Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
When a guy is aggressively pursuing you, it's safe to say he's not a Victim type. Unless he's LIE 8. Like Christian Grey. Yay.
What? Isn't Christian Grey into bondage? And isn't bondage mostly Delta?

I will admit, I can't think of a single instance of which I'm personally aware where a Victim type actively chased an Aggressor*. Except me, and I actually am an LIE e8. But I'm not into bondage.

FWIW, if a woman actively chases me, as opposed to simply saying Yes (mostly) to my suggestions for closer relations, I tend to panic. That might be traceable to my being smothered for many years by my LSE mother. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Hence, I want to do the chasing. Absolutely at first. But I also want the chasing to be accepted and reciprocated.

*I was going out with an IEI female who was the first one to hint that maybe we should consider each other in our future relationship plans, but that's pretty far from being an Aggressor.