Eii. New friend. At first, she seems unpleased with you. But she's actually nice. She's trying her best to make friends with you. But she's a little shy about it like there's something that's holding her back. But since i can read people, i know the right words to say. Or what she meant. She's really innocent and sometimes in a group, she will just suddenly lost in space. Like when someone suddenly called her, she will be surprised and she will suddenly drop her phone. Then again, drop her phone again. And then she's gonna smile. "Yes? "
She's like a kid. And then after that she's gonna walk a way a bit. I'm actually observing her. Lol. then i will talk to her and make her comfortable. Because everyone else were talking about nonsense stuffs. And we will go to the enfp friend we had friends as well, and there. her safe space.
She's actually very very nice. Then she'll ride us to her car and then sometimes she'll make this weird funny monologues. And she'll say sorry for it and she'll tell she always do that. Hehehhehehe.

She's really eii right? then sometimes I'm talking and then suddenly she will just say things that's really wisdomful. And I'm gonna thank her.

Then she will invite me somewhere place next month. Haha. yayyyy!

That's all.