to what is going on around me, so it isn't easy to connect with people in the moment and build rapport. For example, I will have a sudden insight into something and then want to act on it, but I can't explain my process logically, because it isn't logical. I don't follow a clear method but jump from A to E or wherever. For this reason, I come across as rash, unreliable and even stupid. I often tend to be underestimated, especially in my professional life. I have very high IQ but I also have ADD, which makes it hard for me to stay focused. I am not a perfectionist, though (quantity is just as important as quality), and I don't envy anyone else their success. Quite the opposite, I am keen to learn from them if they'll give me a chance.

    For this reason, I hate it when people try and use some initial setbacks to shame me and write me off for good. This behaviour reeks of projection and clipped wings syndrome. I will never forget or forgive the many individuals who, ever since I was a teen, have been intensely critical of and condescending towards me. They have all tried to bring me down and sabotage me, just to make themselves feel less mediocre and insecure.

    I have hope that I will keep exploring new avenues and eventually succeed. Life is a journey and it takes time to self-actualize. If I have a genuine weakness, it would be that I often don't persist long enough on any one thing. This is firstly because being so decisive/aware of what I want, I am not a very patient man, and secondly it's very tempting to move on when you see so many other alternatives. I try harder now to restrain my tendency to generate new ideas without end, and work to focus more intensely on one of them. But it isn't easy to do this. I admire people who have a vision they can confidently stay focused on, apply and push through with.

    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    You have a lot of passion & drive and I think ppl with these qualities usually end up with what they want. Just don't waste too much time waiting for things that are out of your control to line up.
    It is important for me to have a fulfilling intimate life. The world is a rough place and you need to weather a lot of shit to be successful, especially in the entertainment industry. Without that warmth and passion to focus me, it's really hard to feel motivated. I also want to know that my attractiveness does not depend on my social status or financial situation. I would rather be single for life than with a woman who lusts after the newest designer outfit, and consider likes on Facebook to be a good judge of somebody's character.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 10-18-2017 at 04:39 AM.

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    so you still hiding from normal typing without giving us your video

    your behavior is strange for LIE. you can be very strange LIE too, but rather more possibility you are not LIE at all

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    so you still hiding from normal typing without giving us your video
    How do I know that you won't just jerk off to it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    your behavior is strange for LIE. you can be very strange LIE too, but rather more possibility you are not LIE at all
    Oh come on, you already had an offer to talk to me over voice. I haven't exactly been hiding my face from people on here, either. Unlike you.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 10-18-2017 at 05:52 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    you already had an offer to talk to me over voice
    Voice is not enough. For video clip is more comfortable - better quality generally, abbility to watch some places several times, your abbility to be more calm and hence more natural.

    > I haven't exactly been hiding my face from people on here, either. Unlike you.

    Long time ago... When I thought about own type I gave my photos to typers. To make and give video through Internet was too hard, not like today.

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    For me is just that you come across as quite different from all the LIEs on this website. That´s the main reason to "doubt" your typing.

    A brief example, think about Jack London - a stereotypical LIE writer - his writing does have the strong intuitive component you show in your writing, but he seems quite detached and with a slightly melancholic quality (Fi?). You seem to have a strong undercurrent of purely emotional energy most LIE´s kind of don´t have.
    Last edited by FDG; 10-18-2017 at 07:27 AM.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    For me is just that you come across as quite different from all the LIEs on this website. That´s the main reason to "doubt" your typing.

    A brief example, think about Jack London - a stereotypical LIE writer - his writing does have the strong intuitive component you show in your writing, but he seems quite detached and with a slightly melancholic quality (Fi?). You seem to have a strong undercurrent of purely emotional energy most LIE´s kind of don´t have.
    I prefer to feel intense, animated and lustful, like a wolf on the trail of fresh meat (to borrow your Jack London reference). Therefore, it goes without saying that I am not the most relaxing person to be around, but nor do I care. Many social niceties are overrated.

    I am not a nasty person but I hate to feel stifled by silly, stupid customs and rituals. Many people are just looking for excuses to be offended, so they can have their little moment in the spotlight to virtue signal and be precious. Ohh he was so disgusting and mean and vulgar, like ew, I mean, who could ever like that? I am wayyy different, really tolerant and I care so much about being nice to others.


    Cue the feel-good brigade of useless airheads. You should always aim high, and I would rather ejaculate into a sock than one of them.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 10-18-2017 at 09:39 AM.

  13. #13
    it's ok, everything will be fine totalize's Avatar
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    more later but imo cuiv is very different over voice. id have to speak to him more but impressions gathered from posts don't show whole picture. there at least I could agree with sol... post video

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    Here are my thoughts: People claim you aren't a stereotypical LIE, whatever that means. Yet, you don't stand out as a stereotypical anything else. Hence, you are a non-stereotypical individual and there is no reason to presume you can't be a non-stereotypical LIE any less than a non-stereotypical anything else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    I am not the most relaxing person to be around, but nor do I care.
    You talked with a lot a useless curts and rituals. After LIE was noticed as doubtful you are now trying to change the talking style - to play LIE like you understand them. The problem here - your typology knowledge is awful to play other types. LIE are polite and reasonable, for example, and never will right like "How do I know that you won't just jerk off to it?" on a regular offer to make a video-interview.
    You are in anger, - this is due to doubts of people in your type - while base Te types take such situations easy as they get sure in own opinions befor saying them. You seems for several times changed your type in the profile in last monthes - also not base T types behavior, which think more seriously befor doing and writing something. I suspect you are either F and/or S.

    > I am not a nasty person but I hate to feel stifled by silly, stupid customs and rituals.

    while you do rituals in talking, as you clear care about emotional side of the discussion

    > I would rather ejaculate into a sock than one of them.

    jerk off, ejaculate, lustful ... this seems either F types emotionality or S types assurance in the Si region

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    People claim you aren't a stereotypical LIE, whatever that means.
    People claim there is low chance for him to be LIE. As 1) there was no normal typing material to check the type while his typing skills are novices' ones and average typing match is <20% anyway, 2) his behavior is significantly different from what LIE would do

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    You talked with a lot a useless curts and rituals. After LIE was noticed as doubtful you are now trying to change the talking style - to play LIE like you understand them. The problem here - your typology knowledge is awful to play other types. LIE are polite and reasonable, for example, and never will right like "How do I know that you won't just jerk off to it?" on a regular offer to make a video-interview.

    You are in anger, - this is due to doubts of people in your type - while base Te types take such situations easy as they get sure in own opinions befor saying them. You seems for several times changed your type in the profile in last monthes - also not base T types behavior, which think more seriously befor doing and writing something. I suspect you are either F and/or S.
    Lol what?!?..."I am in anger?" I think it is you who do not understand me, as I wasn't angry but amused. I was just making a joke.

    Again, why should I invest my time and energy into making a video? You haven't explained that. It isn't that I'm reluctant to show my face.
    If you (or anyone else) is really keen we can have a video conversation on Skype.

    You are also not in a place to lecture me (or anyone else) about my typology knowledge or lack thereof. Some of your typing suggestions are simply ludicrous; for example I am about as likely to be an S type as it is likely a giant comet will crash into earth tomorrow. Yes it is theoretically possible, but there is no actual evidence to suggest it. I don't think you understand this distinction very well, so it is hard to take any of your suggestions very seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > I am not a nasty person but I hate to feel stifled by silly, stupid customs and rituals.

    while you do rituals in talking, as you clear care about emotional side of the discussion
    What rituals are you referring to? If you mean I have a particular style and pattern of speech, then yes. But so does everyone, regardless of their personality type. When I refer to rituals, I meant conventions of appropriate social behaviour that have developed over time. Not one's individual mannerisms, which are usually unconscious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > I would rather ejaculate into a sock than one of them.

    jerk off, ejaculate, lustful ... this seems either F types emotionality or S types assurance in the Si region
    You clearly don't have a sense of humour so therefore LII Enneatype 1 is confirmed

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    @Cuivienen until you'll place your video there is nothing to discuss. your type is not LIE for sure. you are not enough reasonable and polite for base Te

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    it's ok, everything will be fine totalize's Avatar
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    Some comments: Cuivienen is a lot more calm over voice than over text, less emotional. He speaks very clearly, directly, expressively but with less emotional content. It would be important to see a video to get the non-verbal of that. He does not affirm much in speech, simply states what he thinks, answers questions, does not move the conversation along (but does not keep it in old place either). It is quite "fact-exchanging" type of male interaction. However it was not stilted or awkward, we enter and exit conversation quite pleasantly, and I got a pleasant feeling afterwards. Lasted longer than I thought it would.

    I did not think he sounded very ethical, for following reasons:
    (a) Quite often he claims he does not "care" about anything, is "not really bothered [by some ethical factors]", et cetera.
    (b) Voice is very low tonal range, does not flip up and down, or speak loudly. He doesn't seem to add subtext to his speech via emotionality, but again video might be interesting here.
    (c) Talks often about logical balance between things, or about quality (rather than value). Can't think of any specific examples atm actually.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    @Cuivienen until you'll place your video there is nothing to discuss.
    There is so much to discuss, but you refuse to even entertain the possibility of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    your type is not LIE for sure. you are not enough reasonable and polite for base Te
    You make LIEs sound kind of pussy-whipped. I would prefer to be screwed than whipped.

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    OK anyone who wants to have a live video chat with me, you've got an hour. Click this link now:

    @Sol @FDG @lavos @lump @Skeptitron @Kakarot

    + anyone else who hasn't posted here

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    NTR: Spotlight, fame... you mention these things a few times in your posts above...Why? Just curious, but are these things important to you?

    Anyways...from your writing style...I pick up EXFx. F> T. but who's to say?

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    Well, I, personally, hate to engage in battle-typing. I think that most people know themselves better than I do and they will be able to figure out what type they are without my help.

    But I can't help feeling that the ideal woman that @Cuiveinen describes as the one he wants leans more toward LSI than ESI. I've dated LSI's before, and while they are pretty good for me in most ways and spectacular in others, they tend to be more assertive than the ESI's I'm familiar with, and once you start going together, they work really, really hard to keep things going, even when I'm trying to escape my prison cell. Lol.* This is my impression of the kind of attention that Cuivienen seems to want (direct, overt, consistent and persistent). I find it kind of suffocating, but that's just me.

    Still, personality is a fluid thing, and I've known people whom I would swear were one type, only to learn that they are another type on further exposure. I certainly don't want to be a pain in the ass to Cuivienen by saying he's some type that he isn't. I went through a period here where people told me I am LSE or SLE, and it was just irksome. I'd say, just go with whatever his self-typing is and move on to something more productive. He can make up his own mind.

    *Strat described the relationship between LSI's and LIE's as the same as that between the Sheriff of Nottingham (LSI law enforcer) and Robin Hood (LIE not even being part of the system).

    The only hazard that I can think of which could result from mistyping oneself is that a mistype can affect your interpretation of interpersonal relationships. If I were to think myself EIE, then I'd go for LSI's, but they would still be Mirage partners and they would feel the same to me as described above.

    Muddytextures stated:
    "The biggest and most noticeable difference between mirage and duality IMO is the feeling of superficiality you get in mirage they you don't get in duality. Your mirage is usually someone whom you find it easy to get acquainted with as there is a feeling of mutual respect. With mirage however you get the feeling that it is best to keep things shallow because you can both sense there is a difference between what the two of you would choose to do if given the choice. Duality is the opposite from mirage in that you feel a desire to delve deeper into the activities of your dual rather then avoiding them. The help you get from mirage also feels conditional, whereas your dual seems like someone who would fight tooth and nail for you. "
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 10-19-2017 at 10:44 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    once you start going together, they work really, really hard to keep things going,
    As opposed to ppl who are strong and confident in Fi and therefore don't do that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    As opposed to ppl who are strong and confident in Fi and therefore don't do that?
    That's just my impression of one of the differences between LSI's and ESI's, and I'm no expert. I've seen ESI's break off relationships in a heartbeat, but the LSI's I've known hang on and are nearly fanatical in trying to make things work. But like any generalization, it is just so much hot air.

    The main point I was trying to make is that the ITR will be off with a mis-type. In fact, I think ITR's can be used to refine a type analysis.

    Now that I think about it, the differences between ESI's and LSI's are kind of mirrors to the differences between their LIE and EIE duals. The ESI, whose relationships are decided on collections of past performances, will stand there kicking the LIE in his shins while the LIE does not retaliate (and therefore doesn't generate a single bad incident report), while the EIE decides that he needs to put on a dress to assassinate the President and the LSI says "Let's sit down and look at the problems with that plan."
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 10-19-2017 at 11:11 PM.

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    I thought Fi types would work the hardest to make the relationship work because of depth of feeling.

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    You could be EIE-Ni but then again, I could be one too since sol says I vibe to F-ish for LIE, and we all know sol is the most knowledgeable user on this website.

    In any case, I'll repeat what I've said on other occasions: the best way to test-try a type is with intertype relations (preferably IRL, but they work online too). Thanks for the videochat invitation but I can't do that right now.

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    Idk, it's weird to me bcuz I relate to cuivs descriptions in my past relationships but I've made a lot of effort to NOT be like that bcuz I see it as unhealthy behavior so it's kinda ntr to me and I think I've changed so I don't identify with it per se. In any case I don't see why ESIs would be less committed or possessive on average, even if cuivs descriptions are pretty radical (threaten to kill me, etc)
    Last edited by ashlesha; 10-19-2017 at 11:15 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    I thought Fi types would work the hardest to make the relationship work because of depth of feeling.
    I thought a guy who owned a business would never cheat me.

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    In short: nope.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    The ESI, whose relationships are decided on collections of past performances, will stand there kicking the LIE in his shins while the LIE does not retaliate (and therefore doesn't generate a single bad incident report)
    What would they get out of this?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    What would they get out of this?
    A more rational, and eventually efficient, world.

    Besides, low Fi is hard to offend. The LIE is looking for the rationality in the situation, not the emotion. He's thinking, "She's probably upset, but that doesn't mean I'm upset, too."

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    Hmm, that dynamic is not what I see as rational. At all. But ok

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    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    Hmm, that dynamic is not what I see as rational. At all. But ok
    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

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    Forthright communication based on mutual understanding is rational. Evasiveness and stonewalling are not rational.

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    Fi is concerned with stability in relations, which is the opposite of whimsical, flighty relations. Fi is comitted to a standard that must be met. It is rational even if others do not understand the standard being placed on them. If its not being met, the relationship deteriorates.

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    OK I'm back.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    It is rational even if others do not understand the standard being placed on them.
    It's nice to see Fi given the respect it's due

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    Fi is concerned with stability in relations, which is the opposite of whimsical, flighty relations. Fi is comitted to a standard that must be met. It is rational even if others do not understand the standard being placed on them. If its not being met, the relationship deteriorates.
    Yes, exactly. And if that standard is not met, an Fi-user will drop you like a hot rock.

    Whereas an Fe-valuer will judge you based on your value to the group which they know can vary from day to day, and a Ti-valuer will judge you based on how you fit into their life with constantly changing positives weighed against constantly changing negatives, and Te-valuers will judge you based on what they can do with you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, I, personally, hate to engage in battle-typing. I think that most people know themselves better than I do and they will be able to figure out what type they are without my help.

    But I can't help feeling that the ideal woman that @Cuiveinen describes as the one he wants leans more toward LSI than ESI. I've dated LSI's before, and while they are pretty good for me in most ways and spectacular in others, they tend to be more assertive than the ESI's I'm familiar with, and once you start going together, they work really, really hard to keep things going, even when I'm trying to escape my prison cell. Lol.* This is my impression of the kind of attention that Cuivienen seems to want (direct, overt, consistent and persistent). I find it kind of suffocating, but that's just me.

    Still, personality is a fluid thing, and I've known people whom I would swear were one type, only to learn that they are another type on further exposure. I certainly don't want to be a pain in the ass to Cuivienen by saying he's some type that he isn't. I went through a period here where people told me I am LSE or SLE, and it was just irksome. I'd say, just go with whatever his self-typing is and move on to something more productive. He can make up his own mind.

    *Strat described the relationship between LSI's and LIE's as the same as that between the Sheriff of Nottingham (LSI law enforcer) and Robin Hood (LIE not even being part of the system).

    The only hazard that I can think of which could result from mistyping oneself is that a mistype can affect your interpretation of interpersonal relationships. If I were to think myself EIE, then I'd go for LSI's, but they would still be Mirage partners and they would feel the same to me as described above.

    Muddytextures stated:
    "The biggest and most noticeable difference between mirage and duality IMO is the feeling of superficiality you get in mirage they you don't get in duality. Your mirage is usually someone whom you find it easy to get acquainted with as there is a feeling of mutual respect. With mirage however you get the feeling that it is best to keep things shallow because you can both sense there is a difference between what the two of you would choose to do if given the choice. Duality is the opposite from mirage in that you feel a desire to delve deeper into the activities of your dual rather then avoiding them. The help you get from mirage also feels conditional, whereas your dual seems like someone who would fight tooth and nail for you. "
    Yes, this is a good summary of how I view intimacy. I will quickly become bored and restless with a passive partner. Sex is very primal, almost carnal. I want a partner who is so lustful and predatory, that they will literally pin me down out of frustration and try to capture my soul. Therefore she will need a lot of strength, both physically and emotionally, and can't be anxious, self-righteous or easily offended. I will test her limits and expect the same from her.

    Hopefully by er, coming together, we will help each other achieve all that we are capable of. Life will be fun and no day will ever be the same.

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    Coming together is half luck, half art, dude.

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