Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
People want good relations with love.
You may try to establish friendship (soul attraction and some cooperation) and romance relations without sex with the one you think as the dual. Mb he'll accept this. Good IR help in this. Then feelings may develop for more.

The reasonable sequence: friendship -> serious feelings -> sex (if you both like the idea of possible marriage in case of pregnancy). If you both will feel the love - you'll want the marriage and children, naturally. In case of the dual - good chance for good relations and hence the reason to try this approach.
The approach of short and surface relations with early sex makes the obstacle for normal relations to appear. You'd spread your resources on alien people. Sex without serious feelings not only is lesser interesting and has risks, but may harm the normal relations development. As the energy for the efforts needed for establishing friendship in initial stage will be reduced. For normal relations creation it's useful to understand better each other, to understand better own feelings to each other, to give the time for feelings development, for preparations for marriage relations sometimes.

You may be right but I think it's pretty normal to take a year or more after a long term relationship breaks up to be open enough to feel love again, at least in my experience. If he says he doesn't want a relationship I am going to take him at his word.