Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
@mrrrmaid, you are very welcome.

SLE's seem to have a reputation on socionics sites for being pushy, overbearing jerks with tattoos on their faces who don't know when to stop getting into your space. In my experience, I only know one SLE like that (and he doesn't have any tattoos). All the rest are normal, fun, thinking guys who care a lot about the people close to them and who are often found standing at the edge of a crowd, observing and drinking in the energy and not making a fuss. They actively try to act like heroic gentlemen, because they respect those values.

It is only when you observe them for a while that you realize they are making small pushes for personal space when the opportunities arise.
See it's interesting - I actually think of SLE as like Jason Momoa or Chris Hemsworth. Both genuinely lovely but with huge movements (even bigger than their giant bodies need). And cheekily pushing boundaries where they can. I guess more like excited bull terrier than asshole criminal. So when this guy was quite still and contained I thought LSI since he didn't seem to have fluidity in his movements. BUT I also only know 1 SLE in real life and no LSIs (the only exception being @Karatos, who has kindly and patiently entertained my socionics noob questions over discord) so maybe when I have examples that aren't celebrities in chat shows I'll see the difference more.

I really like your description of them not making a fuss and being heroic gentlemen though. They sound great