That one IEI friend of mine. He was a childhood friend of mine. We were friends from the age of 12 until we were both about 21 years old. I never quite understood him, but I liked him anyway. There was a time I loved him, but I’m not sure why I did. I was always taking care of him and giving him everything I had (I didn’t resent him for this, honestly), but he was never really able to offer me anything tangible in return. It was a relationship where I always gave and he always took, but I doubt he realized this. He gave me his presence, his funny ideas, and his cute quips, and that was always enough for me.

I miss him sometimes. He was an eccentric sweetheart, until he tried to change into his male chauvinist father in his young adult years. I hope he hasn’t changed too much since I last stopped talking to him. He’s been able to make a life for himself with the help of his father (which is the least the father could’ve done for his son/my friend, after he ruined that whole family). I’m glad he’s at least doing okay. It seems he finally learned to take care of himself.