My biology teacher's an SLE. She's super intense (also sx/so 8w7). She explains things wonderfully. Isn't one of those teachers to just ramble on and on to answer something- she gets to the point and then moves on. My ILE friend annoys her by constantly asking questions that are totally off-point. Most entertaining thing ever is to watch her roast the students who don't do their work. She is physically small and always wears heels. Has a developed sense of style, although it isn't my type at all; it lacks a lot of subtlety. Every single class we have with her she spends at least a good five minutes showing us how to wash our hands properly, telling us not to touch our face, not to touch any doorknobs. In many ways she's just like my mother (ESI. they both have cp6 and 8 fixes) Arguably the best teacher I've ever had.
I can see how other people may view her as overbearing, harsh, or a jerk, but I personally don't mind her at all.