We have a new member at the clubhouse I attend every week. He has a beard, and was wearing a flannel shirt, which are both marks, in my opinion, of SLI. To further corroborate that impression, I learned that his job will be to provide members with counseling on matters relating to physical health. Among the things he mentioned were such curiosities as salt intake and physical exercise. And now I'm terrified. Why? Because, as I understand it, he's going to be meeting with some, or even all of us, individually. And if and when my turn comes around, it's going to be a real challenge to humor his attempted aid. I do have a minor weight problem, thanks to the medication I'm taking, but I don't need any help in that area. I know that what I need to do, apparently, is starve myself by consuming fewer than 1200 calories a day. When he hears about that, he'll tell me it's unhealthy and try to get me to eat more. I'll have to get into a little conflict with him by refusing to comply.