At the beginning of my time spent here on this website, I misunderstood the information elements and mistyped a longtime friend (well, ex-friend) of mine as EIE. Turns out she's ESI, and also sx/sp 4. Her Tritype might be 468.

I mistook her outbursts of anger to be base Fe, but it turns out it was all Fi. She never concerned herself with how her feelings and values might affect others, and moreover hated expressing her emotions too loudly. She always felt some sense of embarrassment over expressing sadness or crying. She identified more with anger, and said she'd usually only cry when she was extremely angry, but I knew this was a lie. I'd had a few conversations in which she'd cried in front of me due to extreme sadness, but then she'd try to pretend it didn't happen.

This friend of mine was very adamant about her values. With her, it was either "her way or the highway." She never considered adopting other's values nor did she try to understand how others felt about things she was opposed to, because her feelings were all that mattered to her. She was loud about her disapproval of things she disliked, but only among people she knew well; around strangers or acquaintances, she was rather meek.

We had a wonderful friendship for a long time, but she was never a fully pleasant person to be with. Sometimes she projected certain motives onto people and you had to talk sense into her. Furthermore, her biggest flaw was her lack of sensitivity. Sometimes she was sensitive, but other times she offended people very easily. She had an amazing sense of humor until she crossed the line, and she was very well-known for crossing the line with others, yet she rarely ever apologized for doing this and she often even blamed other people for being "overly sensitive" or "too easily offended." She became a little better about this as the years passed, but sadly, our friendship had been poisoned by too many occurrences like this.

I spent a lot of the time we were friends thinking that I was the one responsible for most of our arguments, but eventually I realized that she was the one largely responsible for our occasional tensions, due to her lack of respect for my (and also others') feelings and values. Nevertheless, she often refused to see things anyone else's way, making it very difficult to get her to see the error of her ways.

In the end, she was just too toxic to continue having around, and after about eleven years of friendship, I had to cut her off. I was tired of having constant tension in my life because of her. She was too resentful, insensitive, and narrow-minded for me to feel comfortable around her. But we had shared a lot of meaningful moments together, we shared a LOT of interests, and we had similarly absurd senses of humor. I really wish she could have worked on herself, but her problem is that she refuses to do any work on her personality. She often wonders why she always ends up alone... but I don't think she realizes it's usually her fault. She's quick to blame others, but not herself.

Sometimes I miss her.