At my dad's residence, now deceased recently, i mowed the place across the street as an act of kindness, because the older woman there cooked for my dad, and the lawn was real high, getting like hay, and i brought my lawn tractor over to mow it, i carried it in my truck to over there, from my place 3 miles away.

The other side mows it for her, a duplex here, but are away on vacation.

After talking with her for a few times, i get we are on the same wavelength and i think SLI. She brought over cookies today, i just stopped by to get his mail, and she intercepted me and handed me a dozen home made cookies. I made a TV commercial reference about a candy bar, Mounds, sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't, i said, because she said she never puts nuts in cookies because it might not be liked. She liked the reference and remembered the commercial vividly. I find with introverted sensing people, we jibe in these areas in referencing the past impressions. Lol.

After i mowed she walked over and insisted in putting a 20 in my flannel pocket.

I tried to resist but could not.