Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
Overripe bananas are actually healthy for humans and not hazardous for birds.
"let the birds decide for themselves what they consider to be disgusting or not"

I was against this approach as general rule.
The main idea was that animals which do not deal with some food in their common nature may to have no correct instinctual reactions and such to eat food which is harmful for them. As those "correct instinctual reactions" develop in natural selection where the ones who ate bad died more often. Unlike people, primitive animals do not study good from experience of others and do not share good info how to live.

There is an example of dogs. They are not adopted like humans to sugar food, - it may harm them. But they'll eat it with a pleasure.

> But you've to distinguish between rotten and overripe

it's unpredictable what was called as "rotten" and how animals will react on unusual food in any its state. they may eat it when it's bad for them