While I was standing in line to vote, two well-dressed women in their late forties/early fifties entered the line just after me; an IEI and her friend, an ILE. The IEI said to a young woman in front of us, who had half her hair dyed orange and the other half shaven off and was generally dressed as a clown, "How are you, young lady?"
The young woman looked at the IEI and said shortly and angrily, "I'm not a young lady. I'm fully employed." The IEI was shocked and looked at me and whispered "What does one have to do with the other?" I replied, "Clash of world views. She wants to be considered an adult, while you and I would..."
"..like to be her age", she finished, and smiled at me. I was doing my SLE imitation in gray jeans and sneakers and a black shirt with a leather jacket, and the IEI was being very friendly.
Her ILE friend glanced at me and then whispered to the IEI "What a kind, thoughtful, and diplomatic thing for him to say."

I didn't tell her I wasn't anywhere close to being an SEI.