I was standing for a few minutes outside a meeting room next to the exit of the building in which I work, mentally preparing myself for a presentation to our customers inside on how we are spending their money and why they should give us even more, when an ESI who works as a secretary for another organization in the building walked up to me.
She was bundled up to go outside, with a new red hat on and a scarf wrapped around her face so only her eyes were visible.
Despite working in the same building for a few years, we’ve spoken only a couple of times. About all I know of her is that she’s nice and is married to a decent-looking guy and they had a kid a couple years ago. The very few times we spoke were mostly me trying to joke with her and her giving me this ice-cold stare and saying nothing in return, so I was surprised when she stopped by the exit doors and asked me if I was working hard. She had this merry look in her eyes and I wondered what was going on.
“I’m pretending to work”, I said.
She looked at me. “I have so many things you could do for me.”
I thought, is she kidding? My imagination immediately went to the least business-like interpretation of her statement.
“Are these things something I want to do or things that you want to do?”
She mumbled something behind her scarf and out the door she went.

I thought, “Aggressor with low Ni.” I’m not even sure she was trying for a double meaning, or was even consciously aware that one existed.

I'm thinking; Four Year Itch.
One year to meet the guy, one year to have a baby, two years to raise the kid to the point where the Village can take care of them, and now she's ready to go again, maybe spin the dial and mix the genes up a bit.
That is, if we were all living in tribes in the year 50,000 B.C. Which we are not, but our bodies don't know that.