A male IEI whom I know decided he would be more comfortable as a woman and started transitioning last year. It was interesting to see the reactions of the people around her as she changed. First, her nails, which became long and elegant, then she started dressing ambiguously, then the makeup, and then came the dresses. Some people were really, really uncomfortable with being around her and they refused to talk about her in any context, and others were like, No big deal. (I'm in the No big deal camp.)
She is genetically male, so her voice tends to be a bit rough for a woman, but it's hard to tell for sure, maybe she smokes, and she compensates for this by dressing ultra-elegantly and by being very much at home in who she is. Your first impression of her is "Wow! Put this girl in the front office where she can impress the visitors", but she's actually a researcher. Honestly, she dresses now like a Vogue model. I wish more women had her taste in clothes.

Yesterday she was talking to this grizzled old fart who looks like Willy Nelson from the Red States, and it was quite a contrast. The guy was looking at her with the funniest expression on his face. He was puzzled and uncertain and she was mildly amused. I wish I had had a camera.