21yo cute and hot SEI online friend

So i have this online cute guy 21yo lol. He’s hot, cute and nice. I think he's sei. He's very nice. His looks can be a SLe asshole womanizer.. But then he's sei, thank God xDD

He's very cute ya know lol. I'm just wondering why the fuck he likes me. Like obviously he's out of my league that's why I'm not hitting on him or anything.. I'm just being friends with him, besides he's too young for me..

Then, lol xD man this kid is making me feel like I'm younger lol he's just sending me his abs, i once asked for butt then he sent me butt but ofcourse it's not lewd.. His pics were legit.. Just sexy not lewd.

Then, he once sent me a video of him working his broad shoulders.. Like wtf dude.. It's so hott seriously.. He's only 21 yet omgggggggggg i feel like I'm a cougar being attracted to him.
Because he's really attractive for me like 10/10.. Plus he's so humble about it and he's sweet because he's sei hahaha xD

I don't know whenever we're talking we're like, he's amused by my thoughts and me being crazy lol xD

Then well i asked him to send me a video of him playing the cielo.. Because he told me he's playing the cielo... Man he sent me two... Like wtf dude, he's so.hooooot and cute hahahahah he's rubbing his eyes like a cute dog lol omg i wanna adopt him af lol xD

He's really cute i wanna have a brother like him.. And we have this endearment terms lol he's calling me yozora chan (his favorite character lol) then i call him ochinchin kun hahahahhahahahahahhahaha xDD

Man, seriously i was really stupid talking with him yet he just doesn't mind it.. Whatever i say it's okay with him.. Like seriously.. I actually think he might be a catfish because he's just too good to be true.. But nopes. He's sending me videos lol xD and it's hot man hahahhahaha xDDD

That's all just sharing my pleasures lol xD

Damn fucking Internet.. It's temptation lol xD