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Thread: Hotelambush Questionnaire (Karatos)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post

    Also it feels like the author was trying to communicate something that tugs at my subconscious...but I don't really know what. But it 'resonated' with me, in some way, when I read it.
    Tugging at the subconscious. Like Alice was being tugged along by a white rabbit.

    At the risk of sounding inconsistent as fuck, after thinking about the subtype theory that silke presented, and after reflecting on my past and how I solved problems as a kid, I find it hard to escape the conclusion that I'm LSI Se with ADD and C subtype that includes ILE and the other lead types. I found it hard to use force as a kid, not because it was unnatural, but because I was discouraged from using it, so I had to devise other methods. But Se ego explains why, other than the ADD, I got along very well with the LSI (we finished each others' sentences when younger). It also explains why people respond to me the way they do - for reasons up until now I found inexplicable. I think it takes some fortitude and cunning to be my friend in the long run because I tend to push a lot of buttons (@Remiel is an example of someone who's been there for years, and yes, he is like this and he also leads with ). Se subtype explains why I have a strong connection to Si, Fi, and Fe. I am more emotional than the typical ST. Furthermore, the connection to Si explains why it comes as relatively easy access, in terms of what I mentioned in our conversation about duality and how duals facilitate growth in weak spots. Furthermore, if I was ILE with LSI in my subtype, that would mean that I'm a normalizing ILE, which I'm not.

    So this begs the question - why do we click? I suspect you're IEI Fe, and if you're harmonizing subtype then you have a connection to Si. Why do I suspect you're IEI? Well, the theme of following the white rabbit classically represents Ni (following a hunch and going deep to observe what surfaces). Time is also relevant. I was essentially describing my perspective on Ni in post #192. I recall you talking about how you like when your friends tell you about how bad they are, upfront - this sounds more like Se seeking than Ne seeking. Se is face value and can imply danger, dovetailing with my explanation about Ni in post #192. Furthermore, the signals that you need help in business (especially the logistical side) seem more Se seeking than Ne seeking. If you are 9, then you will have a tendency to forget yourself, which explains why these qualities aren't exceedingly evident. Moreover, I think you probably understand me better than anyone on this website, which I don't think would happen if the understanding was simply based on subtype compatibility. It's way too fucking close for that, and more generally, IEI tends to be excellent at understanding others. So I think an explanation is needed for why you say you are not seeking - it's probable that some negative past experiences have turned you off to the connotations involved with Victim/Aggressor style dynamics, which is understandable. But it's the logical conclusion. As a side note, the names given to these styles are misleading in several ways, which I'm sure you understand, but it had to be said. "Victim" style is just seeing potential in someone and then putting them through a gauntlet to see the potential come out. Gauntlets can often include the notion that there is no gauntlet; the subtly of it serves as a challenge.
    Last edited by Desert Financial; 11-12-2018 at 11:24 PM.

  2. #202
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    I'll be closing this thread soon. Thanks for the input, everyone.

  4. #204
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    This has gone into a confused territory. Just wanna get that comment in before you close the thread.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  5. #205
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    @A Moderator You can think I'm IEI-Fe, but I'm finding your reasoning really circular. Yes I have had some BAD experiences with Se-egos (as I've told you before), but hasn't it occurred that maybe they were so bad because I don't like Se, nor do I know how to strategically handle it, long-term?

    You did not address my actual reasons for being into Alice in Wonderland, in the first place, which I mentioned above^
    following the white rabbit classically represents Ni (following a hunch and going deep to observe what surfaces).
    That's pretty much just intuition in general, which I like.

    I don't even recall thinking about time much when reading it. I mostly remember thinking "this is so cool and weird and intense and creative and none of it makes sense, how exciting"
    I recall you talking about how you like when your friends tell you about how bad they are, upfront - this sounds more like Se seeking than Ne seeking. Se is face value
    I said I like it when friends are upfront about their qualities, both good and bad, which ILE-Tis tend to do: "If he believes the reciprocity is there, he will honestly speak of his shortcomings because he is afraid of letting down the hopes and expectations of his partner and well as being let down himself."
    Furthermore, the signals that you need help in business (especially the logistical side) seem more Se seeking than Ne seeking
    How does logistics have anything to do with Se? That's asking for help with Te. How have I ever asked for Se?

    Sorry but I'm being 'touchy' right now. This is the first time I've ever felt like you pushed something on me, ignoring my input. I've always felt like you were pretty accomodating and laid-back.
    So I think an explanation is needed for why you say you are not seeking - it's probable that some negative past experiences have turned you off to the connotations involved with Victim/Aggressor style dynamics, which is understandable. But it's the logical conclusion.
    No it's not the 'logical conclusion'. No, an explanation is not needed for why I say I am not Se-seeking. If you want to think I am, go ahead. But if you really are Beta ST, we are not duals after all.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    You did not address my actual reasons for being into Alice in Wonderland, in the first place, which I mentioned above^ That's pretty much just intuition in general, which I like.

    I don't even recall thinking about time much when reading it. I mostly remember thinking "this is so cool and weird and intense and creative and none of it makes sense, how exciting"
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    @Xaiviay I'm sorry, I should have phrased things differently.

    It did occur to me that Ne seeking is a possibility. After all, I thought you were an SEI earlier. But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

    Se and logistics. Se has to do with exerting force, which is required for the logistical side of business. You can't really enforce policies unless you have an executive way of handling policies, which includes some measure of force. You do remind me of IEI in how you communicate about issues that you could use help with.

    Anyway, your interactions with me have been critical in figuring myself out and I see them a relevant, but it was my mistake to drag your typing into the discussion. So, again, I'm sorry. It should have been handled in private.
    @Xaiviay I made some edits here.
    Last edited by Desert Financial; 11-13-2018 at 12:41 AM.

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOT View Post
    This is what it looks like to me when Fi valuers ask me “who are you?” or “what do you like?” There’s this LIE guy I work for who wants me to “be myself” by “letting loose and emoting more” as if that’s not both contradictory in itself and also counterproductive towards the goal by saying it to me like that. Like an obese likely poisonous insect blowing smoke into my face.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    @Xaiviay I'm sorry, I should have phrased things differently.

    It did occur to me that Ne seeking is a possibility. After all, I thought you were an SEI earlier. But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

    Se and logistics. Se has to do with exerting force, which is required for the logistical side of business. You can't really enforce policies unless you have an executive way of handling policies, which includes some measure of force. You do remind me of IEI in how you communicate about issues that you could use help with.

    Anyway, your interactions with me have been critical in figuring myself out, but it was my mistake to drag your typing into the discussion. So, again, I'm sorry. It should have been handled in private.
    Ehhh, it's okay, apology accepted I was a bit overly defensive, so I'm sorry for that - Edit: I shouldn't have jumped on you when you were just wanting to theorize, either. - I just reaaally don't like , especially being on the receiving end of it.

    Mmmm...I'm a fan of the maxim 'work smarter, not harder'. I'd rather find business strategies that require the least amount of effort and force.

    I suppose it's possible that you are a C-LSI. C has strengthened and maybe that could be enough to make me feel like we're dualizing, also I'm pretty sure I look for Ti more than regular SEI, which you would have plenty of as LSI. Also if you are C and I am H, like we were theorizing, then we could have feel-good chemistry there. The Ne-subtype of my benefactor is really attractive to me, almost more-so than my duals usually are, judging by the type example videos on here.

    So yeah, I'd be a little surprised if you were not Alpha NT, but it's always possible? People can learn and adapt to others' expectations enough to display functions of different types - I do believe that - and you say you've been pressured not to display since you were a kid. And maybe @silke's intuition about you being LSI-Se with a developed ILE subtype is true?

    Also, thanks @golden for making this point, now I know I'm not the only one to think that Alice in Wonderland is like a SEI falling into Ne/Ti world

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    @Xaiviay I agree that it's better to work smarter, but if you work smart and hard, you get maximum payoff.

    I also agree that Alice in Wonderland mostly has Ne qualities to it.

    I'm basing my interpretation of your avatar in particular and why you chose those particular themes on past experiences with IEI.

    Time was an important theme for my IEI ex. She used clocks in some of her social media / self presentation, and she thought that if she could have a superpower, it would be to manipulate time. She also had an interest in astrology, which, as we know, deals heavily with the flow of time. Additionally, I don't recall any particular references to Alice and Wonderland, but she showed me this cartoon about this girl who followed a string to see where it lead, despite the perils along the way. She saw it as an analogy for intuition, and I think the white rabbit could be viewed this way, too. The singular focus of the tunnel - singular focus of Ni.

    Anyway, the avatar is just a tool to see if there's anything meaningful on the other side. Take it with a grain of salt, if you want.

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    @Xaiviay I agree that it's better to work smarter, but if you work smart and hard, you get maximum payoff.

    I also agree that Alice in Wonderland mostly has Ne qualities to it.

    I'm basing my interpretation of your avatar in particular and why you chose those particular themes on past experiences with IEI.

    Time was an important theme for my IEI ex. She used clocks in some of her social media / self presentation, and she thought that if she could have a superpower, it would be to manipulate time. She also had an interest in astrology, which, as we know, deals heavily with the flow of time. Additionally, I don't recall any particular references to Alice and Wonderland, but she showed me this cartoon about this girl who followed a string to see where it lead, despite the perils along the way. She saw it as an analogy for intuition, and I think the white rabbit could be viewed this way, too. The singular focus of the tunnel - singular focus of Ni.

    Anyway, the avatar is just a tool to see if there's anything meaningful on the other side. Take it with a grain of salt, if you want.
    Yes, but if you work smarter, then you don't have to work harder, and you have more free time to do whatever you want besides xD

    I picked that avatar because I liked the look of all the things in it, and of course the story. My ability to deal with time is crap. Choosing the best time to do something, predicting how things will turn out? That's like asking me to walk a tight rope.

    I like astrology for it's assessment of my abilities, potential, and personality. I don't often read the forecasts, or bother to research the planetary/time elements of it. I just know that's where it comes from.

    I relate to the 'following the string' analogy, in the sense that I will explore things that alter my paradigm until I understand them thoroughly. Don't know if this is normal for SEI, but it's just me. Then I will incorporate the new ideas into my paradigm.

    So, similar interests, different reasonings behind them.

    It didn't occur to me previously that Alice in Wonderland had much to do with time? But I guess it turns out it does. There is this, which I like. It's implying that time doesn't work the same in the rabbit's world - as it does in our world - or that extra exertion doesn't get him anywhere - either meaning appeals:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    Ehhh, it's okay, apology accepted I was a bit overly defensive, so I'm sorry for that - Edit: I shouldn't have jumped on you when you were just wanting to theorize, either. - I just reaaally don't like , especially being on the receiving end of it.

    Mmmm...I'm a fan of the maxim 'work smarter, not harder'. I'd rather find business strategies that require the least amount of effort and force.

    I suppose it's possible that you are a C-LSI. C has strengthened and maybe that could be enough to make me feel like we're dualizing, also I'm pretty sure I look for Ti more than regular SEI, which you would have plenty of as LSI. Also if you are C and I am H, like we were theorizing, then we could have feel-good chemistry there. The Ne-subtype of my benefactor is really attractive to me, almost more-so than my duals usually are, judging by the type example videos on here.

    So yeah, I'd be a little surprised if you were not Alpha NT, but it's always possible? People can learn and adapt to others' expectations enough to display functions of different types - I do believe that - and you say you've been pressured not to display since you were a kid. And maybe @silke's intuition about you being LSI-Se with a developed ILE subtype is true?

    Also, thanks @golden for making this point, now I know I'm not the only one to think that Alice in Wonderland is like a SEI falling into Ne/Ti world
    I do think silke's intuition is probably true because I want to cover for the weak spot, instinctively.

    And I still feel like we're dualizing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    I see that as fortune cookie Ni talk. Do you usually interpret information like this?

    Funny enough, I am running out of time for tonight. I need to work. Have a good night.

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    And I still feel like we're dualizing.
    I don't...
    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    I see that as fortune cookie Ni talk.

    Funny enough, I am running out of time for tonight. I need to work. Have a good night.
    Alright, have a good night, and good luck on your work

  15. #215

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    I guess Im just confused.

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