Quote Originally Posted by Kakarot View Post
I don't think Fe is my PoLR, though I'm open to evaluating this further with clear examples. I'm more inclined to conclude LII-Ne. Ne subtype would explain why I score higher on the reinin traits associated with ILE.
I don't really see any kind of extraversion in you, or Fe of the extraverts either. You seem extremely even emotionally and I had an impression that you are not open to getting "infected" by the outer emotional atmosphere. These are the reasons why I thought of Fe PoLR for you. Make any sense?

If we were to evaluate my type using only the reinin traits, there's no way I'm ILI.
Typing by reinin traits is proven to be very unreliable, very much subject to bias.

However, at the end of the day, the core dichotomies (I/E, S/N, etc.) wind up being more salient in making this decision. So let's talk about j vs. p.
That's a good point, tho' they are not really about associated traits.

I have some traits associated with j introverts. For example, I think more "statically" in terms of reinin traits. You may not see it overtly in my writing, but in my most relaxed state, I judge objects, events, and situations categorically. Consequently, I interpret most things in a segmented kind of way rather than a fluid kind of way. So let's say I tell you how my day was. I would tell you it "was this" or "it wasn't that", using descriptors. I would be least inclined to walk you through the process of my day and more inclined to just tell you "It was good" with little cliff-notes as to why. In the end, this kind of thinking often leads to a choppy kind of communication. It has been described as "Stop-go-stop-go."
Lol I'd just say "it was ok". I don't know how much this depends on type.

I can see you periodically doing judgments. The question is, is it really just periodical or is this the place where you really view everything from (in which case it wouldn't be periodical).

On the other hand, as it concerns what I have in common with p introverts - I really lacked a solid game plan for my life until I was in my mid-twenties. I mostly lacked defined goals in anything I did, so I screwed around and treated most things as a simple experiment. I really wanted to take the road less traveled, which led to an attitude where I had nothing even remotely resembling a conventional mission statement. Even after maturing, moving forward in life boils down to maintaining a vision, which becomes difficult when so much crap comes your way. And my personal vision really only surfaced in my mid-twenties, so while I think I may value , I don't think I'm ego or even creative.
Yeah it's quite Irrational, what you describe, actually this is very SLI.

The SLI parts:

- experimental approach
- wanting to take the road less traveled is typical expression of Ne dual seeking
- finding it hard to maintain the vision when crap comes your way and explicitly discussing this sounds like the conscious focus is on Si and not on Se. I mean, obviously everyone can find it hard to keep going, but the way you said it struck me as Si/Ne over Se/Ni.