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Thread: Help me type someone

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    Default Help me type someone

    I have suspicions as to this person's type, but would greatly appreciate your input. Was avoiding doing this but i've been put to the test re: my knowledge of socionics lol.

    He is very very into technology. Likes it, spends his free time on it, and even works in the field with much success. All self-taught in this field but remarkably fast at picking anything to do with it up, nearly on the spot. Works very fast and extremely long hours ever since embarking on this field.

    Is very sensitive to all his technology gadgets: his laptops, desktops, any other tech materials that I wouldn't even know how to name. Was always very property -conscious with regards to this stuff even before it became part of his work.

    My main beef in regards to how he treats people is that he treats everyone the same: does not do much in the way of differentiating (like i do) unless you are extremely close to them. Very much shows closeness by action; not verbally affirming at all. The other point of contention has been his showing his weaknesses only to those in very close proximity, not even his friends seem to be aware of what his weaknesses are (he looses his temper but only noticeable to S.O.-s and no one else - everyone one else gets a polite reception and outstanding self-control).

    And did i mentioned his capacity to work again? Many endless long hours.

    Any input? Please ask me questions as you see appropriate - i have too much material on this and a bit of a hard time differentiating primary info from less important one.

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    Generally I would say that your description fits a Te-leading type but I think ILE, and Se-ego types can fit a workaholic stereotype, too. I can't see ESE here but I wouldn't discard EIE as a possibility too soon.

    Is he good with time management? Does he try to do more than he is able to do in a day?
    How much does he value a quiet atmosphere? Would you say that he is very neat (as an exceptional trait? Those LSIs, man...)
    Does he talk about future plans with you or anything that interests him besides technology?
    How fast does he open up to people (/to you). Does he have problems with trusting or trusts people to readily?
    When he encounters a problem does he prefer to go into action at once (and possibly annoying people with incomplete plans and pure actionism) or does he prefer to think/wait and see/plan before he takes action?
    How does he dress? More comfortable/ extremely neat/ same style of clothing every day...
    Is he open for discussions about impractical stuff/ could-be scenarios/ current and future trends/ social problems and politics?
    What things make him angry? What does he complain about (if at all).
    What traits does he like/dislike in people...or Alternatively to what kind of people does he react annoyed/ unusual / relaxed / happy?

    You don't have to answer all questions . The goal is to exclude some types.

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    The only sure thing here seems to be that he's a logical type. Tell us more, please : )

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    There is much the OP could not exclude but i didn't know where to start. Thanks for the questions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    Generally I would say that your description fits a Te-leading type but I think ILE, and Se-ego types can fit a workaholic stereotype, too. I can't see ESE here but I wouldn't discard EIE as a possibility too soon.

    Is he good with time management? Does he try to do more than he is able to do in a day?
    - He does things as they come to him, but he always breaks it down in steps in his mind before he starts working on it. I think he is pretty good at turning down things that he thinks will not fit in his schedule, be it work or anything else. In fact he allows for plenty of time to do/accomplish anything and will turn things down even if it's minor and to me i'd be like you can manage to squeeze time for it but he'd rather not. He is also early for appointments, deadlines etc.

    How much does he value a quiet atmosphere? Would you say that he is very neat (as an exceptional trait? Those LSIs, man...)
    - One thing he is not is neat lol, quite messy from my perspective but to him the order of things is easy for him to keep track of no matter what the state whereas i need things put in explicit order lol. I had first thought this indicated rational temperament in him: his outside world is messy but to him easy to navigate.

    Does he talk about future plans with you or anything that interests him besides technology?
    - He has recently talked to me about travelling, but we haven't spoken much in recent times. Music is one of his hobbies so he is very up to date with anything event-wise (shows, concerts etc) and likes to talk about this a lot.

    How fast does he open up to people (/to you). Does he have problems with trusting or trusts people to readily?
    - I'd say as a rule he trusts people, but he has never crossed certain lines whereas other people might fall for inappropriate self-disclosure that's like the opposite of him.

    When he encounters a problem does he prefer to go into action at once (and possibly annoying people with incomplete plans and pure actionism) or does he prefer to think/wait and see/plan before he takes action?
    - He bounces ideas for solutions sorta sounds it out on other people, and sometimes is good at taking advice but usually follows his own plan of action. When we used to be close he'd discuss anything with me and there were areas he'd concede on but never on things he considered his specialty (music, his own friends, technology, something else he might have kept up to date on like a balanced menu etc)

    How does he dress? More comfortable/ extremely neat/ same style of clothing every day...
    - Very much same style of clothing everyday: button down shirt and jeans are his near 'uniform' lol

    Is he open for discussions about impractical stuff/ could-be scenarios/ current and future trends/ social problems and politics?
    - With the politics we've had issues: he does discuss it but it's a focus on local politics, or very episodic like something like what i mentioned in the chatbox today about immigrant workers poorly treated in Dubai would be the sort of thing he'd discuss openly. A big topic, like something global is not his cup of tea, though i suspect he does have opinions on it but doesn't want to share or maybe feels uncomfortable sharing.

    What things make him angry? What does he complain about (if at all).
    - He used to say that I changed my mind all the time lol and that might have been true for a period of my life; that was exactly the sort of thing that made him angry: he seems to need things to be very clear to proceed.

    What traits does he like/dislike in people...or Alternatively to what kind of people does he react annoyed/ unusual / relaxed / happy?

    - He was never a gossiper or someone to discuss people in detail. He might discuss an unfortunate event that might have happened to someone but not the person themselves.

    I hope this brings more information and clarity I appreciated all the questions and obv. am aware also of any biases in the way i've related things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    I have suspicions as to this person's type, but would greatly appreciate your input. Was avoiding doing this but i've been put to the test re: my knowledge of socionics lol.

    He is very very into technology. Likes it, spends his free time on it, and even works in the field with much success. All self-taught in this field but remarkably fast at picking anything to do with it up, nearly on the spot. Works very fast and extremely long hours ever since embarking on this field.

    Is very sensitive to all his technology gadgets: his laptops, desktops, any other tech materials that I wouldn't even know how to name. Was always very property -conscious with regards to this stuff even before it became part of his work.

    My main beef in regards to how he treats people is that he treats everyone the same: does not do much in the way of differentiating (like i do) unless you are extremely close to them. Very much shows closeness by action; not verbally affirming at all. The other point of contention has been his showing his weaknesses only to those in very close proximity, not even his friends seem to be aware of what his weaknesses are (he looses his temper but only noticeable to S.O.-s and no one else - everyone one else gets a polite reception and outstanding self-control).

    And did i mentioned his capacity to work again? Many endless long hours.

    Any input? Please ask me questions as you see appropriate - i have too much material on this and a bit of a hard time differentiating primary info from less important one.
    He sounds a lot like one of my best friends from high school. My friend knows everything about tech, taught himself computer programing, has no life outside of work, and started working at the local college in their IT department until be practically WAS the IT dept, but his lack of social skills prevented him from actually getting any visible position there.

    He has had a few GF's because he makes a good amount of money and his house is straight from Ethan Allen and is fastidilously neat. Drives a vintage muscle car and is basically a mystery to everyone around him, because he shares zero info about himself. He has gargoyles and the five platonic solids in stained glass on his mantel piece. He can tell hilarious stories to his closest friends (me and one other guy) about other people, though.

    He has never been married, but is def hetero, since he likes dumb blondes with really big tits. He was banging the mayor's wife for a while. He's tall, dark and handsome and doesn't say much because he's terrible with Fe. He is like a twin to the younger guy in this video: I've stayed overnight in his house a few times, and it's like staying in a five-star hotel. The feel is the same. High quality and perfectly impersonal. He is unfailingly polite to strangers, but rages at other drivers when he's driving his Jeep. He also has well-maintained guns and some gold hidden in his place.

    The last time I talked to him, a smart (? I guess), nice woman who worked with him at the college was trying her damnedest to get into his life. I liked her and thought she really cared for him, and I told him so. She slept with him, cooked for him, took up woodworking and stained glass as hobbies because that's what he's into, lived with him for a few months, and then suddenly, one morning, she packed her stuff and moved out without a word and hasn't spoken to him since.

    He is ILI, if you haven't figured that out.

    My theory is that she wasn't an SEE, and she got tired of being treated like a valued guest.

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    The information in your second post made me think he could be ILI, SLI, or LIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    The information in your second post made me think he could be ILI, SLI, or LIE.
    LIEs are much more global in their approach and interests, like will take on a big issue imo, and that's just not him: he is much more into smaller issues. I dunno.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    he treats everyone the same

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    My main beef in regards to how he treats people is that he treats everyone the same: does not do much in the way of differentiating (like i do) unless you are extremely close to them. Very much shows closeness by action; not verbally affirming at all.
    Just out of curiosity, why is this distressing? Interested b/c for me, people like this don't stress me out I don't think unless they actually have no one who is close.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    Just out of curiosity, why is this distressing? Interested b/c for me, people like this don't stress me out I don't think unless they actually have no one who is close.
    Because to me i invest differently in different people and don't treat them as if I never made a distinction between them. The other thing of course is i am extremely jealous lol

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    Treating everyone the same is textbook Fi-PoLR.

    It could be said of any type with weak or unvalued Fi. But the fact that he's trusting, yet careful not to disclose anything of detrimental value. As in he's well-versed enough in this area to not require external assistance. If the LIE's dual is the ESI, then they'd probably require assistance. But he doesn't.

    Fi-HA (ILI, SLI) seems even less likely. Treating everyone the same would run counter to Fe-PoLR. I always thought it was the opposite for them.

    I know that Alpha types are known to love by touch, rather than by word. (Lack of verbal affirmation) Is that the case here as well?

    - One thing he is not is neat lol, quite messy from my perspective but to him the order of things is easy for him to keep track of no matter what the state whereas i need things put in explicit order lol. I had first thought this indicated rational temperament in him: his outside world is messy but to him easy to navigate.
    I don't think that's indicative of rational temperament. The disorganization could point to ILE or LIE, but I imagine Te-leads would be slightly more organized. And the bold, in particular, strikes me as ILE. Like stereotypically so. And the fact that he wears the same type of clothing everyday...

    I know these are just loose facts strung together, but I promise I read everything. And I think he's pretty clearly ILE.

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    Actually a couple of socionics sources have touched on this idea that irrationals seek order in the outside world whereas rationals internally. Am i getting something wrong here? Not to say that that necessarily indicates rational temperament for him, but i'm pretty sure the idea was mentioned by at least Reinin i think

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    Is he in general a serious type of person?

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Is he in general a serious type of person?
    Serious I would say, but he has his fun, but like old school fun - lol i dunno how else to put this. Like if he goes out he usually does activity-based outings, like a show a concert etc.

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    The description reads introverted and the part of not wanting to discuss global politics is odd for LIE as well as ILE. Just because he's a workaholic that doesn't necesarily make him extroverted or EJ.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    The description reads introverted and the part of not wanting to discuss global politics is odd for LIE as well as ILE. Just because he's a workaholic that doesn't necesarily make him extroverted or EJ.
    What types pop to mind? I'll disclose that I'd considered ILI myself. However, recently, had some doubts about it and even looked into LSE, but neither seem to fit good enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    What types pop to mind? I'll disclose that I'd considered ILI myself. However, recently, had some doubts about it and even looked into LSE, but neither seem to fit good enough.
    Lol, when I was writing I had a breakthrough those would be the two types you probably considered : D I honestly can't tell from these descriptions - tentatively ILI makes some sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Lol, when I was writing I had a breakthrough those would be the two types you probably considered : D I honestly can't tell from these descriptions - tentatively ILI makes some sense.

    Another thing that used to annoy me about him, let's say I'd really have my heart set on something (like a new project, or a new hobby, or when i was going to school a certain academic interest) and he'd have no problem knocking it. Like he'd critique it but in such a way as to completely devalue the thing in my eyes and later wouldn't take much responsibility about what he'd said, like as if it were all for the sake of a good debate. that's what it looked like to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    He is like a twin to the younger guy in this video:
    Yes, Jude Law is a likely ILI. Creepily handsome too - I think it’s those eyes.

    I did a little laugh reading your insightful post about your friend.

    And yes ILI do tend to like big boobies either on ourselves or a partner though perform most love making/sexy scenarios in our heads.
    An ongoing little joke of mine is that one day I will get my breasts enhanced though never will likely ever get around to it.

    ILI can’t seem to help coming across a bit detached from life, often viewing it as quite meaningless and never really knowing if they fit. This applies in workplace type situations too where like you mentioned socially we can’t seem to advance position wise or climb those ladders which others can. Maybe this is partly due to never really becoming a ‘clansman’.

    Manners are pretty much always used though and we are friendly but often others have to via some means ‘force’ themselves into our lives.
    I guess thankfully we attract some hyperactive type people who are more than fine energetically invading our lives and accepting of our idiosyncrasies.

    Like you also mentioned of your friend we are definitely not made to be a natural host as I guess we have an aloofness and unconfidence regarding the situation of visitors but will usually try to provide them well with what is required.
    However when family members stay over whom we care about the ILI can be much more engaging.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post

    Another thing that used to annoy me about him, let's say I'd really have my heart set on something (like a new project, or a new hobby, or when i was going to school a certain academic interest) and he'd have no problem knocking it. Like he'd critique it but in such a way as to completely devalue the thing in my eyes and later wouldn't take much responsibility about what he'd said, like as if it were all for the sake of a good debate. that's what it looked like to me.
    I've seen two ILE's do this fairly regularly, but not LIE's or ILI's that I can remember. I'm not saying LIE's and ILI's never do this, but I've noticed it with ILE's for whatever reason. ILE's like to appear brilliantly knowledgeable about stuff, and can't always tell what effect their words are having on others. In any case, it sounds like he was trying to get you to view your new endeavor objectively and dispassionately, and probably wasn't trying to make you look foolish or denigrate you for trying something new.

    Did he ever want to be a bartender?

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    At this point i just have to bar the ILE typing as a possibility. Just because. If someone wants to argue Fi polr go ahead I'd be happy to read an argument for SLE, but ILE is ...just no.

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    i'd be happy to get some more opinions on this but am not sure what information to include so please ask me questions.

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    Typing errors ahead. I'm not claiming to be 100% correct about anything in this. I can only judge my own experiences with LIEs and on a lesser level with ILIs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    He is very very into technology. Likes it, spends his free time on it, and even works in the field with much success. All self-taught in this field but remarkably fast at picking anything to do with it up, nearly on the spot. Works very fast and extremely long hours ever since embarking on this field.
    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Is very sensitive to all his technology gadgets: his laptops, desktops, any other tech materials that I wouldn't even know how to name. Was always very property -conscious with regards to this stuff even before it became part of his work.
    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    My main beef in regards to how he treats people is that he treats everyone the same: does not do much in the way of differentiating (like i do) unless you are extremely close to them. Very much shows closeness by action; not verbally affirming at all. The other point of contention has been his showing his weaknesses only to those in very close proximity, not even his friends seem to be aware of what his weaknesses are (he looses his temper but only noticeable to S.O.-s and no one else - everyone one else gets a polite reception and outstanding self-control).
    Most of the above looks like LIE. However the red parts are (in my experience) mostly atypic. Especially the property-stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Is he good with time management? Does he try to do more than he is able to do in a day?
    - He does things as they come to him, but he always breaks it down in steps in his mind before he starts working on it. I think he is pretty good at turning down things that he thinks will not fit in his schedule, be it work or anything else. In fact he allows for plenty of time to do/accomplish anything and will turn things down even if it's minor and to me i'd be like you can manage to squeeze time for it but he'd rather not. He is also early for appointments, deadlines etc.
    Good, that means LSE and Ep are out. @Number 9 large, you posted a story once where you had a conflict with your female ESE manager(?). I remember that you described how you prepared any action beforehand in your mind. Does the above reflect your thinking style? I ask that because I think that ILI is a real option here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    How much does he value a quiet atmosphere? Would you say that he is very neat (as an exceptional trait? Those LSIs, man...)
    - One thing he is not is neat lol, quite messy from my perspective but to him the order of things is easy for him to keep track of no matter what the state whereas i need things put in explicit order lol. I had first thought this indicated rational temperament in him: his outside world is messy but to him easy to navigate.
    Excluding LSI. LII, too. But mainly because of the "looses his temper" - part.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Does he talk about future plans with you or anything that interests him besides technology?
    - He has recently talked to me about travelling, but we haven't spoken much in recent times. Music is one of his hobbies so he is very up to date with anything event-wise (shows, concerts etc) and likes to talk about this a lot.
    That does not give us much info. I should have thought of a better question. Honestly, I don't know how ILIs deal with that. I don't know if they tlalk about future plans readily of only with close ones or when they're in good mood. As far as I remeber LIEs do ... It sounds like a cooking recipe for a perfect life with all necessary steps to achive a certain (but for the listener kinda vague) vision/ dream. And only in one-on-one convos or with a small group of close people ime.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    How fast does he open up to people (/to you). Does he have problems with trusting or trusts people to readily?
    - I'd say as a rule he trusts people, but he has never crossed certain lines whereas other people might fall for inappropriate self-disclosure that's like the opposite of him.
    @Attis as an ILI, do you do that, too?

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    When he encounters a problem does he prefer to go into action at once (and possibly annoying people with incomplete plans and pure actionism) or does he prefer to think/wait and see/plan before he takes action?
    - He bounces ideas for solutions sorta sounds it out on other people, and sometimes is good at taking advice but usually follows his own plan of action. When we used to be close he'd discuss anything with me and there were areas he'd concede on but never on things he considered his specialty (music, his own friends, technology, something else he might have kept up to date on like a balanced menu etc)

    How does he dress? More comfortable/ extremely neat/ same style of clothing every day...
    - Very much same style of clothing everyday: button down shirt and jeans are his near 'uniform' lol
    Can't say much about the above (But now that I think about it...despite all the stereotypes of LIEs wearing official dress and such I don't see them wearing it. Only when they absolutely must. The official LIE uniform is this: but I don't know about the shoes...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Is he open for discussions about impractical stuff/ could-be scenarios/ current and future trends/ social problems and politics?
    - With the politics we've had issues: he does discuss it but it's a focus on local politics, or very episodic like something like what i mentioned in the chatbox today about immigrant workers poorly treated in Dubai would be the sort of thing he'd discuss openly. A big topic, like something global is not his cup of tea, though i suspect he does have opinions on it but doesn't want to share or maybe feels uncomfortable sharing.
    aww look. Someone has a heart. But does not say much about type except for maybe Fi-HA or Fi-DS. And only in our current context.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    What things make him angry? What does he complain about (if at all).
    - He used to say that I changed my mind all the time lol and that might have been true for a period of my life; that was exactly the sort of thing that made him angry: he seems to need things to be very clear to proceed.
    I find this very odd for an Ip but perfectly normal for an EJ. (Although *cough* some stupid EJs *cough* always change their mind like evrytime just for the sake of it. /rant over)

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    What traits does he like/dislike in people...or Alternatively to what kind of people does he react annoyed/ unusual / relaxed / happy?
    He was never a gossiper or someone to discuss people in detail. He might discuss an unfortunate event that might have happened to someone but not the person themselves.
    (Some )ILIs are gossipers. I'm calling it.

    Ok here is what I think. Adam thinks he's ILI and I respect that.I think he's LIE and If he can't see himself or other LIE in your descriptions then you should definitely take his opinion into account. About the other's opinions: I'm sorry. I don't have much time to read everything here. You're opinion matters too of course. Sadly I'm horribly biased.

    Personally I'm leaning towards LIE and for that you should try to catch his HA. With LIEs in their 20s it's like they're trying to be cool and manly and they're not weaklings or whimps (lol) at all but can try too hard to look Se and then it looks off.
    (Example: One said to me "I didn't now that I look that cool when I'm driving my car." He isn't arrogant. On the contrary he does not know that he's pretty and looked really sad when I didn't react to it.)
    As they become older it's a lot harder to spot imo or I don't have enough subjects to stalk.
    Space (in a room). LIEs like space. It does not matter if they are just coworkers on a lower hierarchy level or if they are the ones who own the business, they take up space like they own all of this (like feet on the table).
    And the definite guide for you as ESI to spot if the guy is LIE:

    The six levels of this-LIE-kinda-likes-you
    Level 1: treats you like everybody.
    Level 2: After a while (does not matter how long and you have to be alone) he starts talking because he can't stand silence. It can start like "Tell me what you did last weekend" or "what's your hobbies" or " You probably think that I know nothing because I can't help you with anything"(<- in my case. We worked on different projects. So I asked everyone but him. So I guess he could not show that he too is competent) You make him laugh/ start to know each other better. It's not awkward anymore.
    Level 3: Poking. You know toodlers who test their limits, talk back and do things that are forbidden? Yeah that kind of stuff happens in level 3.
    Level 4: Fucking dick jokes.
    Level 5: You show him his place. edit: I mean you talk about boundaries and stuff, both learn what to say /not to say...
    Level 6: congrats you're now kinda good pals

    If that didn't happen (and you said that you were close so if he's LIE that should've happened) then he's probably ILI.
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 10-18-2017 at 09:30 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    Typing errors ahead. I'm not claiming to be 100% correct about anything in this. I can only judge my own experiences with LIEs and on a lesser level with ILIs.

    Most of the above looks like LIE. However the red parts are (in my experience) mostly atypic. Especially the property-stuff.

    Good, that means LSE and Ep are out. @Number 9 large, you posted a story once where you had a conflict with your female ESE manager(?). I remember that you described how you prepared any action beforehand in your mind. Does the above reflect your thinking style? I ask that because I think that ILI is a real option here.

    Excluding LSI. LII, too. But mainly because of the "looses his temper" - part.

    That does not give us much info. I should have thought of a better question. Honestly, I don't know how ILIs deal with that. I don't know if they tlalk about future plans readily of only with close ones or when they're in good mood. As far as I remeber LIEs do ... It sounds like a cooking recipe for a perfect life with all necessary steps to achive a certain (but for the listener kinda vague) vision/ dream. And only in one-on-one convos or with a small group of close people ime.

    @Attis as an ILI, do you do that, too?

    Can't say much about the above (But now that I think about it...despite all the stereotypes of LIEs wearing official dress and such I don't see them wearing it. Only when they absolutely must. The official LIE uniform is this: but I don't know about the shoes...)

    aww look. Someone has a heart. But does not say much about type except for maybe Fi-HA or Fi-DS. And only in our current context.

    I find this very odd for an Ip but perfectly normal for an EJ. (Although *cough* some stupid EJs *cough* always change their mind like evrytime just for the sake of it. /rant over)

    (Some )ILIs are gossipers. I'm calling it.

    Ok here is what I think. Adam thinks he's ILI and I respect that.I think he's LIE and If he can't see himself or other LIE in your descriptions then you should definitely take his opinion into account. About the other's opinions: I'm sorry. I don't have much time to read everything here. You're opinion matters too of course. Sadly I'm horribly biased.

    Personally I'm leaning towards LIE and for that you should try to catch his HA. With LIEs in their 20s it's like they're trying to be cool and manly and they're not weaklings or whimps (lol) at all but can try too hard to look Se and then it looks off.
    (Example: One said to me "I didn't now that I look that cool when I'm driving my car." He isn't arrogant. On the contrary he does not know that he's pretty and looked really sad when I didn't react to it.)
    As they become older it's a lot harder to spot imo or I don't have enough subjects to stalk.
    Space (in a room). LIEs like space. It does not matter if they are just coworkers on a lower hierarchy level or if they are the ones who own the business, they take up space like they own all of this (like feet on the table).
    And the definite guide for you as ESI to spot if the guy is LIE:

    The six levels of this-LIE-kinda-likes-you
    Level 1: treats you like everybody.
    Level 2: After a while (does not matter how long and you have to be alone) he starts talking because he can't stand silence. It can start like "Tell me what you did last weekend" or "what's your hobbies" or " You probably think that I know nothing because I can't help you with anything"(<- in my case. We worked on different projects. So I asked everyone but him. So I guess he could not show that he too is competent) You make him laugh/ start to know each other better. It's not awkward anymore.
    Level 3: Poking. You know toodlers who test their limits, talk back and do things that are forbidden? Yeah that kind of stuff happens in level 3.
    Level 4: Fucking dick jokes.
    Level 5: You show him his place.
    Level 6: congrats you're now kinda good pals

    If that didn't happen (and you said that you were close so if he's LIE that should've happened) then he's probably ILI.
    yeah pretty much except the early for appointments and deadlines thing. im always late, as in almost always, unless im really scared of the repercussions. cuz im impatient af and i hate waiting, so id rather have them wait on me than wait for them. if i go somewhere ive got to be in the action right away, else i feel like im wasting my time and i got 0 patience. im also late at parties etc because the early part is often too boring, or i feel like i havent prepared enough to go. i keep like mouling over the situation instead of actually going lol. idk if thats ILI stuff but ye.
    its true first i visualize before i act. i try to work as efficiently as possible. sometimes this slows me down, as in if i havent found the fastest most efficient way to work yet, i can take quite some time to make a decision before i act. e.g. do i bring this dirty dish to the kitchen first, or do i go and ask a table if the food is fine first, what takes the least amount of walking time etc.. nowadays i just try to force myself to just do it no matter the order. if youre just always being busy doing something instead of thinking over the most efficient way, youre probably gonna end up working faster, although expending more resources (longer walking paths etc.)

    sometimes though and often i underestimate how much time something takes and i end up actually being late because of shitty time management/ bad judgment/wishful thinking over how long something takes. this actually happened today aswel, i underestimated how long it would take to travel to another city to take up someones shift (never been to that restaurant in that city before, i work as a waiter for a foodchain), and so i ended up not going because i would be so late that it wouldnt have mattered anymore. soo idk

    Also i typed my boss ESE cuz we couldnt stand eachother and i thought i was ILI, but in the end i think she actually wasnt ESE, probably someone who values fi or si. she couldve been a delta or gamma, probably not alpha or beta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    -I'd say as a rule he trusts people, but he has never crossed certain lines whereas other people might fall for inappropriate self-disclosure that's like the opposite of him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    @Attis as an ILI, do you do that, too?

    No, it's the opposite for me; as a rule I distrust people. The glass is usually half empty. I'm not sure what "falling for inappropriate self-disclosure" means, but I'm a social retard. I have difficulty perceiving that "lines" exist, and I probably do cross them. I've been told before that I'm too crude and direct, that I'm "oblivious to the atmosphere". Although some of this is probably enneagram related.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Attis View Post

    No, it's the opposite for me; as a rule I distrust people. The glass is usually half empty. I'm not sure what "falling for inappropriate self-disclosure" means, but I'm a social retard. I have difficulty perceiving that "lines" exist, and I probably do cross them. I've been told before that I'm too crude and direct, that I'm "oblivious to the atmosphere". Although some of this is probably enneagram related.
    It happens sometimes when people blab on too much about their life and experiences either with the wrong people or in the wrong context (inappropriate context like discussing too much of your personal life in most work places is to some extend inappropriate). That this person doesn't do that excludes imo Fi polr but I hadn't thought so much on how this plays out with Fe polr (?)

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