Yesterday i stopped by an old country store, with 2 gas pumps, and it had a mechanics garage next to it, out in the middle of timbuktu.

This is dairy land country in the Midwest, so they carry special milk from the farmers, and i usually by the cream top whole milk at 5.50 gallon when i pass thru this way.

They also have the small 16 oz sizes, blueberry, coffee or chocolate in this same version, so long story short, i'm shaking it up as i walk to pay going to the counter, but the store owner, at the counter, shows the best way to shake it, is by the middle and you twirl it back and forth like a helicopter blade. She emphasized that is easier on your wrist while demonstrating it for me.

In a previous conversation she said has swallowing issues, meaning the food gets stuck on the way down and it's painful, and the doctor said they can put an expansion tube there, blow it up, and it might stretch it back or it might not work at all, so she nixed the idea from a guarantee lack.

SLI. She looked ILI or SLI, but i get the comfort vibe out of it.