so i went to the show last night with this new work friend. upon meeting her i immediately thought IEE because she reminds me of my IEE friend with her quirkiness and mannerisms and way of self-centeredly but charmingly chatting at people she doesn't know about her life in a really personable way. after last night i half-considered SEE for a minute because she's a doer and unusually aggressive for an IEE but she still doesn't come across as very embodied and i think her aggressiveness is a consequence of being a little unstable (maybe more than a little. i'm going to exercise caution.)

so last night she was running late and called and asked me to get off the bus in a really shady part of town. she lives right by there and regularly walks around at night and seems totally unbothered--in my view she is lacking an appropriate sense of danger (also noting i'm a 6)

(i brought this up to her once - mentioning the crime rate in the neighborhood when she was initially considering moving there weeks ago and asking how she felt about it - her response was that its not like it was "real crime" because the people there are struggling, dealing with homelessness and drug use etc - which struck me as an extremely weird and very characteristically IEE thing to say)

before we leave we have a beer. she spends most of her time talking a bit frenetically about various shows she's going to - obscure local bands - and i learn a lot about venues i've never been to..the other major subject is the people in her life, a few different potential love interests etc. she occasionally mentions that she's "saying yes to life" right now after her divorce so her super-social habits right now might not be characteristic.

so we're in the bus stop shelter together and this guy outside keeps opening and shutting the door just a crack and the noise is bugging her. and to my surprise this sweet and quirky chick just flips. she keeps stomping up to the guy and yelling at him to stop. he's just ignoring it. at one point she's clenching her fists and leaning towards him and shouting, "I'M A HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON!!!" (i keep thinking about that this morning and laughing..) as we got on the bus she apologized to the guy and chummed around with him a little bit.

she does strike me as a little more alert environmentally than my close IEE friend. like she takes forever to smoke but she's like "i know it's cold, i don't mind if you wait inside" whereas with my other friend i'd have to get fed up and tell her i'll wait inside because she would never in a million years consider that kind of thing. also it was good when we got to the show-- usually i'm with my close IEE friend and i have to be sort of towards the back because she's not comfortable pushing through crowds of people but this woman was fine with it and willing to take initiative to jostle through.

but omggg. we get towards the front and these dudes in the crowd tell her we can't pass them. at this point we were like in the 3rd row and i would have been fine with that but she loses her goddamn mind. she's SCREAMING and pointing her finger and just flipping the fuck out lol. she keeps yelling at me saying "those guys are BROS. they're BROS. B. R. O. S!!!" i was trying to ignore the drama and enjoy the show while noticing in my peripheral vision that there was something going on with them. her story later was that some of her drink sloshed out on this guys head accidentally and they accused her of doing it on purpose. but all i saw when i looked over was that she reached up and rubbed the back of the guy's head, which i thought was really weird and i was embarrassed (in retrospect it was probably a conciliatory "sorry i sloshed beer on you" gesture -- which would still be intrusive but better than lying, which is what i thought she did last night). anyway the main instigator dude she dealt with was being really obnoxious in the pit and targeting us even though we weren't in the middle of it (i probably wasn't helping matters by elbowing him out of spite) and he ended up getting kicked out of the club haha - after she threw her fucking drink at him! the whole situation with those dudes is all she talked about for awhile, to anybody around us who would listen lmao.

anyway we stopped for one more drink at a bar afterwards and she calmed down and we went home.

tl;dr i enjoyed the company of this crazy fucking IEE last night.