Once again stressful situations seems to reveal type.

So my step sister seems to be EII-Fi. She's in med school and is practically the nurse expert in the house when taking care of my dad. Her and her mom argue back and forth sometimes and today her mom pretty much confirmed herself as SEI.

They had an argument about my dad's meds. The meds he takes now lower his blood pressure but also put him to sleep. He needs to be awake for physical therapy. So the SEI says "We need to take him off some of his meds to keep him awake." the EII says "Ok, but how are you gonna keep his blood pressure down?" The SEI gets kinda mad and tells the EII, "Have some IMAGINATION! There has to be a solution where we can both have him awake and with low blood pressure! Be CREATIVE!". Then she just goes full Te PoLR on the EII "I hope your studies don't pigeon hole you, I hope you don't leave med school just repeating everything the MDs tell you, all your doing is repeating what all the MDs say!" Man, lol, if that's not textbook Te PoLR I don't know what is. I have to respect her skepticism and willingness to be inventive in her approach to solving problems, but to think that we common folk can figure out more than an entire establishment of doctors is a little over our heads don't you think? Anyway her demand for Ne/Ti was evident. She also spoke to someone today that confirmed she likes someone to do a little mind reading for her. She was on a video chat today with a physical therapist and everytime she'd get stuck in a sentence the PT would say for her what she was trying to say and she would just light up "THANK YOU, YES! That's the exact word!", she loves that Ti accuracy with semantics with the ability to Ne put 2 and 2 together, I see just how much an ILE would be appreciated by her.

Seeing that my step sister might be EII was an eyeopener. Times are stressful and she recently had an argument with my younger sister who confronted her, who she is also older than. She ended the argument with "Well, you don't treat me with any damn respect so I don't care about what you have to say." Yea because my SEE sister is her supervisor. Seeing that she's most likely EII, I can somewhat see why and how my sister looks down at me now. Watching the EII do small things while taking care of my dad, alot of the things she does don't make much sense lol, or don't seem that effective and make me ask "Why did she do it like that, why doesn't she just do this instead since it's faster." Dumb things like not putting a medicine bottle closer to her for her to reach it, or putting a trash can that she's gonna need in a few seconds too far away so she has to throw trash across the room. This gave me a little glimspe into what my sister is probably seeing when she sees me, and in complete contrast when my sister is helping my dad out it always looks to me like she makes the most obvious and useful choice, and it almost feels like I'm in the way, and it always feels like I'm reserving energy while she's fully using hers.

One difference I noticed between my EII-Fi step sister and me with EII-Ne ,is her Si HA is alot more obvious, this might also be because she's in med school, but she loves giving out advice on how to be healthier and what not, while I rarely do that and am not as health conscious, I don't see much Ne but she's alot more kinder than me.