For awhile I was thinking that the woman at work who started after me but quickly got promoted above me was eii, probably gender bias, but i've come to see her as lii. And 1w9 (I usually don't notice enneatype). There's a blend of timidity and rigidity in her demeanor that I find a little offputting, like i don't really know where my footing is? But i respect her because she's extremely competent and works her ass off.

Yesterday somebody came up and teasingly asked her if she was avoiding them, and she was like, "no, i've been busy with this report" and the other person was like, "oh, I know, i'm just teasing." But she was like, "this report really has to go out, I wasn't avoiding you," and seemed distressed. Even if the teasing was passive aggressive (I don't think it was, at least not to any important degree) everybody knows she puts in longer hours than anyone, so she has no reason to be defensive. The eie boss jokes about this by way of telling her how lazy she is and expressing dismay at all she doesn't do, but i'm not really sure if she gets that that's a joke either :/ but it's hard to tell.